The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1757 Listen to Laojun

Chapter 1757 Listen to Laojun (three more)

In fact, the Nuwa stone has always been in the hands of the Yellow Emperor, but the eyes of the Taishang Laojun were completely attracted by the fact that Han Yan wanted to kill the Yellow Emperor.

Whether it was the surrounding breath or other things, he ignored them.

Now when he saw the Nvwa stone handed over by the Yellow Emperor, Taishang Laojun was astonished.

The Nuwa stone was also seen by the Taishang Laojun back then.

But it was only a one-time relationship, but even if it was a one-way relationship, Taishang Laojun still recognized the Nuwa stone at a glance. This is not only because of the special appearance of the Nuwa stone, but the key point is the breath.

"That's right, it's the Nuwa Stone."

"Where did you get it?"

"Where else can I get it from Xiaobai? He promised me that he would lend me the Nuwa stone when he got it, but he forgot about it when he got it."

"I took the Nuwa stone and didn't look for me for a long time. I just asked him, and he gave me the Nuwa stone."

As for the 500 million merit transmission fee, Huang Di didn't gossip about it.

Compared to getting the Nuwa stone, 500 million merits are really nothing.

"Great, with the Nvwa stone, the hostility in her body can be completely expelled."

"Hanba, oh Hanba, it seems that you will inevitably be tortured today."

Taishang Laojun took the Nuwa stone from Huangdi's hand, and looked at Hanba with a sneer.

Seeing Taishang Laojun's smile like this, Hanba had a very bad feeling.

"What do you want? What do you want?"

If it was only facing the Yellow Emperor, Hanba would have more confidence.

But now that the Taishang Laojun is here, things are more difficult to handle. Just looking at the Taishang Laojun's attack just now, I know that it will not be good for me to confront the Taishang Laojun head-on.

"What? Don't you know it yourself?"

"With the Nuwa stone, the hostility on your body can be completely eliminated, at least it can be kept in a controllable state."

"Actually, your state is similar to being insane. You have endured too much pressure, resulting in excessive hostility, which is completely uncontrollable. The hostility distorts your heart, actions, and consciousness."

"To put it simply, the current you is not the real you. In fact, the relationship between you and the Yellow Emperor has eased during this period of time, and it is no different from a normal father and daughter. But today, your hostility broke out. So your whole person has changed."

"As long as you control your hostility, then you and Huangdi will be able to reconcile as before if you get along with Huangdi for a while."

The nuwa stone can expel and control the hostile energy in Hanba's body, and Hanba is clear about this.

But what Taishang Laojun said doesn't sound nutritious.

Hanba knows all these things, but what does the sentence Taishang Laojun said about torture just now mean?

"Old gentleman, please speak clearly, what does it mean that Hanba will be tortured?"

"I said, she is my daughter, you can't hurt her, or I will lose my face."

In the mortal world, the Yellow Emperor did not take good care of Hanba.

Now that Hanba has been brought to heaven, if he can't take care of Hanba, the Yellow Emperor himself will look down on him.

"Do you want to control the hostility in her body?"


"You can do it if you think about it, and you have to listen to me if you think about it. It's not that I want to hurt her, but that she has to go through this process."

"Leave everything to me, you just watch."

Taishang Laojun said that he could understand Huangdi's feelings of protecting his daughter.

But understanding is understanding, some things cannot be changed.

Looking at the serious Taishang Laojun who was not joking, Huang Di could only nod with a wry smile.

But the Yellow Emperor agreed, but Han Yan, who was the party involved, did not agree.

"I don't want it, I don't want it to get rid of hostility, I don't want it, I don't want it!"

The Hanba under the outbreak of hostility can't be understood with normal thinking.

She didn't care what Taishang Laojun and Huangdi thought or said, anyway, she opposed it with both hands and feet.

Looking at the opposing Hanba, Taishang Laojun narrowed his eyes, and his body suddenly became a little stronger.

"Old gentleman, you..."

"If you want her well, then leave this matter to me. If you don't want to, Nu Wa stone will be given to you, and I will leave now!"

Dealing with the situation of the drought will solve a disaster for the Three Realms.

But from the present point of view, the focus is still on helping the Yellow Emperor.

If it is just to solve the disaster, it seems that there is no need to be so troublesome. Taishang Laojun has many ways to deal with the drought.

While the Taishang Laojun was speaking, he handed the Nuwa stone in his hand to the Yellow Emperor, and raised his chin at Huangdi, signaling that the other party could take the Nuwa stone away.

As long as the Yellow Emperor takes the Nuwa stone away, the Taishang Laojun will leave immediately.

There is no doubt about this.

Looking at the Nuwa stone, Huangdi looked at the Nuwa stone, then turned his head to look at Hanyan, his hand wanted to touch the Nuwa stone several times, but in the end, his reason overcame his emotions.

"Laojun, I leave it all to you, I just hope you don't make her suffer too much."

"Pain is inevitable, but I guarantee that she will not feel pain other than dispelling the hostility."

"You have to make the right choice. Hanba's situation is already very bad. If you don't agree to let me get rid of the hostility in her body today, even if you want to stop her next time we meet, I will kill her."

"The safety of the Three Realms is greater than you and me!"

Taishang Laojun said softly, his eyes fixed on Hanba again.

"No, I absolutely don't want it, never!"

"Don't even think about it, don't even think about getting rid of the hostility in my body, don't even think about it!"

Hanba shook his head while retreating, and then he saw the corpse aura released from his body. After the strong corpse aura enveloped him, Hanba's body instantly flew up, trying to fly to the distance.

Even if she can't escape from Heaven, Hanba will escape here today.

"Hmph, you are so stubborn that you still want to escape!"

"King Kong Zhuo!"

The Hanba can run, and Taishang Laojun has already expected it. When he saw the Hanba flying, Taishang Laojun also floated up.

At the same time, there was already an extra bracelet in his hand, it was Diamond Zhuo.

With the Vajra cut in his hand, Taishang Laojun threw it towards Hanba.


"Ah... poof..."

Vajra Zhuo hit Hanba on the back, Hanba let out a cry of pain, and spit out a mouthful of blackened blood from her mouth.

The body that was flying in the air fell weakly towards the ground.

This means that Hanba's physical body is relatively strong. If it were an ordinary person, his spine would have to be broken all of a sudden.

"Old gentleman, are you being too ruthless?"

"I don't want to either, but I lent Xiaobai my golden rope, and now I can only use diamond cutting."

"Hanba has rough skin and thick flesh, so it's all right now."

Seeing Hanba spitting blood after being smashed, Huang Di felt bad.

And what Taishang Laojun said also made him look weird.

Watching the Taishang Laojun fly to Hanba and grab the limp Hanba, Huangdi also flew over.

"What's next?"

"Come with me to Tushita Palace, and only by coming to me can I get rid of her hostility!"

After the Taishang Laojun finished speaking, he carried the Hanbai and flew towards his Tushita Palace, and the Yellow Emperor followed...

(End of this chapter)

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