The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1635 Horse Stepping on the Clouds

Chapter 1635 Horse Stepping on Xiangyun (Part [-])
"Xiaobai, you finally sent us a WeChat message. If you don't contact me again, all the immortals around me will fall asleep."

After receiving the WeChat message from Ji Yang, the Dragon King of Beihai replied instantly.

Seeing the content of Beihai Dragon King's reply, Ji Yang knew that the other party must have been waiting for a long time.

"It takes time to find a flowering iron tree, and it's not easy for me to lock the Dragon Well during the day, only after late at night."

"Since everyone is bored of waiting, let's start now."

"Okay, let's activate the Heaven-Defying Formation and send Ao Ma down to earth."

"Aoma? Isn't it a dragon horse?"

Ji Yang explained a little bit. After all, it was not the Dragon King of Beihai who activated the Heaven-Defying Formation. There are so many gods around, so it is always good to give an explanation.

It's just that the Dragon King of Beihai told Ji Yang earlier that it was the dragon horse who descended to the earth, so why did it become Ao Ma again?

"Aoma is my thirteenth son, he is Longma."

"Oh... I understand, I understand, the dragon has nine sons, and the sons are different (treacherous smile)."

At first, Ji Yang thought Aoma was some kind of horse, or a mythical beast similar to a dragon horse.

After seeing that the Dragon King of Beihai said he was his son, Ji Yang thought of something.

And what he said to the Dragon King of Beihai, coupled with the treacherous smile behind him, obviously implied something. The Dragon King of Beihai looked a little embarrassed, and he didn't want to continue to entangle Ji Yang about this issue.

He was afraid that the more he talked, the more embarrassed he would be in the end.

"Xiaobai, get ready on your side, the immortals have already started to activate the heaven-defying formation, and Ao Ma will arrive in the mortal world soon."

"I'm all ready here, the only thing left is Ao Ma."

In Miaojiang tonight, the weather is still very good.

Although the moon is not round, it is also exposed in a crescent shape. There are a little stars around the moon. It seems that it should be a sunny day tonight.

But when Ji Yang was talking with the Dragon King of the North Sea, the clear night sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, a gust of wind blew up, and there was a faint roar of thunder and lightning...

Some people who were still walking on the road saw the sky change, and when they complained about why the sky changed suddenly and whether it was going to rain, they also ran to their residences.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, and the dark clouds and thunder in the sky are getting heavier and heavier.

"The sky in Miaojiang, the face of a woman, can change as soon as it is said. Just now, the sky was clear and full of stars, but now it is cloudy and the sound of thunder is rolling. Young Master Ji, should we find a place to shelter from the rain first?"

Mu Hang looked at the faint flashes of thunder in the sky, and asked Ji Yang who was beside him.

After hearing Mu Hang's words, Ji Yang and the others looked at him amusedly, but had no intention of leaving.

Mu Hang was a little stunned by the look, and felt strange in his heart, so he asked Wei Suo beside him suspiciously.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"I said nothing wrong, you will know later."

"When you're with Ji Shao, your heart must be strong, otherwise it's easy to get a heart attack."

Wei Suo didn't answer Mu Hang's question directly, but seemed mysterious.

Mu Hang knew that Ji Yang was capable, and he had always been mentally prepared.

Now, although he doesn't know the specific situation, he also understands that this sudden change of sky has something to do with Ji Yang.

In his heart, he began to look forward to what happened next.



As a thunderbolt as thick as an arm flashed in the air, Xiao Longnv looked at Ji Yang and murmured softly.

Ji Yang nodded, his eyes turned to the sky.

He felt that a force powerful enough to tear apart the space slowly overflowed from the air following the thunder and lightning just now.

Ji Yang is familiar with this power, it is the power produced by helping the gods descend to the earth after the Heaven-Defying Formation was activated.

"What a beautiful cloud."

In the originally dark sky, several glowing clouds appeared at this time. These clouds have different rays of light, and there are five colors in total. They look very beautiful.

Looking at the five-colored clouds in the sky, not only the four daughters of Huang Xiaoxin, but even Yun Tianxin and Zhu Jiumei's eyes lit up.

"Is the horse riding on Xiangyun? This appearance is quite impressive."

At this time, Ji Yang was also looking at the five-color clouds in the sky. These five-color clouds reminded Ji Yang of the five-color auspicious clouds.

When he saw a figure standing above the clouds among the clouds, stepping on the auspicious clouds and running towards the ground quickly, he whispered to himself.

Although the figure was still some distance away from the ground, Ji Yang had already seen the figure clearly.

From a distance, the other party looks like a horse, but if you look closely, you will find that the horse's head is actually a dragon's head, and the snow-white body is glowing with golden light, which is caused by the scales on its body.

It can also be seen by raising its four hooves. These four hooves are not horse hooves, but dragon claws.

Seeing these, Ji Yang knew that it was Longma Aoma who appeared with Xiangyun.

Ji Yang has seen several gods who came to the mortal world through the heaven-defying formation, but this is the first time Ji Yang has seen such a gorgeous appearance.

The dragon horse is an auspicious beast, which is a symbol of auspiciousness. It is rumored that when the dragon horse appears, there will be auspicious appearance. Now it seems that it is really the same thing.

The appearance of the sky phenomenon naturally attracted the attention of all those who saw it in Miaojiang.

Some people who were thinking of running home to hide from the rain all stopped. They were all stunned by this scene, and some even thought they were dazzled.

"Quickly take pictures, quickly record videos, post on Moments, and earn headlines!"

Some people who responded relatively quickly began to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

But what surprised them was that at this time, all their mobile phones failed.

"Why is the phone malfunctioning at this time, it's from Mahler Gobi."

"Go over there and have a look. I saw the clouds fall there just now."

"I seem to see something on the clouds, it seems to be a horse, I want to earn fans, I want to live broadcast..."

Unable to take pictures and videos, everyone was cursing, and some even ran to Suolongjing's location.

They saw that the cloud just now fell on Suolongjing.

But when they wanted to go to Suolongjing, they found that the roads around Suolongjing were all blocked by police and armed police, preventing them from passing.

This is also the name of Ji Yang's foresight. He estimated that letting Ao Ye out tonight would cause some big disturbances, so he asked Mu Hang to prepare in advance.

It's just that they didn't expect that the commotion started so early and Ao Ye didn't come out of Suolongjing. The vision just caused by Longma Aoma descending to earth would have such a big impact.

But this is not important, anyway, Ji Yang's arrangement is correct.

"Are you Xiaobai?"

"Are you Longma Aoma?"

At this time, Aoma had already landed beside the Suolongjing. Aoma's body was about three meters high, his whole body was shining, majestic.

Standing beside him, Ji Yang and others felt very comfortable. The golden light on his body was very bright, but it didn't feel dazzling. The light shining on his body also made people feel very comfortable on all limbs and bones.

"I'm Xiaobai."

"I am Longma Aoma."


Ji Yang and Ao Ma asked and answered almost at the same time, and then looked at each other, laughing loudly...

(End of this chapter)

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