The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1650 Wen Zhong had to think about it

Chapter 1650 Wen Zhong has to think about it (three more)

Previously in Miao Jiang, Ji Yang didn't want Miao Jiang to attract more attention, so he didn't promote the second-rank immortal position in Miao Jiang.

Now that he is back in Linhai, Ji Yang doesn't have to worry about these things.

And he was about to deal with the members of the Dark Night Alliance. To be on the safe side, Ji Yang decided that it would be more appropriate for him to be promoted to the rank of immortal.

If Dracula's aura is not weaker than that of Hu Fei, then it can't be regarded as a side dish.

To deal with him, but to waste some means.

And I don't know what preparations this guy has made.

"Are you ready to upgrade to rank two immortal? How about I give you some advice?"

When Ji Yang wanted to promote to the rank of second-rank immortal, Xiao Longnu appeared in front of him.

Hearing that Xiaolongnv wanted to give him advice, Ji Yang naturally listened attentively.

"When you upgrade to the rank of immortal, the stronger the power of the thunder you bear, the more benefits you will get."

"The power of the sky thunder you endured before was not weak, and you got a lot of benefits. Compared with the fairy families of the same level, you are stronger than many fairy families."

What Xiaolongnv said is the truth, Ji Yang naturally knows it.

However, the more powerful the sky thunder, although the benefits it brings are great, but at the same time, the pain that Ji Yang endured is more than several times that of ordinary sky thunder.

There is no more pain, which cannot be expressed in words.

Hearing what Xiaolongnu said, Ji Yang actually guessed what Xiaolongnu was going to say.

"You want me to be able to withstand the powerful second-rank sky thunder when I accept the second-rank immortal job assessment?"

"Yes, that's what I meant."

"However, the higher the level of immortality, the greater the power to withstand the thunder. The second-level sky thunder is very powerful. If you use a higher level, the danger you will face will be much greater."

Xiao Longnu made a suggestion, but at the same time, there were worries.

Pay and return are always directly proportional.

If you want to get something for nothing, this road is not feasible.

"Danger? Am I facing less?"

"Actually, even if I don't want to bear the powerful sky thunder, I guess those gods in the Leibu will not make me weak."

"And I have the Shennong Cauldron. If I use the Lightning Control Technique, I can absorb some sky thunder. I think this risk can be taken."

Ji Yang thought for a while, and then gave his own thoughts.

Sometimes, it is advisable to take risks, and Ji Yang is not afraid of taking risks. Anyway, it is not the first time that Ji Yang has been tested by the powerful sky thunder.

Ji Yang had made up his mind, and Xiao Longnv didn't say anything more.

But Xiao Longnu didn't know whether her suggestion was right or wrong.

She can only hope that Ji Yang will be fine.

"Since I have decided to accept the assessment of the strongest sky thunder in the second-grade sky thunder, then I should contact Wen Zhong."

Although Ji Yang felt that according to the past assessment situation, Wen Zhong should not give himself the weak Tianlei assessment.

But this is not safe after all, what if Wen Zhong is worried about Ji Yang's safety, so he uses a weaker one?

So Ji Yang felt that it would be safer for him to contact Wen Zhong.

Only in this way can we ensure that the sky thunder that we bear is not a weak sky thunder.

Just do what you say, Ji Yang clicked on WeChat and sent Wen Zhong a WeChat message.

Tianting Leibu, Wen Zhongzheng, Lei Zhenzi and Lei Gong are fighting the landlord.

He heard his WeChat notification beeping, and he took the phone over with some hesitation.

The Department of Lightning in the Heavenly Court is a department that is feared by the gods, because when many gods are punished, they have to bear the punishment of thunder and lightning.

The one who casts thunder and lightning is naturally the Leibu.

So usually, gods seldom contact Wen Zhong.

At this time, someone contacted him, and Wen Zhong was quite curious about who contacted him.

When he saw that Ji Yang was looking for him, he felt even more strange.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with sending me a WeChat message?"

"I heard that you have performed well recently. You have even collected the nuwa stones. The day when the laws of the three realms are broken should not be far away."

What happened after Ao Ma went down to earth, after returning to the heavenly court, the whole heavenly court was clear.

Ji Yang obtained the Nuwa Stone, and the entire Heavenly Court knew about it.

"I'm ready to accept the second-grade Tianlei assessment."

"I hope you can test me with the strongest sky thunder among the second-grade sky thunders."

"What did you say? You want to use the assessment of the strongest Tianlei among the second-grade Tianlei?"

Wen Zhong looked at Ji Yang's WeChat message again, and was stunned.

He would never have thought that Ji Yang sent himself a WeChat message for this purpose.

Ji Yang didn't know the power of the second-grade Tianlei test, but Wen Zhong did.

Not to mention the most powerful sky thunder among the second-grade sky thunders, even the ordinary second-grade sky thunder assessment is difficult to bear.

When undergoing the assessment of the second-grade sky thunder, there are many gods who have lost their souls because they cannot withstand the power of the second-grade sky thunder.

Therefore, if Ji Yang asked to use the most common second-grade Tianlei to test himself, Wen Zhong would not be surprised.

It can be assessed by the strongest second-grade Tianlei, and he really has to think about it.

Even if Ji Yang asked, he couldn't agree to it straight away.

After all, Ji Yang's life is closely related to the laws of the Three Realms.

Even if the law of the Three Realms is put aside, if other gods accept the assessment of Tianlei, Wen Zhong must strive to minimize the danger.

"Lei Zun, what's wrong with you?"

Lei Zhenzi and Lei Gong looked at Wen Zhong who had a strange expression, and asked curiously.

Wen Zhong didn't speak, but handed the phone to the two of them.

When Lei Zhenzi and Lei Gong saw Ji Yang's request, they also gasped.

"Could Xiaobai be crazy? The second-rank strongest sky thunder, it seems that no one has tried it yet?"

"Yeah, Tianlei is the strongest in the second rank. That's not a joke. If one is not good, he will lose his soul. Lei Zun, you can't promise Ji Yang."

The strongest sky thunder of the second rank exists, but it is not used to save people from tribulation, but to punish those gods who have committed the most heinous crimes.

So after seeing Ji Yang's request, both Lei Zhenzi and Lei Gong reminded Wen Zhong not to agree to Ji Yang's request.

"That's right, I just want to accept the second-rank strongest sky thunder assessment."

"The more powerful the sky thunder, the more benefits it will get. You know this, so I don't need to say much about the reason why I want to use the most powerful second-grade sky thunder for the assessment."

When Lei Zhenzi and Lei Gong comforted Wen Zhong, Ji Yang sent another WeChat message.

Seeing Ji Yang's words, Wen Zhong really admired Ji Yang's courage.

After staring at the phone solemnly for a long time, he sent Ji Yang a WeChat message back.

"Xiaobai, the power of the second-rank strongest sky thunder is too strong, I can't promise you easily."

"Let me think about it, how about I give you an answer later?"

Wen Zhong really didn't dare to agree to Ji Yang's request easily.

But Wen Zhong also felt that it was inappropriate to directly refuse.

He was planning to go to Lingxiao Palace, and he would ask the Jade Emperor about this matter first.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you, you reply to me as soon as possible, I still have things to do after I'm promoted to the second rank of immortal!"

Wen Zhong had to think, Ji Yangtong had to agree if he disagreed, he couldn't force the other party...

(End of this chapter)

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