The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1764 Is Xiaoxin Your Name

Chapter 1764 Is Xiaoxin Your Name? (Part [-])
Someone called her name, and she called her very intimately. Huang Xiaoxin instinctively looked at the person who called her, and Ji Yang and the others also followed the prestige.

Ji Yang saw an ordinary-looking woman with an ordinary figure, wearing a light blue evening dress, and elegant temperament, walking towards their position.

In terms of appearance alone, this woman can only be regarded as below average in this reception, and judging by her appearance, she will not attract too much attention.

But her temperament makes people unconsciously take a look at her. She has the air of a strong woman, but in the midst of her strength, she is very elegant.

Her temperament is much better than those women who look at their faces.

"Hongling, it's you?"

"Didn't you go abroad? When you came back, don't tell me."

"It's been more than half a year since I came back. I work as the vice president of a multinational company, and I came here today on behalf of the company."

"What's more, you changed your contact information without telling me, but my phone number has never changed. It's a pity that we were still best friends when we were in school. Is this handsome guy your husband?"

Huang Xiaoxin did know the woman in front of her. Her name was Wei Hongling. When Huang Xiaoxin was in college, the two lived in the same dormitory.

As the other party said, when they were in college, the two had a very good relationship, like girlfriends.

But after graduating, Wei Hongling went abroad. In the beginning, the two had frequent contact, but as their respective affairs increased, the contact between them became less, and in the end they even lost contact.

This kind of thing is very common in today's society.

Whether it is a good friend in college, a good brother, or a good playmate in childhood, with the passage of time and the influence of the environment, the relationship between them will always gradually fade away.

This phenomenon cannot be avoided.

Hearing Wei Hongling's words, Huang Xiaoxin was a little embarrassed.

When Wei Hongling said that Ji Yang was her husband, Huang Xiaoxin blushed to the point of bleeding.

"I'm not married yet. Where's my husband? He's my fiancé, Ji Yang."

"Ji Yang, this is Wei Hongling, my best classmate and best friend in college. She is a super student in our school."

Blushing introduced Ji Yang and Wei Hongling, Ji Yang shook hands with Wei Hongling politely
"Xiaoxin is our school belle and my best friend. You can't bully her, otherwise I won't let you go."

"Xiaoxin, in my impression, you are a woman like water, very soft and weak, but I haven't seen you for a few years, you have turned into a piece of tough ice, and you have become the boss of a big company, which really surprised me. "

"The point is that I have a handsome fiancé, which makes me so sad as a single!"

Wei Hongling has a good temperament, but when it comes to jokes, she is also very easy-going.

It's just that when Wei Hongling was joking and looked at Ji Yang, Ji Yang felt unnatural.

Wei Hongling's eyes are very strange, it's the kind of feeling that she wants to look at herself.

"Am I too handsome today to attract her?"

"No, it's too dangerous. She is Xiaoxin's best friend. I can't make mistakes, or I will suffer."

While thinking about this narcissistically in his heart, Ji Yang had already taken a step back quietly, putting distance between himself and Wei Hongling.

Seeing Ji Yang's little move, Wei Hongling was slightly taken aback, with a slight smile on her face.

But the look in Ji Yang's eyes was even weirder.

This woman is not simple, Ji Yang gave Wei Hongling such an answer.

People will always change, not to mention that Huang Xiaoxin and Wei Hongling haven't seen each other for many years, no matter what the other person's personality was before or how the relationship between the two was before, Huang Xiaoxin definitely doesn't know her well enough now.

But Ji Yang just felt himself, but he didn't tell Huang Xiaoxin about it.

The current Huang Xiaoxin is not the former Huang Xiaoxin, she has her own judgment, and Ji Yang doesn't want her own judgment to affect the relationship between Huang Xiaoxin and Wei Hongling.

Because after meeting Wei Hongling, Huang Xiaoxin was indeed very happy.

It's the kind of joy that comes from the heart.

"Xiaoxin, we have to distinguish between public and private. Now is not the time to reminisce about the old days. Let's talk after the reception."

"Okay, here is my business card with my new number on it, the reception is over, let's have a good chat."


Huang Xiaoxin handed her business card to Wei Hongling, and after Wei Hongling waved goodbye to Huang Xiaoxin and Ji Yang, she walked towards the others.

"Xiaoxin, did she say which multinational company she worked as the vice president? Don't you want to invest in overseas markets? Since they are your girlfriends, you can cooperate."

"Oh, I was so happy just now, I forgot about this."

A reminder from Li Zixuan made Huang Xiaoxin feel a little regretful.

Just now Wei Hongling reminded that public and private are clearly distinguished. Didn't she just miss the official business because of a private matter?

"It's okay, anyway, you guys will catch up on the old days later, so ask her carefully then."

Looking at Huang Xiaoxin who was a little annoyed, Ji Yang smiled and comforted her.

Originally, he wanted to say more about his views on Wei Hongling, but in the end he chose not to talk about it.

He hoped that his feeling was wrong, and that no matter whether Wei Hongling changed or not, it would not affect her friendship with Huang Xiaoxin.

If Wei Hongling really did something to hurt Huang Xiaoxin, Ji Yang wouldn't care if Wei Hongling was Huang Xiaoxin's best friend.

"This beautiful lady, I am the commercial director of S Group in the United States, and my name is Crito."

"Hello, Huang Xiaoxin from Xinyang Trading Company."

After Wei Hongling left, Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoxin's four daughters continued to look for food.

While a few people were eating dessert, a handsome American man walked over.

After a simple and formulaic opening, Crito started chatting with Huang Xiaoxin.

When he communicated with Huang Xiaoxin, he completely regarded Ji Yang next to Huang Xiaoxin as air.

And what he said was related to the company's project at first, saying that it was to develop the Huaxia market, and he needed to find a partner in Huaxia.

But as we talked, why did we go to other places?

Why is Huang Xiaoxin so beautiful and has such a good figure? Praise Huang Xiaoxin for being the president of the company at such a young age.

And the way he looked at Huang Xiaoxin became more and more innocent.

"Mr. Huang, this is my first time in the sea, and I am not familiar with the situation in Linhai. Can you have dinner tonight, and then tell me about the situation in Linhai? By the way, let's talk about our possible cooperation. ?”

I am!

Ji Yang has been holding back and not getting angry, but now, this guy's true nature is revealed.

Your sister, even if you want to introduce Linhai's situation and discuss cooperation, you don't need to spend the night.

Is this guy's purpose clearly impure?


Crito's words came out, Huang Xiaoxin didn't speak, and Ji Yang answered directly to the other party.

"Sir, I'm talking to Xiaoxin. You're not a gentleman when you talk at this time."

"Gentleman? You ask women out to discuss business at night, are you a gentleman? Also, is Xiaoxin your name?"

Ji Yang stared, and directly yelled at Crito...

(End of this chapter)

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