The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1733 En and Wei Combined to Show Their Strength

Chapter 1733 Enwei Combines Power to Show (Three Changes)
"It's such a comfortable feeling. I'm so comfortable that I'm about to fly."

"It's amazing, I feel that the hidden disease on my body seems to disappear!"

"My broken arm was reattached, and the wound on my body stopped bleeding. Thank you, Emperor Ji, for your life-saving grace."

The effect of Shennong Ding needs no introduction.

With the power of Shennong Ding and the assistance of Ji Yang's immortal energy, some of the old wounds on these believers have been healed to a certain extent.

In the fight just now, the people who were injured by Peng Caixuan and Ao Ye felt the most obvious.

Because under the green light of Shennong Ding, the recovery of their injuries was the most obvious. Some people who thought they might bleed to death today have stopped the bleeding and saved their lives.

Flying in the air, looking at the excited crowd below, Ji Yang showed a meaningful smile on his face.

It turns out that it is such an easy thing to buy people's hearts.

In fact, Ji Yang was going to show more of his ability, but now it seems that he doesn't need it.

The powerful healing effect of a Shennong tripod has already captured them.

"God Emperor Ji actually has such a powerful treasure?"

It was the first time for Ji Yang to use the Shennong Ding in front of Cui Youyang, although Ji Yang had used it before when he was fighting against God.

But at that time, Cui Youyang was not among the people watching, so naturally he had never seen him.

Even those who saw Ji Yang using the Shennong Ding in the headquarters of Tiandao Sect were surprised because this was the first time they experienced the power of the Shennong Ding.

"My boss still has more treasures like this."

"Belief in my boss is the right choice for you, it's much better than believing in your shitty god master."

"Has your God, like my boss, ever rid your body of pain?"

Peng Caixuan looked proudly at Cui Youyang who was speaking, and said arrogantly.

Hearing Peng Caixuan's words, Cui Youyang nodded first, then shook his head.

He nodded, because he knew that he was right to believe in Ji Yang.

Shaking his head is to show that God has not done anything for Tiandao believers.

God really exists and has descended into the mortal world. Many people in Tiandao Sect are aware of this, but in terms of people who have seen God, there are no more than ten people in the entire Tiandao Sect.

Even Cui Youyang only saw him once, and that was during his coming-of-age ceremony, when Cui Shiming prayed for him, God descended once, but it only lasted for a few seconds, that's all.

God only connects with the leader, and some believers who have made special contributions have the opportunity to see God.

Others have never seen God, how does God heal everyone.

Although the Lord will occasionally make some exercises and medicines and other things to Tiandao, but those things are really a drop in the bucket for millions of believers.

Where is it like Ji Yang, thousands of people benefited as soon as he made a move.


Although the desired effect seems to have been achieved now, Ji Yang feels that it is still not enough.

God, how can you be so capable.

Healing injuries and so on is just the surface of his display. Now he has put away the Shennong Ding and taken out the Fuxiqin.

With Fuxiqin in his hand, Ji Yang gently plucked the strings, and the sound of the piano appeared, and everyone who heard the sound trembled slightly.

Following the sound of the piano, their hearts felt a little unstable.

The blood in the body is also flowing uncontrollably.

The Fuxiqin played by Ji Yang was not to help everyone stabilize their minds, but to disturb their minds.

The use of the Shennong Ding just now can be said to be some good news and benefits from Ji Yang to these believers.

As for Fuxiqin, he was giving these people a little warning. He wanted to tell them that while he could bring them benefits, he could also bring them pain.

It's still the same sentence, grace and power.

Doing things well will be beneficial, if you are disobedient, you will suffer torture.

"I can't take it, I can't take it, stop it, stop it!"

"God Ji Yang, please stop, I feel like my body is about to explode, I'm going crazy!"

"I can't, I really can't, I really want to die..."

Under the stimulation of Fuxiqin, those whose strength has reached above the ground level can barely resist now.

But the people below the ground level couldn't take it anymore, they were on the verge of collapse.

Those with lower strength screamed like crazy, pulling their hair and clothes, looking miserable.

Everyone knew that they became like this because of the sound of Fuxiqin.

They tried to cover their ears, but it didn't work at all. No matter whether they used their hands or true energy, they couldn't completely isolate the sound of Fuxiqin.

The sound of the piano seems not to be heard through the ears, but directly to the soul.

"God Emperor Ji, I can't take it anymore, please stop."

Cui Youyang, who was so excited just now because of the Shennong Ding, looked at Ji Yang with a painful expression.

Although he has the strength of a heavenly ancient warrior, such strength only makes him suffer less, but it does not mean that there is no.

And this pain is becoming more and more obvious at this time.



Ji Yang felt that it was almost the same, he played the Fuxiqin heavily with his palm, and then stopped.

With this replay, the sound spread, and some people couldn't bear the stimulation of the sound, and directly vomited blood.

This was done on purpose by Ji Yang...

Playing the Fuxiqin stopped, Ji Yang put away the Fuxiqin, looking at the believers below who were clearly relieved and relaxed, Ji Yang smiled triumphantly.

He expressed satisfaction with the result.

If they don't give them some pain, they really think how kind they are.

He wants to tell these people that he can save people, but he can also kill people.

"Step aside!"


Ji Yang shouted softly to the crowd below. Hearing Ji Yang's voice, although all the believers didn't know what was going on, they still decisively chose to avoid it.

When an open space appeared, Ji Yang's body instantly grew bigger.

Watching Ji Yang's body grow bigger, everyone's jaws almost dropped in shock.

Under the gaze of everyone's astonished expressions, Ji Yang fell from the air to the ground. Looking at Ji Yang whose body was like a small hill in front of him, the followers of Tiandao Sect, their bodies trembling, knelt on the ground one by one, and offered to Ji Yang. kowtow.

"Worship the Great God Jihuang, bow down to the Great God Jihuang..."

"I am kind. As long as you sincerely believe in me, I will not treat you badly, and the benefits you can get will be unimaginable."

"If you perfunctory me and don't obey my decree, then you will suffer more pain than Qin Yin just now, and I will tell you that death is also a luxury!"

Ji Yang's voice was cold, and the voice reached everyone's ears, and these people lowered their bodies even lower.

At the same time, they said in unison, sincerely believe in Emperor Ji, and absolutely obey Emperor Ji's decree...

(End of this chapter)

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