The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 180 The Action Begins

Chapter 180 The Action Begins (Seventh)

There were no stars in the dark night, and even the moon didn't know where it went. A gust of cold wind blew by, and more than a dozen police vehicles drove out of the Linhai City Public Security Bureau.

There are criminal police, special police, armed police and special forces in these police cars. Everyone is fully armed, even Ji Yang is wearing a body armor and a helmet on his head.

More than a dozen cars were driving quietly, and each car turned on the lights to the darkest, just to ensure that the road ahead could be seen clearly. In this case, the siren would definitely not be sounded.

Apart from him, there were eight other people in the car that Ji Yang was in. These eight people were Zhang Junyi and the seven members of the Linhai Special Forces. Since getting in the car, these eight people hadn't said a word. Ji Yang thought It's not easy to speak, the whole car is very quiet.

Before starting this mission, Mu An also told Ji Yang that this mission is very dangerous, and anyone who resists will be killed. This is destined to be an unforgettable night, and Ji Yang will truly experience life for the first time. fragile.

Ji Yang has personally taught many people, but he has never personally killed a single person.

A dozen or so police cars had been driving for some time. When Ji Yang looked out the window, what he saw was not dense buildings or traffic, but a field of crops.

This is already a suburb near the sea, but the vehicles obviously did not stop and continued to move silently. The roads in the suburbs became rough and difficult, and the speed of vehicles also slowed down.

"The destination is here, everyone get off..."

Following the voice from the intercom, the car stopped completely, and then everyone in the car got out of the car. After Ji Yang got out of the car, he looked around and found an abandoned factory building about 500 meters in front of him. .

"Everyone is in position, act according to the original plan, the sniper team finds the sniper point, the first team and the second team surround from the right, the third team and the fourth team surround from the left..."

Mu An is the commander-in-chief of this mission. At this time, he is giving orders to everyone. Following his orders, teams of people also walked around the factory building in an orderly manner.

"Get on the assault vehicle, break open the gate, and the assault team will follow."

With Mu An's order, the lights of the assault vehicle instantly turned on, and under the strong light, the factory building 500 meters away could be seen clearly. With the lights appearing, there were also panicked voices in the factory building.


As the sound of the assault vehicle hitting the gate of the factory building sounded, there were continuous bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang sound.

It was the first time for Ji Yang to experience this kind of scene. This was a real hail of bullets. Seeing the bullets whizzing past all over the sky, his breathing became rapid.

When he saw people on the ground who were no longer breathing or moaning in pain, he couldn't calm down even more. It turns out that human life is sometimes really fragile. Don't look at yourself as a ninth-rank immortal now. If a If you are not careful, you will definitely be labeled as a hornet's nest.

"It's the first time to see if you are not used to these, don't stand still, just keep up with the team."

Zhang Junyi was holding a Type 95 assault rifle in his hand, and when he pulled the trigger, the bullets shot out like fire snakes.

Zhang Junyi originally rushed into the factory building with the main force, but when he saw Ji Yang standing at the door in a daze, he stopped and gave him a hand.

Ji Yang was dragged by Zhang Junyi, so he recovered his nerves and rushed into the factory building together with the team. He found that Zhang Junyi's marksmanship was very good, and every shot would hit the target, which can be said to be flawless.

"As expected of the squadron leader of the Special Forces, this marksmanship is really powerful."

Because Ji Yang entered the factory relatively late, at this time most of the people were killed or fled, and there were very few people who resisted.

The entire factory building is very large, and the situation inside the factory building can be vaguely seen through the lights of the police cars driving into the factory building. Rusty machines are placed in the factory building, and there are many corpses lying on the ground. The strong smell of blood and gunpowder is still there. There was a musty smell mixed together, coupled with the corpse lying on the ground in blood, this scene made Ji Yang feel a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

"It's the same for the first time, and then you get used to it."

At some point, Mu Hong actually came to Ji Yang's side, her face was very calm, as if she was used to everything in front of her.


Hearing Mu Hong's words, Ji Yang wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he heard a scream.

When Ji Yang and Mu Hong heard the scream, they both turned their heads to look at the place where the scream was, and saw a special police officer being punched in the chest by a thin man, and he was thrown backwards by the opponent's punch , After the body fell to the ground, it remained motionless.

"Ruan Wenzhong!"

Ji Yang immediately recognized that the person who punched the special policeman was Ruan Wenzhong.

Ruan Wenzhong sent the special policeman flying with a punch, and ran directly to a window beside him. He smashed the glass on the window with a crash, and he also jumped out of the window.

Ji Yang noticed that Ruan Wenzhong was still holding something in his hand when he was running away, but because the light was not clear enough, he couldn't see what the other party was holding for a while.


Seeing someone running away, Mu Hong raised her foot to chase after her, but Ji Yang stopped her just as she moved.

"You stay here, or I will chase after you."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he rushed out like a little cheetah, and jumped out of the window in an instant.

Seeing Ji Yang's speed was so fast, Mu Hong was obviously taken aback, but he didn't listen to Ji Yang's words, but followed him closely to catch up.

Although Ruan Wenzhong didn't run slowly, Ji Yang was faster, and soon Ji Yang was overtaken.

"Ruan Wenzhong, if you dare to resell drugs here, you must be prepared to be killed."

Needless to say, the harm of drugs will not only cause harm to drug users themselves, but after drug users have no money to buy drugs, they will try their best to get money to buy drugs, which will endanger society.

So facing Ruan Wenzhong, Ji Yang already had killing intent in his heart.

Ruan Wenzhong knew that he had hit the special police twice with one punch before. Hearing Ji Yang's cry behind him, Ruan Wenzhong turned around and punched out.

Faced with Ruan Wenzhong's punch, Ji Yang smiled disdainfully, but Ji Yang smiled coldly and punched out, and the two collided. There was a cracking sound of bones breaking in Ruan Wenzhong's arm, and his arm was also severely deformed. up.



Ruan Wenzhong's arm was broken, and a scream sounded from his mouth. Faced with his scream, Ji Yang didn't seem to hear it, he just wanted to kill him directly.

But when Ji Yang was about to kill Ruan Wenzhong directly, he frowned and did not take two steps back.

When he retreated, Ruan Wenzhong already had a middle-aged man with bare upper body. When he saw this middle-aged man, Ji Yang unconsciously said three words: "Master Jiangtou."

 The seventh update, there are a lot of things in the company today, but Xieben said that at least ten updates today, it will definitely be done, please be patient, please recommend monthly tickets for rewards

(End of this chapter)

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