The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1772 No suitable product found

Chapter 1772 No suitable product found (three more)
"It's really bold to talk about topics between women."

"However, everything is quite normal, but Wei Hongling didn't say which multinational company she worked for, which is a bit strange."

Although Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv are in different places, with the cultivation base of the second rank immortal, the little dragonnv, who is a contract beast, has also greatly improved in terms of telepathy with Ji Yang.

Even if they are more than ten kilometers away, Ji Yang can still see everything in front of him through Xiaolongnv, and hear the content of the other party's conversation clearly.

After listening to the conversation between Wei Hongling and Huang Xiaoxin, except that Wei Hongling did not mention her company, the other contents are of no value.

The chat between the two was exactly like the conversation between girlfriends who hadn't seen each other for many years, but the content scale was a little bigger.

"Ji Yang, do you want me to go back?"

"You can stay with Xiaoxin, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't let her find you."

While there are no issues right now, who knows what will happen next.

For Huang Xiaoxin's safety, Ji Yang will not let Xiaolongnv come back.

Anyway, with his own cultivation and Ao Ye was by his side, even if something happened, he didn't need Xiaolongnv's help for the time being.

"Don't worry, she won't find me."

Xiao Longnv firmly remembered Ji Yang's explanation.

After communicating with Xiaolongnu, Ji Yang continued to listen to the conversation between Wei Hongling and Huang Xiaoxin.

It's just that there is really nothing interesting about these contents, but according to Wei Hongling's words, she has worked hard these years, and her achievements today are not easy.

But it's not easy for her, and who is easy?

Even Ji Yang, because he can communicate with heaven and earth, his development speed and identity changes are ten times and a hundred times faster than others. Everything about him is beyond the reach of many people in a lifetime.

But what he got today and what he gave is incomparable to others.

How many times, Ji Yang was almost killed.

"Three in the morning? You can really talk."

Huang Xiaoxin and Wei Hongling chatted for a long time until three o'clock in the morning.

If Huang Xiaoxin hadn't said that she had something to do tomorrow, they would definitely continue to chat.

The two were about to rest, and there was no need for Ji Yang to continue to know everything over there through Xiaolongnu. After telling Xiaolongnu to contact him if there was anything, Ji Yang also withdrew his spiritual knowledge and ended the contact with Xiaolongnu. .

After ending the contact with Xiaolongnv, Ji Yang still couldn't sleep.

He was still curious about Wei Hongling's concealment.

Originally, Ji Yang planned to find someone to check for him, but looking at the time, it is three or four o'clock in the morning, so it is not appropriate to find anyone by himself.

At this time, everyone is asleep.

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow, it's not too late."

After taking out the phone several times, Ji Yang finally chose to give up.

Dongfang Mei's three daughters were already asleep, and Ji Yang didn't disturb them, but came to a room alone and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Ji Yang was woken up by the phone ringing.

"Xiaoxin, you got up so early, you slept so late last night, why don't you sleep a little longer."

The call was from Huang Xiaoxin, and when the call was answered, Ji Yang asked with concern.

It's only past seven o'clock now, that is to say, Huang Xiaoxin only slept for about four hours.

"How do you know I sleep late?"

"You and your best friend have seen each other so much, you must have a lot to talk about, and Wei Hongling is so excited, it's no wonder you can go to bed early."

"But this is just speculation. In fact, we have a good understanding, because I couldn't sleep thinking about you last night."

Sweet, what Ji Yang said is really sweet, as sweet as you want.

Although Ji Yang couldn't see Huang Xiaoxin's expression on the other side of the phone, you can guess that Huang Xiaoxin must be very happy now, and maybe his face was reddened by himself.

"As for your sweet talk, I didn't go to bed until after three o'clock in the morning yesterday, but I can't help it. I have an appointment with Lilith and Jessie. I'm going to the winery and cosmetics to have a look today. I can't get up late."

"I'm having breakfast with Hongling, she will go back to the company later, do you want to accompany Lilith and Jesse with me today?"

"I won't go to the factory. When you finish, just call me when you have dinner."

"Okay then, I'll call you then."

Looking at products and talking about projects is really boring.

With that time, I might as well go to WeChat to chat with the girls in the family.

After finishing the call with Huang Xiaoxin, Ji Yang couldn't continue to sleep, so he simply got up and prepared a love breakfast for the three daughters of Mu Hong.

After breakfast was ready, the three daughters of Mu Hong got up one after another.

"I have nothing to do today, what are your plans?"

"I don't know, we don't have any arrangements, why don't we go shopping?"

Ji Yang regretted hearing Li Zixuan talk about shopping.

When women are bored, the most willing thing to do is go shopping. Even if they don't buy anything, they can still go shopping all day.

But for Ji Yang, this is quite boring and helpless.

But what can I do now that I have said everything?It's not appropriate to regret it now.

After hearing that Mu Hong and Dongfang Mei also agreed to go shopping, Ji Yang sighed helplessly. Today, his two legs will probably be slender again.

But it's good to go shopping, maybe you can see something new to play, and then get it in the WeChat store.

After breakfast, Ji Yang drove his warrior, took Mu Hong and the three daughters away from the villa, and headed for the city.

Ji Yang is very busy during this time, but he hasn't gone shopping for a long time.

However, Linhai is developing very fast, and now roads are being built everywhere. In order to get to the urban area, Ji Yang will be surrounded by this road.

"This road has only been repaired for two years. How can it be repaired again? The planning department really has enough."

"The last urban area has caught up with the second city. It's hard work."

Ji Yang complained, but Dongfang Mei's three daughters smiled sweetly.

They don't care how difficult the road is, anyway, they can go shopping when they reach the urban area, so that's fine.

Although before participating in the business forum, Dongfang Mei's three daughters had already walked around the city.

But today came, and obviously did not mean to return empty-handed.

Ji Yang accompanied the three daughters of Mu Hong while shopping, and helped them carry their things. When others were not paying attention, he put the things that the three daughters of Mu Hong had bought into the Qiankun storage ring, so that he would be more relaxed.

But while shopping, Ji Yang was also observing.

He is looking for new sources of goods to enrich the products of his WeChat store.

He just browsed for a long time, but he didn't find anything suitable.

It was already past two o'clock at noon, and there was no call from Huang Xiaoxin. It is estimated that Huang Xiaoxin, Lilith and Jesse were still looking at the product.

Because of the cooperation, it is normal to delay the meal time.

"Ji Yang, we've been shopping for so long, let's find a place to rest."

"Alright, where do you want to go to rest?"

Rest, Ji Yang will not object, because he also wants to take a rest.

It's just that he hasn't found a suitable product yet, which makes him feel a little bad...

(End of this chapter)

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