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Chapter 1668 The Exercise That Almost Lost Your Life

Chapter 1668 The exercise that almost killed me (three more)

After Ryan and Ruisi followed Ji Yang, they directly brought unknown losses to the Dark Night Alliance.

During this trip to China, he had originally planned to kill the Ryan brothers and sisters, so Dracula naturally recognized Ryan at a glance.

"I haven't looked for you yet, you've come to the door yourself, catch him for me."

A cold light flashed in Dracula's eyes, and he shouted at the surrounding members of the Dark Night Alliance.

In fact, even if he didn't shout, the members of the Dark Night Alliance would have already moved.

The people closest to Ryan, Wayne, have already fought with Ryan.

"Prince level?"

When Ryan was sent to China to perform a mission, he was only the Duke.

At this time, Dracula knew that Ryan's cultivation had broken through when he saw that Ryan was still able to do a job well under the siege of several Dark Night Alliance members with the strength of the duke.

Although the difference between the duke and the prince is only one level, the difference between this level is the difference between heaven and earth.


"Hmph, it's all trash, let me tear him up."

When a pagan who was equivalent to a Duke of Blood and a black witch were killed by Ryan's arm through the chest, Baia beside Dracula yelled.

"Prince of blood clan, I haven't tasted it for a long time."

The enmity between the vampires and the werewolves was suppressed temporarily because of the relationship of interests.

Therefore, in normal times, it is not easy for werewolves to fight against blood clans, and blood clans who have reached the prince level have no chance.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, whether it is for the benefit of the Dark Night Alliance or because of the selfishness of revenge, Baia feels that he can't just watch.

Dracula frowned when he heard Baia's words.

What does it mean to have tasted the blood prince for a long time?

Even if you have this in your heart, you shouldn't say it.

"Stupid werewolves!"

Seeing Baia rushing towards Ryan's back, Dracula thought to himself.

"Hahaha, blood traitor of the Dark Night Alliance, you can be my wolf emperor Baia's food today."

Baia was very fast, one step forward and one lunge, and he was already above Ryan.

Baia grabbed the roof of the shed with one hand, controlled himself not to fall, and grabbed Ryan's head with the other arm.

Baia's arms were thicker than those bodybuilders' thighs, covered with hair like steel needles, the wide and thick wolf claws looked very powerful, and the sharp nails were like sharp daggers.

If this claw caught Ryan's head, Ryan's head would have to be caught and exploded.

"Wolf Emperor... ah..."

But just when Bai Ya's hand was about to catch Ryan, Ryan lowered his body and exposed a low-level wolf king (Duke level) who had just rushed in front of Bai Ya's sharp claws.

The force of Baia's claws is not small, it is impossible to withdraw or stop.

This low-level wolf king was so close to Baia's claws, it was impossible for him to hide.

When the wolf king exclaimed, Baia's sharp claws had already scratched his neck, and blood spurted out like a spring. After the wolf king let out an unwilling scream, his body fell to the ground and remained motionless. .

He killed his wolf king with his own hands, and Baia was annoyed and angry at the same time.

Now there is another layer of enmity between him and Ryan.

"Get out of here, I'm going to tear him apart with my own hands."

Baia let out a roar, and his body fell from the ceiling to the ground, and the ground trembled. The members of the Dark Night Alliance who were standing around were all shocked back half a step.

Although Ryan has been promoted to the prince level because of Ji Yang's help, he is even stronger than ordinary blood princes.

But if he fights Baia, he is really not an opponent.

That's why Ryan wouldn't foolishly go to fight Baia. Ryan glanced around, and he found that behind him was the staircase, where only Wayne, the Duke of Dracula's blood, was there.

Ryan looked at Wayne with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the sneer at the corner of Ryan's mouth, Wayne immediately took a tight breath, and he felt the blood flow in his body slow down rapidly.

His own blood was suppressed, and when this idea appeared, Wayne knew that he was in trouble.

"Master Wolf King, he wants to run."

The bloodline was suppressed, and Wayne's speed and strength were greatly weakened. He shouted at Baia while trying to dodge the possible attack.

"Hmph, run, is he able to run in front of my wolf emperor Baia, roar..."

Wayne didn't speak, and Baia was also paying attention to Ryan's every move.

Baia naturally sensed the change in Ryan's aura. He was not a vampire, and the suppression of bloodlines between vampires was useless to him.

Besides, Baia's strength is still higher than that of Ryan, even if there is blood pressure, it is Bai Ya who suppresses Ryan.

Baia didn't care about Wayne's life or death, but he definitely couldn't let Ryan escape.

The legs were bent and straightened, and Baia's legs were like two springs, which instantly bounced him towards Ryan.

The breath on his body locked on Ryan. Although he couldn't suppress Ryan's blood, it was always possible to put some pressure on Ryan.

This time, he must not let himself make a mistake, he must scratch Ryan's head, otherwise he, the wolf king, will be too embarrassed.

Facing Baia's attack, although Ryan's body trembled, he didn't care about it.

Ryan still waved his hands and grabbed Wayne, leaving his entire back to Baia.

"no, do not want!"

Just like Ryan knew that if he fought Baia, he would definitely die.

Wayne also knows that if he fights alone, he is definitely not Ryan's opponent. If he fights Ryan head-on, he will be disabled if he does not die.

But Ryan now looks like he's going to pull him as a backstop, so what's the use of his yelling.

"Crack Kacha!"



Everyone has the same idea as Wayne, they all think that Ryan knows that he can't run away, and he can't live, so they want to drag Wayne to be with him before they die.

But when Ryan grabbed Wayne with both hands, tore off his two arms, and let out two screams at the same time, everyone was stunned.

Because their guesses were only half right.

Wayne was indeed seriously injured by Ryan, but Ryan was fine.

Instead, Baia, who attacked Ryan, backed up several steps with a cry of pain.

"You have made a move. If you don't make a move again, I will really die."

"Ji Yang said to let me protect you, of course I won't let you have trouble, just now I just gave you a chance to exercise."

It was Xiao Longnu who repelled Baia.

The little dragon girl turned into a human form, wearing a set of ancient Chinese armor, and still maintained the posture of punching.

Hearing Xiao Longnu's words, Ryan smiled bitterly.

This exercise is a bit big, I almost lost my life.

And when hearing what Xiaolongnv said, whether it was Baia who was repelled, or Dracula who was not far away, there was a flash of a look in the eyes of discovering some kind of treasure.

They were all whispering the word "Ji Yang"...

(End of this chapter)

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