The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1681 Surface situation

Chapter 1681 Superficial Conditions (Second Update)
Peng Caixuan would definitely listen to Ji Yang's words.

It can be said that who Peng Caixuan listens to most now is not Peng Tianlong or some big bosses, but Ji Yang.

After hearing Ji Yang's warning, Peng Caixuan also nodded.

While everyone was talking, Huang Yi's car had already seen DL's camp.

This camp doesn't look particularly big, and there aren't too many people, only about a hundred people.

Huang Yi told Ji Yang that this camp was temporarily built for the purpose of YD personnel entering Huaxia this time, so there were not many people here.

The real camp, it's some distance away.

But once something happens here, the camp in the distance will take action and destroy the YD side's close-range targets in an instant.

So Huaxia actually prepared for the worst.

Because everyone in the camp knew why they were here, they all looked quite vigilant.

The slightest disturbance around them will make them react.

Ji Yang even suspected that the guns in their hands were all loaded.

It is completely possible to shoot the neutron bullet out of the gun at the first time.

After entering the camp, Huang Yi arranged two tents for Ji Yang and others.

One of them was already occupied by Peng Caixuan, and Huang Yi asked Ao Ye to share a tent with Peng Caixuan.

As for Ji Yang, Dongfang Mei is naturally a tent.

Although Peng Caixuan also wanted to live with Ji Yang, after all, he hasn't seen Ji Yang for some time, and there are still many things to talk about.
But he wouldn't foolishly rob someone with Dongfang Mei, it would be too ignorant to do that.

The accommodation was properly arranged, and Huang Yi introduced some information about the camp to Ji Yang.

Although this camp is small, the military equipment is very complete.

Tanks, armored vehicles, and missiles are all available, enough for a small-scale battle.

As long as there is a change in the other party, those people in YD in Huaxia will be blasted into scum in an instant.

After knowing the situation of his own camp, Ji Yang asked about the location of YD's side.

Huang Yi took Ji Yang to a temporary watchtower, standing on the watchtower, Ji Yang looked in the direction Huang Yi pointed.

Ji Yang saw a bulldozer parked about 1000 meters away from the camp.

There were a few people walking around beside the bulldozer. From time to time, they would look at the location of the Huaxia Camp and point their fingers.

With Ji Yang's eyesight, he could see some of their actions clearly, but Ji Yang didn't know what they were talking about, even if he heard it, Ji Yang felt that he might not understand it.

After all, the YD language spoken by the other party is not Chinese, not even English.

"It's a very disadvantageous thing if you don't understand the other party's words."

"It seems that I have to ask Taishang Laojun and the others to see if they can help me understand what these guys are saying."

If you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. If you don't understand the other party's words, how can you know yourself and the enemy.

This lookout was originally meaningless.

But after thinking about this question, Ji Yang felt that his observation this time was somewhat useful.

At least he knows what he lacks now.

He needs to get something that can understand the other party's language.

"Let's go, you can't see any results if you look at it this way."

"If you want to know their true situation and purpose, you have to go and find out in person."

After briefly looking at the other party's situation, Ji Yang said to the few people beside him.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, everyone nodded.

Ji Yang's words are correct, with such a long distance, plus there are only a few people from YD, and there is not even a barracks, so there is really nothing to see.

If you want to really understand something, you must understand it deeply.

It's just how to understand it in depth, this still needs to be thought about.

Walking down the watchtower, Ji Yang and others came to a barracks where some food had been prepared.

"This place is not as good as Kyoto or even Linhai. There is nothing good for you to eat, so let's make do with it."

"However, this beef is pure yak meat. It is very fragrant when roasted. There is also highland barley wine. You can try it."

These foods were regarded as Huang Yi's reception for Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan.

However, the dishes are not rich, they are relatively simple, they are all beef and chicken, but the portions are very large.

Regarding food, Ji Yang and the others are actually not particular about it.

After smiling at Huang Yi, everyone started eating.

Although the dishes are not rich, the taste is really good. If anyone eats the best food, it must be Ao Ye.

After all, he has been sealed and imprisoned for so long, and many things in the mortal world have endless temptations for him, not to mention the taste of the food here is indeed good occasionally.

"Boss, there are not even ten people. I will go there with you at night and just kill them."

After drinking a glass of highland barley wine, Peng Caixuan said to Ji Yang in a loud voice.

The Xuan group lost several people in a row, including ancient warriors of the heaven rank, and Peng Caixuan came here this time with anger.

He asked Huang Yi to inform Ji Yang, with the intention of killing him.

"It's not difficult to kill them, but aren't you curious?"

"Only those few people, although the distance is a bit far away, but I can still feel that although they are stronger than ordinary people, they are not very good."

"Even if it is two earth-rank ancient warriors, I think they can kill them, but why can't even the sky-rank ancient warriors succeed?"

Ji Yang took a sip of the highland barley wine in the cup. Ji Yang didn't particularly like the taste of the highland barley wine.

Listening to Ji Yang's words, both Peng Caixuan and Huang Yi frowned.

Ji Yang's words can be regarded as reaching their hearts. Of course they are very strange about this matter.

But what happened specifically, they had no way of knowing.

Those who have been there have never come back alive.

The only one who came back alive also died with a sentence, without saying what happened.

"Boss, what are you going to do then?"

"Yeah, Ji Yang, do you have any plans? I've endured enough. If it wasn't for my superiors' permission, I would have rushed over in a tank."

Looking at Peng Caixuan and Huang Yi who were questioning him, Ji Yang smiled coldly.

"When it's dark, I'll go over and test their situation."

"If you're lucky, you might be able to get some information back."

"Boss, are you going to go there alone?"

When he heard that Ji Yang wanted to go there alone, Peng Caixuan was a little startled.

Thinking of Xuanzu's previous losses, Peng Caixuan can be sure that YD's aspect is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"What? Are you still afraid that I will be in danger if I go alone?"

"If it's dangerous for me to go alone, even if I take all of you there, will it be useful?"

Ji Yang asked a rhetorical question, and everyone fell silent.

That's right, if with Ji Yang's cultivation base, going there can't solve the problem, even if everyone goes together, the result will be the same.

In the end, everyone could only nod their heads in agreement with Ji Yang's idea...

(End of this chapter)

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