The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 166 Sea Area Secret

Chapter 166 Secrets of the Sea Area (Fourth Update)
Ji Yang looked at the mangy dog ​​lying on the ground. At this time, the mangy dog ​​looked at Sister Han and Niuniu with a strange expression. He probably never thought that Sister Han and Niuniu would come out to speak for him.

"Mangy dog, I don't know what blessings you made in your previous life. You have such a good wife and daughter in this life, but you bastard doesn't know how to cherish it. If it weren't for Sister Han and Niuniu who spoke for you, I would definitely be beaten to death today."

"God is watching, you will have to pay the price for your mistakes after all. For the sake of Niu Niu and Sister Han, I will spare your life today, but you can be spared the death penalty, and the living crime cannot escape."

While Ji Yang was talking, he kicked the mangy dog ​​on the chest. With this kick, the mangy dog's chest collapsed obviously, and a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth. Although Ji Yang's kick didn't kill him, it did. The kick broke his ribs and shattered his lungs, and the damage is incurable.

"I will find someone to send you out of Linhai. From now on, if you still dare to appear in Linhai, or dare to trouble Sister Han and Niu Niu, I promise you will die ugly."

When the mangy dog ​​heard Ji Yang's words, his ugly face instantly turned ashen. He looked at Sister Han and wanted to say something, but Sister Han didn't look at him at all, and Niuniu was also leaning in Sister Han's arms.

Ji Yang stared, the mangy dog ​​trembled, and swallowed the words abruptly.

Ji Yang made a phone call, and soon a van drove over, and four young people got out of the car.

"Ji Shao, Brother Long asked us to come."

The phone call Ji Yang just made was to Zhang Long.

"Throw him to the place that Linhai thinks, and tell the other brothers that if they see this person in Linhai in the future, they will beat me to death."

"Understood, Ji Shao."

These four people didn't know how the mangy dog ​​offended Ji Yang, it had nothing to do with them, they just did what they wanted.

Ji Yang felt that Sister Han had a good personality and could endure hardships, but it would be difficult for a woman with a child. He decided to be a good person to the end and help Sister Han.

Ji Yang made another phone call, and after talking to the other party, Ji Yang walked into the cake shop. When he came out of the cake shop, he was holding a box of cakes and a piece of paper in his hand. .

"Sister Han, I gave this cake to Niu Niu, don't refuse."

"Although you can support yourself by selling pancakes with Niuniu alone, it's not a solution. I've found a job for you. You can go to Xinghai Pharmaceutical to make this call tomorrow, and someone will arrange for you to work."

"Niuniu, you have a great mother, you must be sensible in the future."

Ji Yang didn't wait for Sister Han to say anything, so he handed the cake and the paper in his hand to the other party, then turned and left.

When Ji Yang was leaving, Ji Yang actually heard voices of praise and scolding of a mangy dog. Hearing these voices, Ji Yang smiled disdainfully.

"A bunch of hindsight, if you come forward to stop the mangy dog ​​when he makes a move, will it still be necessary for me to take action?"

After returning to the car, Ji Yang saw that his WeChat had added a thousand merits, and this thousand merits were the reward he got for helping Sister Han just now.

It's just that after seeing the thousand merits, Ji Yang didn't change much in his expression. He found that since he opened the WeChat store, his reaction to merits was not as great as before.

In the past, he lacked merit and had to face the assessment of Tianlei, every bit of merit increased, Ji Yang was very excited.

Now that it is easy to earn merit, and there is no need to consider the Tianlei assessment, Ji Yang becomes calm when facing merit.

And just when Ji Yang was about to drive back to Linhai Misty Rain, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that the person calling was actually Wang Ji.

Wang Ji and Quan Chang haven't contacted Ji Yang recently. They have been investigating Tian Haisheng's spending [-] million to buy the right to use the sea area. Seeing Wang Ji's call at this time, could it be that they found out?
"Did you find out Tian Haisheng's purpose for buying the sea area?"

As soon as Ji Yang answered the phone, he asked directly.

Hearing Ji Yang's direct inquiry, Wang Ji first smiled heartily, and then began to speak.

"Ji Shao is Ji Shao, it really is a clever calculation, every guess is right."

"Don't flatter me there. Where are you and Quanchang? I'll go there now."

Ji Yang now only wants to know Tian Haisheng's real purpose for buying the sea area, he is not in the mood to listen to Wang Ji's flattery.

Wang Ji heard the urgency in Ji Yang's words, so he told Ji Yang that he and Quan Chang were in the villa.

Ji Yang hung up the phone and drove directly to the villa.

"I found out, why did Tian Haisheng buy the sea area?"

As soon as Ji Yang entered the villa, he saw Wang Ji and Quan Chang sitting in the hall, and asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.

Seeing that Ji Yang was in such a hurry, Quan Chang and Wang Ji smiled mysteriously, and handed a piece of information directly to Ji Yang.

"Ji Shao, take a look."

After receiving the information that Quan Chang handed to me, it turned out to be an unofficial history. This unofficial history was about Zheng He's voyages to the West, and a section of it was specially marked, saying that Zheng He encountered a tsunami while sailing to the West. One of the ships full of treasures sank to the bottom of the sea, and the location is the waters near Linhai.

"Damn it, you won't tell me that the sea area that Tian Haisheng bought is the sea area where Zheng He's ship sank?"

Ji Yang asked with some doubts.

Wang Ji and Quan Chang nodded, and then listened to what Quan Chang said.

"It is indeed because of this. Although Tian Haisheng disappeared, he still has a few confidantes. Wang Ji and I used some tricks to learn this secret from them. This unofficial history was also handed over by a confidant of Tian Haisheng. our."

Zheng He's seven voyages to the West are known to anyone with a little knowledge.

At that time, Ming Chengzu ordered Zheng He, the eunuch of the Three Treasures, to lead more than 200 sea ships, and more than 2 people sailed to the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean, and visited more than 30 countries and regions. Longest sea voyage.

And the purpose of Zheng He's voyages to the Western Seas is also different. Some say it is to promote mighty virtue, some say it is to find Emperor Hui, and some say it is to develop trade...

But no matter what the purpose is, one thing is certain, that is, Zheng He would bring a lot of treasures with him every time he went to sea, and when he came back, he would also bring a lot of treasures traded from abroad.

If Tian Haisheng's unofficial history is true, and Zheng He's shipwreck is really in the sea area he bought, someone would be willing to buy it, let alone [-] million, even if it was [-] billion.

After all, no one knows what treasures are on the sunken ship.

But unofficial history is unofficial history, this thing is uncertain, and its credibility is very limited.

What Tian Haisheng did was undoubtedly gambling.

However, when the Tian family's finances were already in trouble, Tian Haisheng was quite courageous to spend [-] million on gambling.

 Today's fourth update, thanks to blame, Kongcheng, Yao Zhihao, Forgot Love and others for rewarding, I hope everyone will continue to give rewards, collections and recommendations
(End of this chapter)

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