The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1653 Video Teaching

Chapter 1653 Video Teaching (Third)
Ji Yang read all the WeChat messages sent by Monkey King.

Although what Sun Wukong said was simple, Ji Yang knew that it should be quite difficult to take down the strongest sky thunder of the second rank, otherwise Monkey King would not say that he had suffered.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong found him now, and planned to help him, otherwise, Wen Zhong really released the strongest sky thunder of the second rank, Ji Yang really can't guarantee whether he can stop it.

"Okay, now I will teach you three changes in the 72 changes. With these three changes, plus what I taught you before, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the second-rank strongest sky thunder."

"If you really can't handle it, then I can only say that you are too good!"

While Ji Yang was thinking, Sun Wukong sent another WeChat message.

Sun Wukong's 72 changes are only used to give Ji Yang more means to resist the thunder, but there is no guarantee that he can resist 100%.

These days, there is nothing wrong, dare to say it is 100%.

Even with the character of Monkey King, there will be no guarantees.

After Ji Yang said he was clear, Sun Wukong sent Ji Yang the changes he wanted to teach.

But the things taught this time seem to be a bit difficult, and Ji Yang is always a bit lost in his understanding.

After all, it's just words, and Sun Wukong doesn't teach face to face. How can it be so easy to learn such advanced spells as 72 transformations.

In the end, there was really no other way, Monkey King simply turned on the video call.

"Xiaobai, I usually think you are quite smart, why are you not as smart as Bajie today?"

When the video was connected, Sun Wukong scolded Ji Yang first.

Ji Yang smiled awkwardly, and thought to himself, Is Zhu Bajie stupid?
I have been in contact with Zhu Bajie a few times, and Zhu Bajie is a bit greedy and lecherous, but in terms of brains, he is actually quite clever.

"What are you thinking? Video calls are a waste of merit, don't waste your time."

"Next, you are optimistic, and see how I circulate the immortal energy."

Sun Wukong has sharp eyes, but Ji Yang's eyes were a little erratic, so he noticed it.

Even if it's a video call, Ji Yang can't escape without standing in front of him.

Sun Wukong said some dissatisfied words, Ji Yang immediately looked serious, and looked at Monkey King seriously.

"Look, this is the guidance I told you just now. Guidance is a spell that regulates breath by luck. It can exercise the body and quickly restore energy. This can allow you to recover the immortal energy in your body when you are fighting against the strongest sky thunder of the second rank. Speed ​​up."

"Pay attention to this immortal energy on my body, and watch its flow. When controlling the flow of immortal energy, remember to chant a mantra in your heart. With your current immortal position, it shouldn't be a problem to chant a mantra in your heart..."

Sun Wukong really didn't waste time, nor did he talk too much nonsense.

But Sun Wukong will not miss the important things, every word of Sun Wukong, Ji Yang will firmly remember it in his heart.

Every movement of Monkey King was completely imprinted in Ji Yang's mind.

Although it is still not really face-to-face, hand-to-hand teaching.

But compared to reading text, the current teaching method is obviously more effective.

How to say, this is also a relatively advanced video teaching, the kind that can answer questions at any time.

Soon, Sun Wukong showed Ji Yang how to use channeling on both sides, and then let Ji Yang try to use channeling himself.

At first, Ji Yang couldn't grasp the flow of breath well when he used guidance.

After failing several times in a row, under the half-rebuked and half-explained professor of Sun Wukong, Ji Yang could barely use guidance.

"Although I'm a bit stupid than my old grandson, it's not bad to be able to learn to guide in such a short period of time."

"You have basically mastered the use of guidance. After the video call is over, you can gradually familiarize yourself with it. Now I will teach you the other two changes, taking food and copying."

"Eating is a magic that swallows things. Anything can be swallowed and it is beneficial and harmless. You can also swallow flames, strong winds, and lightning. When you are fighting against the sky thunder, you can use it to swallow the sky thunder and absorb it. The power of Tianlei exercises the body."

"However, let me remind you that everything has a limit. You can't think about swallowing all the strongest sky thunders of the second rank. In that case, you will explode and die."

Sun Wukong reminded Ji Yang, and Ji Yang nodded heavily.

After seeing Ji Yang memorize what he said, Monkey King told Ji Yang the formula for taking food.


"Well, yes, you have also mastered this food."

Looking at Ji Yang who used the food to inject a purple thunder into his stomach, his face changed slightly, and then hiccupped and spit out a puff of black smoke, Monkey King praised him.

But after hearing Sun Wukong's praise, Ji Yang rubbed his stomach.

Although it is said to be beneficial and harmless to him after taking and swallowing things, the taste is not pleasant.

When he swallowed Zihuo earlier, he also felt a burning pain, just now Zilei, he also felt his body was paralyzed.

In other words, things should not be eaten indiscriminately.

Although swallowing something is not fatal, some side effects are still there.

"The last thing is to ascend. Ascension is a spell that can speed up things or expand its influence on the original basis. For example, the purple fire you usually release. If you use ascend, then your purple fire will burn more vigorously. "

"Look, like this..."

Monkey King first demonstrated to Ji Yang that he used flames.

I saw a palm-sized flame first appeared in Sun Wukong's palm, and then as the mantra was uttered, the flame in Monkey King's hand instantly turned into a fireball several times larger than before.

Among the three spells that Sun Wukong taught Ji Yang, the last spell, Deng Chao, is the easiest to master among the three spells.

Under the demonstration and guidance of Monkey King, Ji Yang quickly learned to copy.


"Declaration! Damn, accept..."

Ji Yang unleashed a wall of fire, the wall of fire was only one meter square, but after he used Deng Chao, the wall of fire instantly became more than three meters high in the blink of an eye.

If Ji Yang hadn't taken it back in time, his house would have been burnt down.

"Okay, my grandson's task today is complete, remember my fruit and my clothes!"

"Don't worry, when did I owe you anything?"

"But you have to wait for a few days. After the Tianlei assessment, I still have something to deal with. I will send it to you when I finish it."

"Forgive me, kid, you don't dare to lie to my grandson, you should do your own work first, my grandson can wait."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he didn't give Ji Yang a chance to continue talking, and directly turned off the video call.

Looking at the words "video call ended", Ji Yang's expression was slightly embarrassed.

When Ji Yang was embarrassed, Ji Yang found that he had an unread WeChat message.

This WeChat message was sent by Ji Yang during a video call with Monkey King, so I didn’t see it
The WeChat message was sent by Wen Zhong, who told Ji Yang that he agreed to Ji Yang's request, and that he was ready to start the Tianlei assessment at any time...

(End of this chapter)

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