Chapter 1730 Kowtow (Third Watch)
Ji Yang's voice came from the rear of the team.

His voice sounded, and everyone looked at Ji Yang's position.

When the people at the headquarters of Tiandao Sect saw him, they were quite calm, after all, they had already seen him.

But people from the Tiandao Sect branch saw Ji Yang with different expressions, some were surprised, some were angry, and a few people responded calmly.

When everyone looked at Ji Yang, Ji Yang looked at everyone with a smile on his face, and walked towards the high platform.

Although there were many people standing in front of him, when Ji Yang walked forward, these people who stood in front of him felt their bodies spread out to the sides uncontrollably.

They felt as if a pair of invisible hands were pushing them.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Let me tell you, this is the headquarters of the Tiandao Sect. Here are all members of the Tiandao Sect. If you dare to do anything, you will die today."

When Ji Yang walked in front of Cui Shiyu, Cui Shiyu instinctively took two steps back.

Cui Shiyu felt ashamed as he backed away.

That's why after retreating, he looked at Ji Yang with an arrogant expression, threatening Ji Yang.

It's just that this intimidation is actually covering up his cowardice.

"What? Didn't you let me appear in front of you?"

"I'm afraid the distance is too far, you can't see me clearly, now that I'm here, why do you seem a little afraid of me?"

The gods of Tiandaoism are all dead.

Although Ji Yang didn't kill it himself, the other party's death had a lot to do with him.

Ji Yang can let God die once, and he can die a second time.

As for Cui Shiyu's intimidation, it sounded meaningless to Ji Yang.

If Ji Yang would be afraid of this kind of threat, he would not be Ji Yang.


Cui Shiyu was a little embarrassed when Ji Yang's words broke his mind.

He wanted to say something to Ji Yang, but when he looked at Ji Yang, for some reason, there was a sense of fear in his heart, which occurred unconsciously.

This fear should come from Cui Youyang's words just now.

After all, the gods of Tiandao Sect died in the hands of the other party, so I am a fart.

"Emperor Ji, please!"

Cui Youyang sneered at Cui Shiyu's chattering look.

To be honest, Cui Youyang really hoped that Cui Shiyu could be rampant in front of Ji Yang, as long as he angered Ji Yang, Ji Yang would definitely not spoil him.

If Cui Shiyu died in Ji Yang's hands, Cui Youyang's affairs would be saved.

But it's a pity, Cui Shiyu is a little cowardly now, and it seems impossible to want Ji Yang to kill him now.

Without this opportunity, I'd better flatter Ji Yang.

Cui Youyang walked down from the high platform and came to Ji Yang's side, looking humble.

Ji Yang was also not polite to Cui Youyang, he smiled coldly at Cui Shiyu, and walked towards the high platform.

Peng Caixuan and the others followed behind Ji Yang and also walked towards the high platform, but when they walked past Cui Shiyu, Peng Caixuan raised his middle finger at Cui Shiyu.

Looking at Peng Caixuan's middle finger, the muscles on Cui Shiyu's face were twitching.

"Third Grandpa, if you are afraid, then don't talk."

"No matter what happens later, don't talk. Emperor Ji's temper is not very good, and you are already old. I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with it."

Ji Yang brought Dongfang Mei and the others to the high stage, and it was time for Cui Youyang to return to the stage.

When he left, he said coldly to Cui Shiyu in a not too low voice with a bit of sarcasm.

"Cui Youyang, you..."

Cui Youyang mocked himself, Cui Shiyu was already in a bad mood, so naturally it got worse.

But he wanted to reprimand Cui Youyang, but Cui Youyang never gave him this chance, he had already returned to the high platform.

Cui Youyang knew his identity, although he was the leader of Tiandao Sect, but in front of Ji Yang and others, it was no exaggeration to call him a slave.

So after taking the stage, he also stood behind everyone.

This gesture has already indicated his identity, and now the protagonist is not himself.

But when he was standing behind everyone, Ji Yang still gave him a wink, motioning him to go forward and continue what he should say.

After nodding to Ji Yang, Cui Youyang took two steps forward, came to the front of the stage, and said solemnly.

"I just said that from today onwards, Tiandao Sect no longer believes in God, but in Emperor Ji."

"We respect Emperor Ji more than God, and we must obey Emperor Ji's orders. Do you have any objections?"

"If anyone has an objection, raise it immediately. If there is no objection, just kneel down and pay homage to God Jihuang!"

When Cui Youyang spoke, the true energy in his body was already circulating.

So everyone present could hear Cui Youyang's words very clearly.

But after his voice fell, although no one raised any objections, no one knelt directly.

No one knelt down, no matter whether it was the people from the headquarters of Tiandao Sect who had already seen Ji Yang, or the people from the branch of Tiandao Sect.

Cui Youyang frowned watching this scene.

"Greetings to God Ji Huang!"

Since no one expressed his opinion, Cui Youyang will set an example.

He was the first to kneel on the ground, and kowtowed devoutly to Ji Yang.

"Greetings to God Ji Huang!"

"Greetings to God Ji Huang!"

"Greetings to God Jihuang..."

Cui Youyang knelt down, Elder Hao and Elder Xi also knelt down.

When someone took the lead, others began to kneel down and worship.

Most of these people who knelt down and worshiped were from the headquarters of Tiandao Sect. After all, they knew Ji Yang's horror, so they were most afraid of Ji Yang.

The rest are from various branches.

One, two... ten, a hundred, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of people were already kneeling on the ground.

To be honest, Ji Yang really didn't expect that just a few words from Cui Youyang could make so many people bow down to him.

But it is always better if someone can bow down, how embarrassing it is if no one bows down.

"You are believers in God, how can you worship other people at will?"

"Cui Youyang is not worthy of being the leader of this sect at all. He is lying and acting. You can't be so confused. Stand up quickly. If God blames you, can you bear God's wrath?"

There are still hundreds of people who have not knelt down to worship.

Among these people, Cui Shiyu was the one with the highest status.

The others centered on Cui Shiyu.

There are many people prostrating, Ji Yang will be a little strange.

Now there are hundreds of people objecting, Ji Yang is also surprised, he is surprised that there are fewer people.

He had thought for a long time that today's affairs could not go on so smoothly.

"God has lost his soul, and God will not be angry because you worship the Great God Ji Huang, but if you are so stupid, I believe you will definitely anger the Great God Ji Huang."

"Hurry up and bow down to God Ji Huang, otherwise if Ji Huang gets angry, you will hardly survive today!"

Cui Youyang naturally heard Cui Shiyu's words.

Cui Youyang raised his head, looked at those who hadn't kowtowed, and gave a warning...

(End of this chapter)

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