The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1631 The real difficulty is the horse's long horns

Chapter 1631 The real difficulty is the horse's long horns (one more)
"Finally found."

Looking at the WeChat message sent by Xu Xun, Ji Yang laughed in his heart and whispered in his mouth.

Ji Yang doesn't care who trapped Ao Ye, as long as he can find this person.

Now that Xu Xun has admitted this, the next thing will be much simpler.

As long as Xu Xun finds out what is going on with the "iron tree blooming horse with long horns" through Xu Xun, then the problem will be solved.

"Xu Tianshi, what is the meaning of "iron tree blossoms and horse grows horns"? Is the iron tree blooming? Does the horse grow horns? How can this be done?"

Literally it looks like this.

But no matter whether it is a cycad tree blooming or a horse growing horns, these are all unimaginable things.

How to do it, Ji Yang really doesn't know.

"Xiaobai, although I don't remember very clearly what happened back then, I can vaguely think of some things. The black dragon did a lot of evil things."

"I remember when I was going to preach in the mortal world. Occasionally, there was heavy rain in the sky, the river burst its embankment, and hail fell. The whole village was submerged by the flood, and all the surrounding crops were destroyed."

"Such a dragon, do you want to let it out?"

When Ji Yang asked Xu Xun, Xu Xun didn't directly say how to unlock the Dragon Well.

Looking at the WeChat content sent by Xu Xun, Ji Yang frowned.

Through Ao Ye's mouth earlier, he already knew the mistakes Ao Ye made back then.

However, after all these years, Ao Ye has realized the mistakes of the year, and if he is released, it should not cause harm to the world again.

And even if Ao Ye wanted to continue doing evil, Ji Yang would definitely not give it a chance.

More importantly, Ao Ye knew the exact location of half of the Nuwa stone, which was the key.

"I have seen the black dragon. It is actually the son of the Dragon King of Beihai, the ninth prince of Beihai. It has been imprisoned for so many years. It seems that it knows it is wrong."

In Xu Xun's words, it was obvious that he didn't really want to tell him how to unlock Longjing.

It's not that Xu Xun has a problem with Ji Yang, but that he still remembers a lot of the evil things Ao Ye did back then.

In Xu Xun's view, Ao Ye should be trapped in Suolongjing forever for doing such evil deeds.

So when explaining the situation to Xu Xun, Ji Yang didn't hide anything.

He revealed Ao Ye's identity in the hope that Xu Xun would give Ao Ye a chance for the sake of the Dragon King of Beihai.

"What did you say? You said that black dragon is the son of Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the North Sea? I really didn't know that back then."

"But let alone the son of the Dragon King of the North Sea, even if the Dragon King of the North Sea made a mistake, he should be punished."

Xu Xun's character is clearly divided between public and private, and he is jealous of evil.

It seems that the face of the Dragon King of the North Sea is not enough.

However, Ji Yang still had a trump card in his hand. He believed that if he used this trump card, Xu Xun would definitely come up with a way to unlock Longjing.

"Xu Tianshi, of course I understand what you said. If you make mistakes, you must be punished. This is a must."

"But Ao Ye has been imprisoned for so many years, the punishment is enough, and it knows the whereabouts of the Nuwa stone, I need it to take me to find the Nuwa stone, and ask Xu Tianshi to tell me how to unlock the Dragon Well."

Ji Yang didn't believe that Xu Xun didn't want to communicate with the three realms, and didn't want to come to the mortal world again.

When mentioning Nuwa stone, Xu Xun will not reject himself anymore.

After seeing Ji Yang's words this time, Xu Xun fell silent, and did not immediately reply to Ji Yang's WeChat.

Ji Yang was not in a hurry, anyway, he already knew who made Suolongjing, and he also mentioned the Nuwa stone related to the laws of the three realms, so he believed that Xu Xun would reply to him in a short time.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, did you do it on purpose?"

"Since Ao Ye is related to Nuwa Stone, why didn't you say it earlier."

A few minutes later, Xu Xun replied to WeChat.

Seeing Xu Xun's reply, Ji Yang smiled faintly.

Ji Yang himself didn't know why he didn't directly talk about Nuwa Stone, but first mentioned Ao Ye's identity.

"Master Xu, this is not important. Anyway, now that you know that Ao Ye is related to Nuwashi, you should tell me how to unlock the Dragon Well this time, right?"

"Can I not say it now? The Nuwa stone is used to break the law of the three realms. If it is because of me that the law of the three realms cannot be broken, those guys in the heaven and the underworld don't know how to trouble me."

"But you kid almost made me miss a big deal. This method tells you that it's okay, but it can't be cheap for you kid."

"Just tell me what Xu Tianshi wants, and I will try my best to meet it."

Xu Xun finally wanted to tell himself the method. Although he has conditions, if Ji Yang can do it, he will not refuse.

In fact, even if Xu Xun didn't make a request, how could Ji Yang make him say nothing?

Ji Yang is still very good at things, well, take advantage of this opportunity of Ao Ye to build a good relationship with Xu Xun, maybe when Xu Xun can be used again.

"I'm not going to make it difficult for you. How about giving me some of your spicy sticks and cigarettes? You can choose as much as you want."

"No problem, how about two packs of spicy strips and five packs of cigarettes?"

"make a deal."

Don't feel that Ji Yang is being stingy for only giving two packs of spicy strips and five packs of cigarettes.

Most of the spicy sticks Ji Yang used to exchange for good things. He used a pack of spicy sticks to offset 1000 million merits, and he also exchanged spicy sticks for Zhu Bajie’s 36 transformations. A cigarette is worth a thousand merits.

Five packs of cigarettes, that is one hundred cigarettes, which is worth one hundred thousand merits.

The value of ten packs of spicy strips cannot be estimated. He didn't give Xu Xun too much, which also reflected the value of spicy strips and cigarettes.

If Ji Yang gave hundreds of packs of spicy strips and a few cigarettes if he said it casually, wouldn't it seem that these two things are the same as Chinese cabbage, too common.

Xu Xun knew the value of these two things in heaven and hell, so he agreed to Ji Yang without hesitation.

"Two packs of spicy strips and five packs of cigarettes, I'll send them to you right now."

There are ready-made spicy sticks and cigarettes in Ji Yang's Qiankun storage ring, and Ji Yang sent them directly to Xu Xun.

After receiving the things from Ji Yang, Xu Xun first lit a cigarette, which was much better than dry tobacco.

Meimei took a puff, and Xu Xun blew out a smoke ring, then told Ji Yang how to break and unlock the Dragon Well and let Ao Ye out.

"Just now you asked me the meaning of "Iron Tree Blooming Horse with Long Horn". You understand it right, it is the horse with long horn."

"However, iron trees are not trees made of steel, but plant iron trees. Iron trees have high requirements on the temperature and humidity of the growing environment, so it is difficult to see iron trees blooming in the north, but in hot areas like Miaojiang, flowering is actually not difficult. of."

"So the problem you really need to solve is the horse's horns."

"Then what should I do to make the horse grow horns?"

Horse horns?
As Ji Yang grows up, he has never seen a horse with long horns, nor has he heard of anyone with a horse with long horns.

If you want to talk about the legends you have heard, there are only Western unicorns.

But Ji Yang can’t be asked to get a unicorn. Besides, Ji Yang doesn’t know where to get one. Western unicorns are also legendary, and I haven’t heard of them in reality...

(End of this chapter)

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