The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1785 Are They Here

Chapter 1785 Are They Here (Part [-])
"Demons and ghosts like places where yin qi gathers, that is their source of energy, but according to my observation, the Fengshui of Xinyang Hotel is very good, and it belongs to a place with a lot of yang energy, which is harmful to ghosts and ghosts. The place."

"Could the breath here be a coincidence, just a blind guy who happened to pass by here?"

Ji Yang was thinking because of Ao Ye's phone call.

Ao Ye continued to speak and gave Ji Yang some ideas of his own.

Many of the lonely ghosts live in no fixed place, and they will go wherever they go.

If there is a lonely ghost who happened to pass by the Xinyang Hotel and left behind his own breath, it is not impossible.

But after hearing Ao Ye's words, Ji Yang nodded through the phone, then shook his head again.

"What you said is not impossible, and I have thought about it."

"But if it's really just passing by, it should only be for a short stay. Lilith and Jesse shouldn't have such a strong bloody aura, and from what Lilith said, the guy stared at her for a long time. It's not short."

"By the way, you said that the breath you felt was strange, what's going on?"

The lonely ghost happened to pass by, so this conjecture cannot be completely overturned, but it cannot be confirmed, so Ji Yang will not give an accurate and positive answer.

As for the weirdness of Yin Qi that Ao Ye mentioned before, this is also a breakthrough point.

"Normal yin qi should give people a chilly feeling, the kind that makes people creepy, isn't that right?"

"Well, the normal Yin Qi is indeed like this, but it's rare that the Yin Qi in your Xinyang Hotel is not like this?"

"The yin energy of Xinyang Hotel has a hot current in the coldness, and has a strong evil aura. This aura is very similar to the yin energy of the underworld, but it is different, so I don't know whether it should be or not. Call it Yin Qi!"

Ji Yang asked Ao Ye, and while Ao Ye gave the answer, he also asked Ji Yang back.

Hearing Ao Ye's description, Ji Yang's gloomy face was visibly startled.

"Evil breath with heat? Did they come to the sea?"

"They? Who?"

"Dark Wizard!"

When he was in Miaojiang earlier, Ji Yang fought against the black wizards, and completely destroyed the power that the black wizards had accumulated in Miaojiang for many years.

At that time, the black wizard had summoned a demon, and the breath of the demon was very similar to Yin Qi, but different.

The devil's aura is cold and cold, with a sense of burning heat.

So upon hearing Ao Ye's description, Ji Yang instinctively thought of the black wizard.

"Dark wizard? What?"

"A group of cultivators who cultivated through evil ways. It seems that I have to go to Xinyang Hotel in person. If it is true that the black wizard summoned the devil, then all of this is definitely not a coincidence."

Ji Yang told Ao Ye the demonic breath he had felt, and it was very similar to the breath Ao Ye felt.

It's just that Ao Ye didn't participate in the matter of the No. [-] murderous building in Miaojiang at that time, so he was a stranger to the black wizard.

The matter is related to the dark wizard, so it can't be regarded as a small matter.

The methods of these dark wizards belong to the bloody and cruel category, and they can even be more brutal than the people of the Dark Night Alliance.

The vampires and werewolves of the Night Alliance are more brutal and bloody.

But the black wizard will not only kill people, but also imprison the soul, manipulate the soul for his own use, and will not let people die in peace.

It is much more painful to die without rest than to die directly.

As for the black wizard's guess, Ji Yang can't be regarded as a random guess.

On the boat returning to China from country H, Ji Yang taught Pamixi a lesson and threw him into the sea.

According to Xiao Longnu's observation, the person who rescued Pamissi was a black wizard.

At that time, Pamixi already knew Ji Yang's identity and knew that he was in Linhai. Now there is a possibility that a black wizard has come to Linhai to retaliate against Ji Yang.

"You wait for me at Xinyang Hotel, I'll go there right away!"

This matter, now can't just let Ao Ye figure out the situation over there, Ji Yang has to go there himself.

After asking Ao Ye to wait for him, Ji Yang returned to where Huang Xiaoxin and the others were.

Looking at the few people who were chatting happily, Ji Yang told them that he had to leave first. Before leaving, he told Lilith and Jesse to go back to his villa with Huang Xiaoxin tonight.

No matter what the situation of Xinyang Hotel is, for the sake of safety, it is impossible for Ji Yang to let Lilith and He continue to live.

"Little Dragon Girl, protect them!"

"Don't worry, with me here, they will be fine, just be careful."

Xiaolongnv and Ji Yang are connected in heart, Ji Yang doesn't need to talk too much to Xiaolongnv, Xiaolongnv knows what Ji Yang thinks.

With Xiaolongnv's protection, Ji Yang left with peace of mind.

On the way to Xinyang Hotel, Ji Yang was still thinking about the matter of Xinyang Hotel.

Both Lilith and Jesse felt like they were being watched last night, which meant they were targeted.

If the black wizard really summoned the devil to enter the Xinyang Hotel, and even targeted Lilith and Jesse, why didn't he attack Lilith and Jesse last night?
Behind Lilith and Jesse are the Kennedy and Rockefeller families.

If something happened to the two of them in Huaxia, or in Xinyang Hotel, the consequences would be very serious.

Huaxia is responsible, and Xinyang Hotel is also unlucky, and the person in charge of Xinyang Hotel is even more inseparable.

"What do these guys want to do?"

The person in charge of Xinyang Hotel is Huang Xiaoxin, and the relationship between Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoxin is no secret in Linhai.

It is entirely possible for the black wizard to retaliate against himself, not on himself, but on the people around him. This is completely possible, and Ji Yang can understand it.

But Ji Yang just couldn't figure it out. Why didn't the dark wizard attack Lilith and Jesse when he had a chance?

Could it be that I made a mistake?

Or is there some ulterior secret in it?

The more he thought about it, the more confused Ji Yang felt.

"Everything is guesswork now, we still need to determine the source of the breath first, whether it is really related to the black wizard."

His mind was as messy as a paste, and Ji Yang was also very irritable.

But so far, Ji Yang has not been able to confirm everything.

Let yourself calm down a little, Ji Yang has arrived in front of Xinyang Hotel, where Ao Ye is waiting for him.

After Ji Yang got off the car and nodded to Ao Ye, he went straight into Xinyang Hotel without wasting any time.

"There's really something coming!"

As soon as he entered the Xinyang Hotel, a cold light flashed in Ji Yang's eyes.

When I came here today, the atmosphere here has obviously changed from when I left yesterday.

Although ordinary people can't see it, Ji Yang can see that there is a black gas floating in the lobby of Xinyang Hotel that normal people can't see.

Amidst the black air, there was still some faint red light flickering.

The black air is chilling, and the red light is hot. This is the strange "yin air" that Ao Ye feels...

(End of this chapter)

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