The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1805 If I Say I Can, Then I Can

Chapter 1805 If I Say I Can, Then I Can (One More)
"Come out, come out."

"Genius doctor, how is my son?"

When Ji Yang walked out of the operating room, a group of people immediately surrounded him.

Some of these people were outside the operating room before, and some of them were burnt people in the Xinyang Hotel.

There are also some who came to join in the fun when they heard that a miracle doctor appeared here.

The people here who are most concerned about the situation must be the mother of the burned young man, that is, the middle-aged woman.

Now as soon as she saw Ji Yang coming out, she immediately ran to Ji Yang, grabbed Ji Yang's clothes, and asked with a worried face.

Beside her, stood a middle-aged man, who looked a little imposing.

Although he didn't speak, he looked at Ji Yang with a rather sharp look.

If the guess is correct, this person should be her husband, the deputy director.

"Calm down and listen to what the doctor says."

"Hi doctor, I am Xiao Lin's father, my name is Lin Bai, how is my son's condition?"

Being grabbed by the middle-aged woman, Ji Yang frowned instinctively.

Lin Bai saw Ji Yang, and while comforting his wife softly, he asked Ji Yang softly.

"Don't worry, he's fine. Treat him according to my method, and he will be cured and discharged in a week at most."

This Lin Bai seemed to have a bit of righteousness on his body.

It seems that his position as an official should be pretty good.

If it's that kind of greedy person, there will be an air of greed in it.

Just because he felt that the aura of the other party was more upright, when Ji Yang talked to him, he was also more kind.

"Healed up and left the hospital in a week? Didn't you say that Kobayashi's injuries were serious?"

"Yeah, I've been rescuing it for several hours. Would I still lie to you about it?"

When Lin Bai heard Ji Yang's words, he didn't thank Ji Yang directly, but looked puzzled.

Looking at his wife, his voice was slightly dignified.

Burned by fire, even if it is a minor injury, it is impossible to recover and leave the hospital within a week.

What's more, the news he got before is that his son's burn degree has reached more than 50.00%.

With burns of this degree, it is difficult to survive. How is it possible to recover and leave the hospital within a week.

Let alone a week, a month, or even two months, it is impossible to leave the hospital, let alone recover.

But Ji Yang didn't look like he was joking, so he could only ask his wife if something was wrong.

But how could my wife talk nonsense about this kind of thing?

"Ji Yang, why are you walking so fast and not waiting for me?"

"Can he really recover in a week? What kind of medicine did you give him? Don't tell me about magic medicine, I don't believe it."

While Lin Bai was talking to his wife, Liu Tianjing also came out of the operation.

What Liu Tianjing wanted to ask Ji Yang was what kind of medicine Ji Yang gave the people inside.

If what Ji Yang said is true, then this medicine is powerful.

The burn area reached 50.00%, and the scorched flesh on the body was shaved off. The time required for these wounds to heal and skin grafting is impossible to estimate.

And even if all these were done, there would definitely be scars all over his body, which would look horrible.

If Ji Yang can really make the people inside recover and leave the hospital within a week, it will definitely shock the world. This is a miracle in the history of medicine and a blessing for countless burn victims.

"Dean Liu."

"you are?"

"I'm Lin Bai. Jianglin Provincial Hospital asked you to perform an operation on my father a year ago. We've seen each other before."

"Lin Bai? Oh, I remembered, Director Lin, right, why are you here?"

Liu Tianjing was busy asking Ji Yang, but he didn't see the surrounding situation clearly.

But when Lin Bai saw Liu Tianjing, he was a little surprised.

After a conversation, Liu Tianjing also thought of Lin Bai. It turned out that the two had met before, and he had operated on Lin Bai's father.

"Dean Liu, the one inside is my son."

"President Liu, this doctor said that my son will be cured and discharged in a week. Is this true?"

Lin Bai seemed to trust Liu Tianjing a lot.

Lin Bai didn't know much about Ji Yang. As for Ji Yang, his wife also told him something just now.

But Lin Bai had heard too many false and exaggerated rumors, and he really didn't believe anything about Ji Yang.

In some hospitals, in order to expand their influence and attract more patients to their hospitals, there are too many such things.

But he didn't believe in Ji Yang, but he believed in Liu Tianjing.

"Dr. Ji is an honored expert of our company. He has treated many difficult diseases."

"This time, Dr. Ji was also the attending doctor to treat your son. I can't guarantee whether your son will be cured and discharged within a week as Dr. Ji said, but I trust Dr. Ji very much."

"In Linhai Hospital, he has indeed treated many patients who can't believe they can be cured."

Although Liu Tianjing had doubts about Ji Yang's words.

But when he was talking to other people, the attitude he expressed was that he chose to believe in and support Ji Yang.

Looking at Liu Tianjing in front of him, Lin Bai frowned.

He was not satisfied with Liu Tianjing's answer, because Liu Tianjing's answer was not certain enough.

But after Lin Bai saw Ji Yang's calm look, he still extended his hand to Ji Yang.

Whether it was sincere or polite, anyway, he said thank you to Ji Yang.

"Doctor Ji, if Xiao Lin can recover and be discharged from the hospital, I will definitely come to thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. If you have time to thank me, you might as well do more for the people."

Lin Bai in front of him absolutely did not believe in himself, Ji Yang can be sure of this.

He only said these words out of Liu Tianjing's reputation, or to preserve a way out.

But Ji Yang didn't care whether he believed him or not.

If he really believed this, Ji Yang might still say that he was too easy to be fooled, because in the case of young people, he could not even save his life if he was treated by others.

When Ji Yang spoke, he had already withdrawn his hand.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Lin Bai didn't say anything, but nodded heavily.

Some things, it is useless to say, it depends on doing.

"Where are the family members of the patient? The patient needs to be sent to the intensive care unit now. Follow me to complete the procedures."

"I'm a family member, President Liu, and Doctor Ji. I'm going to go through the formalities. I'll thank you two later."

At this time, the injured young man's wound had been treated, bandaged and pushed out of the operating room.

Today's young people are covered in gauze, completely looking like a mummy.

On his body, there was a smell of medicine.

Lin Bai glanced at his son with heartache, and went to go through the procedures with the nurse.

"Ji Yang, will he really recover in a week?"

"I said yes, so I can."

"As long as you apply the medicine regularly within a week."

"They are also burnt. Clean their wounds according to the method just now, and you will know the truth of what I said."

Ji Yang scanned the surrounding people who were also burned in Xinyang Hotel, handed the porcelain bottle with a few drops of Shennong Baicao Liquid to Liu Tianjing, and walked out of Linhai Hospital...

(End of this chapter)

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