The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 168 There is one more thing I want to give you

Chapter 168 There is one more thing I want to give you (Part [-])
Now that I have figured it out, there is no need for Wang Ji and Quan Chang to waste time on it.

Ji Yang called Wang Ji and told them that they don't need to waste time to check the authenticity of Zheng He's shipwreck, he has already confirmed it.

Wang Ji was naturally curious about how Ji Yang confirmed it, but Ji Yang didn't tell him what he meant.

"You don't need to worry about how I confirmed it. Although I confirmed that Zheng He's ship did sink in Linhai again, the exact location is still unclear. Whether it is our sea area is still uncertain."

"But regardless of whether the sunken ship is really in this sea area, you and Quanchang have one thing to do now, and that is to prepare to build a sea farm."

There are two reasons why Ji Yang wants to build a sea farm. If Zheng He's sunken ship is really in the sea area in his hands, then this sea farm is a cover-up.

If the sunken ship is not here, the sea farm is also necessary. Such a large sea area cannot be left alone, it would be a waste of resources.

Ji Yang also told Wang Ji why he wanted to build a sea farm. Wang Ji felt that Ji Yang's decision was very correct, and he didn't waste time, so he went to Quanchang to discuss the construction of a sea farm.

Time passed quickly, and the birthday of the Dragon King of the West Sea came unexpectedly.

"Xiaobai, is the cake ready?"

On the birthday of the Dragon King of the West Sea, Little White Dragon found Ji Yang early in the morning.

I have to say that this little white dragon really knows how to choose the time. It took less than 10 minutes for the ten-tier shelf cake to be delivered, and he was about to contact little white dragon, so he found it by himself.

"Just arrived, ten-tier shelf cake, I'll pass it on to you."

While Ji Yang was speaking, he passed the cake to Xiao Bailong.

After Ji Yang passed the cake, above the heavenly court, a slender and handsome young man in white was looking at the cake in astonishment.

This beautiful boy is Xiao Bailong. Xiao Bailong is handsome enough with his appearance, and he has a natural nobility on his body. If he is thrown into the mortal world, no matter who cares about him, he will definitely be crushed. pressure.

"Is this the cake?"

Xiao Bailong stared at the cake in front of him like a curious baby. The cake looked colorful and beautiful, and there were many fruit decorations on it.

Xiao Bailong took a closer look and smelled it, and found that the cake had a milky and sweet smell.


It was the first time Xiao Bailong saw the cake, although he hadn't tasted it formally, but just looking at it, Xiao Bailong had the urge to take a bite.

Tempted by the cake, Xiao Bailong unconsciously reached out to grab the cake, but luckily he stopped in time before his hand was about to touch the cake.

"It's really worthless. This cake was given to my father. If I grab it like this, the cake will be ruined."

Xiao Bailong scolded himself mockingly, and with a gesture, the cake disappeared in front of him.

With a dragon chant, the little white dragon also turned into a dragon and flew towards the Dragon Palace where the Dragon King of the West Sea lived...

Xihai Dragon Palace, today is the birthday of Ao Run, the Dragon King of Xihai, and many immortals came to pay their respects.

"Bigan, the God of Wealth and Wealth, gave ten gold ingots."

"Taishang Laojun sent an elixir."

"The king of Chujiang sent ten catties of bee jelly to the underworld."

"God Erlang..."

Prime Minister Gui greeted him at the door and recorded the gifts from the immortals one by one, while curling his lips in disdain.

These things are nothing unusual in Heaven and Earth, and some things are even useless. For example, Bigan sent ten gold ingots to the Dragon King of the West Sea. The only use of these gold ingots is to look good, because there is no place in Heaven to need them. With gold ingots.

In the living room, the Dragon King of the West Sea entertained the immortals with a smile on his face. Today is his birthday, and Ao Run also looked rosy.

"Thank you all the gods for coming here to celebrate my birthday. This is the beer I deliberately asked Du Kang to brew. You can drink it today."

Since the appearance of Dukang's beer, the supply has been in short supply.

The Dragon King of Xihai notified Du Kang early on for today's beer, but to be honest, he didn't get much, but when he spoke, he had to be generous, otherwise how would he reflect his status as the Dragon King.

"Ao Run, why didn't you see Ao Lie, the third prince of your family?"

All the birthday worshippers have arrived, and the banquet is about to begin, but the other children of the Dragon King of the West Sea are all in place, except for the little white dragon, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea, frowned and asked softly.

Xiao Bailong was the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea back then, and he lived an indescribably enjoyable life, but he was sued by the Dragon King of the West Sea in the Heavenly Court for setting fire to the pearl bestowed by the Jade Emperor, and was almost beheaded.

Although he was not beheaded later, he had been a horse for Tang Seng for so many years, and was ridden to the west to learn scriptures. Although he was later promoted to become the eight-part Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva, he suffered a lot after all.

Ao Guang would think of this, because he suspected that Xiao Bailong didn't come to celebrate his birthday because he hated what Ao Run had done back then.

"This Ao Lie is too plausible. He didn't even come to his father's birthday. Could it be that he still resents what happened back then?"

Ao Ming, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, also changed his expression, and shouted angrily.

"The misfortune back then was caused by himself. If it wasn't because Ao Run sued him for disobedience, would he have the opportunity to go to the Western Paradise to learn scriptures, and have the opportunity to become the Eight Dragons Guangli Bodhisattva!"

Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the North Sea, blew his beard and looked very angry.

Just hearing the words of the other three dragon kings, Ao Run smiled heartily.

Hearing Ao Run's smile, the other three dragon kings were a little strange.

"Ao Run, thank you for your concern. What happened back then has long passed, and now Ao Lie is very filial to me."

"He told me three days ago that he would give me some new things when I celebrate my birthday. I guess it's on the way."

It's something new. Hearing what Ao Run said, the other three dragon kings were also a little curious.

At this time, a white light flashed outside the West Sea Dragon Palace, and then the little white dragon came in human form.

"Father, my son came late because of the birthday gift. This is the wine that my son gave to my father."

Xiao Bailong came to Ao Run, and first took out the XO that he had bought before. When the XO appeared, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were stunned. They had never seen what it was.

"Fork ring wine."

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have never seen it, but some people have seen it, and the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces has seen it all. They all screamed when they saw the XO that the little white dragon took out.

Seeing the reaction of the King of Hades from the Ten Temples, other people felt that this was a good thing out of curiosity.

When all the immortals were puzzled, the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces said that XO is the wine of the mortal world.

When they heard that the wine was from the mortal world, everyone's eyes lit up, and Ao Run laughed and took the wine.

"Father, my son has one more thing to give you."

After Ao Run took over the XO, Xiao Bailong continued to speak.

 The second update, not much to say, collect, recommend, and reward all come...

(End of this chapter)

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