The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1662 My life is too cheap

Chapter 1662 My life is too cheap (three more)

Apart from the powerful breath constantly wafting out from the bedroom, there was no sound at all.

The sky outside the window was already dark.

It's not cloudy, but it's really dark, and it's night now.

But in the bedroom, it was still very quiet at this time.

"It's been so long, why hasn't there been any movement, Ji Yang will be fine, right?"

Counting the time, several hours have passed since Taishang Laojun and Ji Yang stayed alone in the room.

Dongfang Mei became more and more worried.

"Don't think about it, Laojun can definitely save Ji Yang."

"Although we can't enter the bedroom, with Ji Yang and I's special perception, I can feel that Ji Yang's condition is improving. It won't take long for Ji Yang to be fine."

Xiao Longnu comforted Dongfang Mei, who also nodded.

At this time, Dongfang Mei was really jealous of Xiao Longnu.

If I had a special perception with Ji Yang, I wouldn't be so worried now.

Another two or three hours passed, and it was already past ten o'clock at night. There was finally a sound in the bedroom that had been quiet for a long time.

"Ah... poof..."

The sound that sounded was a scream, and this scream came from Ji Yang.

When there was no movement, people outside the bedroom were worried.

At this moment, when Ji Yang's screams were heard, it would be better to have no sound at all.

The heart that was already hanging, hangs even higher.

"The old gentleman is out."

"Old gentleman, how is Ji Yang? What happened to the cry just now?"

I was worried in my heart, but Taishang Laojun didn't let people in, and no one outside the bedroom dared to go in.

When the door, which had been closed for several hours, opened and Taishang Laojun walked out, everyone surrounded him.

"It's just spitting up blood, nothing more."

"Spit out a mouthful of blood, and the breath in his body is also unobstructed. He needs to rest at this time, so don't disturb him for the time being."

"Find me a room. I need to rest too. I was exhausted just now."

Taishang Laojun said it was fine, but this time everyone was not completely relieved.

Previously, Taishang Laojun also said that Ji Yang was fine, but it was not an accident.

If they don't see Ji Yang appearing normally this time, their hearts will definitely not let go completely.

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Taishang Laojun shook his head with a wry smile, and he also saw the doubts in everyone's eyes.

But he didn't say anything dissatisfied. This time, Taishang Laojun is very confident, otherwise the immortal energy just now would have been wasted.

After arranging a guest room for Taishang Laojun, Dongfang Mei withdrew, and she came outside Ji Yang's bedroom again.

It is impossible for her to rest without seeing Ji Yang come out safely.

This night passed surprisingly long.

Although the night was very long, Dongfang Mei didn't even blink her eyes, she wanted to see Ji Yang for the first time when he came out safely.


At dawn, the closed door finally opened.

With a slightly ugly face and weak breath, Ji Yang came out of the room.

"Ji Yang! You're okay, you're really okay, great, great!"

When Ji Yang came out, tears of joy flowed from Dongfang Mei's eyes, and he threw himself into Ji Yang's arms.

With Dongfang Mei in his arms, Ji Yang was still a little dazed.

His last memory yesterday was that he fell into a coma under the attack of Tianlei, and he didn't remember anything after that.

He attacked everyone like crazy, and was finally saved by Taishang Laojun, but he didn't know.

After Taishang Laojun suppressed the lightning power in his body, Ji Yang actually didn't fully wake up.

"Meier, I'm fine, don't worry."

"How did I come back? Did you rescue me, Little Dragon Girl?"

"Patriarch Feng, you are all here, it seems that I have been in a coma for a long time."

After Ji Yang comforted Dongfang Mei, he looked at Xiaolongnu and Fengrong who were not far away.

"You've been in a coma for a whole day, but I wasn't the one who saved you."

"It's not you, it's Ao Ye?"

When Ji Yang heard that it was not Xiaolongnv who saved him, Ji Yang thought of Ao Ye.

But when Ji Yang saw Ao Ye shaking his head, he felt quite strange.

Thinking about it, the little dragon girl and Ao Ye were also seriously injured at that time, how could they save themselves?

But now, Xiaolongnv and Ao Ye are fine.

Not Xiaolongnv, not Ao Ye, who could save him in that situation?
"Xiaobai, I saved you."

"You are... Laojun!"

Taishang Laojun, who was still resting, also came to Ji Yang's location after hearing Ji Yang's voice.

He also happened to hear Ji Yang asking who saved him.

When Ji Yang saw the Taishang Laojun in front of him, Ji Yang froze for a moment.

Although he had never met Taishang Laojun formally, the two had chatted so many times, and he had also seen the other party's profile picture and made a video.

It is normal to recognize each other at this time.

If it was Taishang Laojun who saved him, Ji Yang felt that all this would make sense.

After everyone sat down, they also told what happened to Ji Yang yesterday.

Knowing that so many things happened to him after Tianlei's assessment, and that it was Taishang Laojun who saved him, Ji Yang looked at Taishang Laojun very gratefully.

Taishang Laojun went down to earth this time, but saved him twice.

One time was during the Tianlei assessment, and the other time was when the Tianlei affected the mind.

Both times, it was fatal.

"Old gentleman, thank you very much for saving me."

"Okay, it's not the first time I've helped you, so don't play sensational with me."

"Helping you is also helping yourself. If you really want to thank me, then do something practical."

In the past, although Taishang Laojun did not go down to earth to help him.

But Ji Yang really troubled Taishang Laojun a lot, although he didn't help him in vain every time, it was a help after all.

After hearing the meaning of Taishang Laojun's words, Ji Yang didn't speak directly, then got up and walked to his bedroom, Taishang Laojun also followed in knowingly.

Even if everyone knows the identity of Taishang Laojun, there are some things that Ji Yang will not let Feng Rong and others know.

"Old gentleman, you saved my life, how do you want me to thank you."

"As long as I can do it, I can do it."

This time, Ji Yang also went all out.

Taishang Laojun saved his life, even if the other party opened his mouth, Ji Yang would not frown.

After all, what could be more important than one's own life.

"I want you to give me an oven."

"What? An oven?"

"Yes, it's the oven."

"Nothing else? It's that simple?"

"Yes, just one oven, do you think it's missing?"

"Let me tell you, this time I went down to earth, I just used three Nine-Turn Purple Golden Pills, plus the immortal energy consumed on you, how much do you think it is worth? Are you going to give me a hundred million merits?"

Hearing what Taishang Laojun said, Ji Yang didn't say any more nonsense, and directly agreed to give Taishang Laojun a big oven.

But Ji Yang still feels a little strange, is his life equivalent to an oven?

Is your life too cheap?
(End of this chapter)

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