The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1643 The Walking Dead

Chapter 1643 The Walking Dead (Part [-])
The tower collapsed, and Dongfang Mei and others were very worried about the situation of Ji Yang and Yun Tianxin inside the tower.

Just when they were about to rush over to check, a slight explosion sounded, causing his rubble to splash around, and a circle of rapid rotation appeared.

Those flying rubble were bounced away by this circle of energy.

As for Ji Yang and Yun Tianxin, they are in the center of energy right now, and they are fine.

The two nuwa stones that are being fused are spinning rapidly above their heads. It seems that it will take some time for the fusion to succeed

The strength that protected Ji Yang and the two was produced by Ji Yang, and at the same time as the tower collapsed, Ji Yang used the immortal energy to release this circle of strength.

Seeing that Ji Yang and Yun Tianxin were fine, everyone was relieved.

But when everyone looked at Ji Yang and Yun Tianxin relaxedly, they found that there was something wrong with their expressions.

This expression looked a little shocked, a little dignified.

"What's going on here, why do these guys seem to be conscious?"

"Come to me quickly, come here quickly!"

The expressions of Ji Yang and Yun Tianxin made Dongfang Mei and the others feel puzzled.

Just when they didn't know why Ji Yang and Yun Tianxin had such expressions, Ji Yang shouted to everyone.

"What's wrong with Young Master Ji, what the hell..."

Ji Yang's expression looked a little flustered. Although everyone was approaching Ji Yang when they heard his words, everyone was still very strange.

Mu Hang was puzzled, and when he muttered softly, he glanced behind his head.

It didn't matter, he almost peed out of fear.

Mu Hang saw corpses that could only sway with the current, but at this moment they staggered towards everyone's position.

The point is that their walking is not due to the water flow, but they move by themselves, which has nothing to do with the water flow.

Although these corpses did not rot, the eyes of the corpses were lifeless before.

But at this moment, the eyes of these corpses unexpectedly became alive.

The corpses did not all move together, but a little bit of waking up. The first thing to wake up was the corpses on the periphery of Dian City, and then the ones inside.

The corpses reacted one after another, and more and more corpses were moving. Looking at the gathered corpses, Ji Yang and others all had serious expressions.

"Aren't they dead? Aren't they corpses? How did they move? Could it be a corpse change?"

"I'm not sure about this, but it should have something to do with the Nuwa Stone."

Everyone gathered around Ji Yang, and Ji Yang frowned and shook his head when he heard the question from the people beside him.

He couldn't give a definite answer why these corpses suddenly became conscious.

But while shaking his head, Ji Yang looked up at the spinning Nuwa stone.

Judging from what happened just now, the current appearance of these corpses occurred after Nuwashi broke the barrier and began to meet and fuse.

In other words, the condition of the corpse should have something to do with the Nuwa stone, or something to do with the broken barrier.

The Nuwa stone has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. If these corpses were really affected by the breath of the Nuwa stone, they would have the illusion of resurrection and make them have a certain consciousness. This is very possible.

At the very beginning, the moving corpses were only in the direction of the city gate. Dongfang Mei and the others turned their backs to the city gate, so they didn't notice the movement of these corpses.

But at this time, corpses were moving in all directions in Dian City.

Every alley, every intersection, and even some houses, corpses came out, and Xiang Jiyang and others surrounded them.

"There are so many corpses, how many are there?"

"Diancheng is so big, with so many buildings, its population must be tens of thousands."

Dian City has a population of tens of thousands, that is to say, the number of corpses surrounded by Xiang Jiyang and others is as many as tens of thousands.

With so many corpses surrounding him, even Ji Yang couldn't keep calm.

"What are those?"

The speed at which the corpses gathered here to Ji Yang was not fast, but the number was really large.

At this time, the Nuwa stone was still in the process of fusion, and it was impossible for Ji Yang and others to leave, so they could only wait in full force and be ready to make a move at any time.

When Ji Yang and the others were wary of the approaching corpses, Zhu Jiumei saw some neatly arranged corpses wearing tattered armor and holding various weapons approaching here.

These corpses move faster than other corpses.

When ordinary corpses saw these corpses, they consciously made way for them to pass.

"Looking at their clothes, they seem to be ancient soldiers."

"Soldier, is it the army of Diancheng?"

"It's very possible, probably from the Diancheng Guards."

When Ao Ye said that these might be ancient soldiers, everyone guessed that they might be the army of Diancheng.

Although it was a guess, Ji Yang felt that it was almost inseparable, because both their clothes and movements had obviously undergone rigorous training.

The corpse in front of him cannot be regarded as a real resurrection, it can only be regarded as a walking dead.

But now they obviously have their own consciousness, and can even remember some things when they were alive.


It is hard to judge how many soldiers there are in Diancheng, but it seems that there must be several thousand.

The corpses of these soldiers stopped 20 meters away from Ji Yang, stood in line, pointed their weapons at Ji Yang and the others, and shouted loudly.

The loud voice is full of energy, is it still very imposing?

"Wow wow wow..."

These soldiers stood still, and the next scene made Ji Yang and others stunned again.

Because Ji Yang and others saw that although these soldiers looked at them as if they were ready to do something, they didn't do anything.

As the soldiers knelt down, the corpses of the ordinary residents also knelt down.

All the corpses kneel down, what the hell is this?

"Welcome to the King of Dian!"

"Meet the King of Dian!"

I rub it, feeling that they knelt down to welcome an important person, and this important person is their king, the king of Dian.

The King of Dian is in the city of Dian?Doesn't that mean that this Dian City is really the capital of the ancient Dian Kingdom.

"Bold thief, dare to steal our country's sacred objects!"

"Put all the thieves to death and take back the sacred objects of our Dian kingdom!"

The King of Dian appeared in the sight of Ji Yang and others. The King of Dian was a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s.

The King of Dian looked at Ji Yang and the others, and didn't say anything nonsense, but directly gave the order to kill Ji Yang and the others. This guy is decisive and ruthless in his actions.

"Their sacred object should be the Nuwa stone."

"Yun Tianxin, concentrate on fusing the two Nuwa stones, and leave the rest to us."

"Protect Yun Tianxin, don't let them disturb the fusion of Nuwa Stone!"

The people in Diancheng should have died of natural disasters and floods, and the city was suddenly submerged by the lake, otherwise such people would not have died in the city at the same time.

Ji Yang felt that they were miserable, but at this time Ji Yang could not soften his heart, because he would never hand over the Nuwa stone, not to mention that they were already dead, and this is not the place for them to stay...

(End of this chapter)

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