The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 163 Little White Dragon

Chapter 163 Little White Dragon (Part [-])
Ji Yang's expression was awkward, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

But Li Zixuan beside him was very calm, with an easy-going smile on her face and she directly stretched out her hand.

"Hi, my name is Li Zixuan, and I'm Ji Yang's fiancée. I've heard about you before."

Damn it, as soon as Li Zixuan uttered the words "fiancee", Ji Yang was stunned.

Li Zixuan is his fiancée, how come Ji Yang doesn't know about this, let alone his girlfriend, this fiancée is a bit big.

It seems that Li Zixuan looks very easy-going on the surface, but in fact she still has some taste in her heart.

When Pan Xiaoying heard the word fiancee, her expression changed slightly, but it soon became natural.

"Hello, so you are Ji Yang's fiancee, I thought you were his wife."

This is a provocation, Chi Guoguo's provocation.

Faced with Pan Xiaoying's provocation, Li Zixuan just shrugged and didn't say anything.

But after Li Zixuan shook hands with Pan Xiaoying, her hand naturally collapsed on Ji Yang's arm the moment she withdrew her hand, and at the same time gave Ji Yang a hard pinch in the dark.


Li Zixuan pinched a small piece of flesh on Ji Yang's arm, pinched it hard, and twisted it twice. The feeling of twisting was not good. Ji Yang felt it hurt more than being punched twice. He couldn't hold it back for a while, and then cried out.

Ji Yang's sudden cry startled Pan Xiaoying.

"Ji Yang, are you okay?"

"He's fine, probably because he's been sitting on it for a long time, and he just felt a little uncomfortable when he walked, right Ji Yang?"

Before Ji Yang could speak, Li Zixuan spoke for him.

"Yes, yes, it's uncomfortable to walk."

What a rotten reason, thanks to Li Zixuan's thought of it.

But no matter how bad the reason is, Ji Yang has to say, who told Li Zixuan to pinch a piece of her own flesh again? If she doesn't say it, she will definitely pinch herself.

Although she didn't believe Ji Yang's words, Pan Xiaoying didn't continue to ask.

Pan Xiaoying came to Ji Yang this time to thank him, to get to know him formally, and to treat Ji Yang to a meal.

When Pan Xiaoying said that she wanted to invite Ji Yang to dinner, Ji Yang originally wanted to refuse, after all, Li Zixuan was by her side, and she was already very fond of it, but before he refused, Li Zixuan actually agreed.

It's just that Ji Yang was very depressed during the meal. During the meal, Li Zixuan and Pan Xiaoying seemed to be chatting passionately, but they felt like gunpowder anyway. After the meal, the two still left their contact information.

This made Ji Yang puzzled. Why did these two people leave their contact information? Could it be that they were planning to continue the war in the later stage?

Fortunately, on the way home with Li Zixuan, Li Zixuan didn't discuss Pan Xiaoying's matter with him, otherwise Ji Yang was really afraid that if he didn't say a word right, the other party would make another pinch.

Compared with pinching and twisting, Ji Yang would rather be punched twice.

"Don't guess what a woman's mind is, you won't be able to figure it out no matter what."

This is what Ji Yang got from Li Zixuan and Pan Xiaoying just now.

"Hey, although there are many people who enjoy wine in Heavenly Court, it seems that not many people are willing to spend [-] merits to buy wine."

When Ji Yang returned to his residence and opened his WeChat store, he found that XO was still not sold. It seems that if you buy a bottle of wine with [-] merits, even if you have merits, you have to be more cautious.

Although XO was not sold, the sales of instant noodles and potato chips were not bad, and more and more people came to my WeChat store.

Fill up the shelves and look at my merits. After deducting the handling fee, I still have more than 4000 merits. Although it seems that there is no change from before I opened the WeChat store, Ji Yang actually made some money after doing the math.

It was spent on chatting during this period, and thousands of merits were deducted just now, and I also spent more than 2000 merits to buy century-old wild ginseng and century-old wild ganoderma. No matter what, I have earned it, and it is easier than before to earn merits too much.

After the goods were put on the shelves, Ji Yang went to Moments for a while.

Xiao Bailong: "Father's birthday is coming soon, I don't know what to give, please help me."

Seeing Xiaobailong asking for help, Ji Yang's eyes lit up.

Ji Yang opened Xiaobailong's brief introduction and took a look. He really guessed correctly, this little Bailong is really a white dragon horse.

Many people only think that Tang Monk has three apprentices, but there are actually four. The fourth apprentice is Xiaobailong, also known as Bailongma.

Bailongma was originally the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea. Because he set fire to the pearl bestowed by the Jade Emperor, he was told by the Dragon King of the West Sea that he would be beheaded for disobedience. Later, he was spared the death penalty by the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of the South China Sea. After learning the scriptures, he turned into a white horse. After learning the scriptures from the west, he achieved positive results and was promoted to the eight-part Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva.

The father that Xiao Bailong said was Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea.

"Ao Run has been the Dragon King of the West Sea for so long, and he must have rare treasures in his hands. It is reasonable for Xiao Bailong not to know what to give Ao Run as a birthday present."

"It seems that Xiao Bailong intends to give his father some strange things, but he doesn't know what to give, so he asks the immortals for help."

Thinking of this, Ji Yang also took the initiative to find Xiao Bailong, who told him that the most indispensable thing for him was to play with fresh.

As soon as Ji Yang found Xiao Bailong, he first introduced himself.

After Xiao Bailong learned that Ji Yang was in the mortal world, although he was a little surprised, he was more happy.

Since the law of the Three Realms was blocked, the Dragon King of the Four Seas also had to go to the Heavenly Court. Except for being able to take a look at the mortal world when Shi Yun spreads the rain, he could no longer return to his Dragon Palace in the mortal world.

"Xiaobai, it's great that you are in the mortal world, what will the mortal world give elders for their birthdays?"

Xiao Bailong made an expectant expression and asked at the same time.

Ji Yang thinks about what to give to elders for their birthdays. Although he has no experience in giving birthdays to any elders, he has never eaten pork or seen the main run.

The most important thing to give to elders is money, but this money should be useless to the Dragon King of the West Sea.

If you don't send money, it's all kinds of food and birthday cake.

"That's right, birthday cake, I guess the Dragon King of the West Sea has never eaten it."

As soon as Ji Yang thought of the birthday cake, he told Xiao Bailong about it, and the facts were exactly as Ji Yang expected, Xiao Bailong had never even heard of this birthday cake before.

Before the laws of the Three Realms checked and balanced, it was popular to eat longevity noodles on Huaxia's birthday. This birthday cake was imported from abroad, and no one in Heaven and Earth had a chance to enjoy it.

"The idea of ​​this birthday cake is good. My royal father has no shortage of rare treasures, but what he lacks is freshness. Although this birthday cake is not a valuable item, it is fresh enough. He must like it."

"You just said that you still have a bottle of [-] merits in your hand. Give me a bottle to taste the taste. If you can, I will buy a few more bottles and give it to my father."

What is good comes with good? Isn’t that what it is? Just now Ji Yang was thinking about the price because the XO was not sold, but now Xiaobailong is sending merit.

 It’s been a long time since Xieben has enjoyed the feeling of going to bed before. I wake up at [-] o’clock and have to go to work again. Xieben is working hard. Come and reward your recommended favorites.

(End of this chapter)

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