The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1637 Ao Ye regains his freedom

Chapter 1637 Ao Ye Regained Freedom (Part [-])

The sound of water splashing and bubbling could be heard in Suolongjing.

Whether it was the sound inside the Suolongjing, or the abnormality on the surface of the Suolongjing, Dongfang Meide and the others could all see it.

They can't help at this time, they can only watch quietly, waiting for Ji Yang to break the seal that locks Longjing and let Ao Ye out.

Following Ji Yang's incantation, Ao Ma and Tie Shu on the east and west sides also reacted.

I saw that Aoma, who had turned into a dragon horse, was shining with light all over his body, and the flowers of the iron tree that had already bloomed were even more beautiful.


At the same time, Ao Ma groaned, his expression somewhat painful.

At this time, he clearly felt that the immortal energy in his body was being absorbed by Suo Longjing, and the absorbed power was very strong.

Fortunately, his foundation is not bad, and the immortal energy in his body is still full, otherwise, the speed of absorbing immortal energy, it will be drained very quickly.

However, the iron tree, which was originally with gorgeous flowers, now seems to be shining back and forth. When the flowers bloom to a certain extent, they will wither.

Seeing the withered iron tree, Dongfang Mei and the others were a little stunned.

But Ao Ma seemed relatively calm.

Judging from the absorbed immortal energy, breaking the seal of Suo Longjing required the power of him and Tieshu.

The withering of the iron tree now is because the vitality of the iron tree is being absorbed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

When something strange happened on Aoma and Tieshu's side, the iron chains in Suolongjing began to shake violently.

The iron chain shook violently and the sound was very loud.

If someone was in the well at this time, they would find that the iron chains binding Ao Ye were shrinking rapidly as Ji Yang's spell was uttered.


The shrinking chain was tighter than every time Ao Ye tried to break free from the chain.

The tightened iron chain made Ao Ye feel severe pain all over his body, the scales on his body fell off one after another, and the blood completely stained the surrounding water red, turning the water in this area into bloody water.

And he felt that his bones and viscera were about to be broken by the iron chain, as if they were shattered.

Hearing Ao Ye's painful dragon chant and seeing Ao Ye's current situation, Ji Yang frowned tightly.

"Are you here to save me, or to kill me?"

"Didn't you just let me go, why do I feel more pain now than before."

Ji Yang frowned, and he was also very puzzled.

He even wondered if he had misremembered the spell, but with his memory, he would definitely not remember the spell wrong.

The mantra in his mouth did not stop, and he continued to chant the mantra.

Ao Ye was in so much pain that he couldn't stand it anymore, so he questioned Ji Yang.

"If I want to kill you, I can kill you directly. Do I need to spend so much trouble?"

"Be patient for a while. Although there is something wrong with these iron chains, I can feel that the effect of the seal is weakening."

The weakening of the seal power is the motivation for Ji Yang to continue chanting the mantra.

If he hadn't felt the weakening of the seal's power, Ji Yang would have stopped chanting the mantra long ago.

After all, Ao Ye was related to Nuwashi, and Ji Yang also believed that Xu Xun would not joke with him at this time.

Otherwise, Ao Ye's accident would be a small matter, but the finding of the Nüwa stone would be a major event.

If the Nüwa Stone could not be found, and Ao Ye died because of a wrong spell, the gods and ghosts of the Heavenly Court and the Underworld would definitely not let Xu Xun go.

The Jade Emperor estimated that he would be the first to order Xu Xun to be sent to Zhanxiantai and beheaded.

Ao Ye didn't look like Ji Yang was joking, and he could clearly feel that apart from the contraction of the iron chains on his body, the seal was indeed weakening.

Feeling this, Ao Ye gritted his teeth and endured it.

As time passed by, the iron chains tightened on Ao Ye's body also tightened to a certain extent.

At this time, Ao Ye was in a semi-conscious state of pain.

If the chains were tightened a little more, he was sure that all the bones in his body would be broken.


Under the extreme pain, Ao Ye screamed again.

After screaming in pain this time, Ao Ye was pleasantly surprised to find that the originally tightened iron chain began to loosen gradually.

"The iron tree blossoms and the horse grows horns, and the seal can only be broken. The final contraction of the dragon lock chain is to let you remember the pain you have endured, and let you know the consequences of doing evil."

"Now the seal is about to be broken. After seeing the light of day again, I hope you will change your past. If you dare to do evil again, you will be wiped out next time!"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded. Although it has been thousands of years, Ao Ye still remembers this voice.

This voice was exactly the voice of those who suppressed him back then.

This voice was left by Xu Xun when he set the seal, and it will appear when the seal is broken.

Hearing Xu Xun's voice, Ji Yang and Ao Ye also understood the reason why the iron chain was tightened just now. To put it bluntly, it was to teach Ao Ye the last lesson, so that he would always remember the pain he endured here.

"Boom boom boom..."

As Xu Xun's voice fell, there was a burst of explosion sound from the Suolong Well.

The dragon lock chains tied to Ao Ye's body broke one after another, and the seal of the lock dragon well was completely shattered.

The explosion in Suolongjing made the whole street where Suolongjing was located shake like an earthquake.


The iron chain on his body broke, and Ao Ye yelled.

The previous cry was a cry of pain, but this cry was a cry of catharsis that had been suppressed for a long time, and it was a cry of joy after liberation.

"I'm free, free!"

The long-lost freedom, which Ao Ye had waited for thousands of years, finally arrived.

Ao Ye, who had regained his freedom, quickly rushed towards the mouth of the well. This time, he did not encounter any obstacles. His body turned into a black light and rushed out of Suolongjing.

Looking at the black light rushing out of the well, Dongfang Mei and others who were surrounding the well head quickly moved away, watching the black light go straight into the sky.

"Xiaobai succeeded, brother Jiu was released."

Aoma looked at Ao Ye who rushed into the air, and his voice was somewhat excited.

Although the others didn't speak, they were still staring at Ao Ye who was soaring in the sky.

I haven't soared in the air so freely for thousands of years, so I really want to indulge myself at this time.

"Dragon, that's a dragon!"

"My God, it's really a dragon, it's really a dragon."

"Take a picture, take a picture quickly, your sister, why is the phone still not working..."

Although the sky was pitch black, after Ao Ye flew into the air, some people still saw it.

It's just frustrating that the mobile phones in their hands have committed some evil, and they can't be turned on anyway, and the screen is always in a black state.

It is a pity that such a scene could not be recorded.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Ao Yefei was flying in the air, and as he flew, heavy rain fell.

The rain was so heavy that it hurt people's faces when they hit it. People couldn't open their eyes in the rain.

If it is normal, everyone must be hiding from the rain at this time.

But at this time, no one left. They were all looking at the sky, watching the mythical dragon soaring in the sky, and some people even started to make wishes...

(End of this chapter)

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