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Chapter 1810 Opening the Hexagram

Chapter 1810 Opening the Hexagram ([-]rd update)
It's just a group of corpses and ghosts, can this really stop Ji Yang and Ao Ye?

If Ji Yang and Ao Ye didn't leave anything to chance, the corpses and ghosts in front of them would have been cleaned up by them long ago.

Even if Sharut and the others really wanted to escape, they would not have time.

Ji Yang has eaten the elixir of the Supreme Lord, so he can understand all languages.

Ji Yang could hear the conversations of Sharut and the black wizards clearly. It was because of this that Ji Yang didn't care about Sharut and the dark wizards who left.

If Ji Yang didn't want them to go, they wouldn't be able to escape even if they turned into flies, let alone crows.

An important reason why Ji Yang didn't pay attention to them was that the content of the conversation between Sharut and the others made Ji Yang interested.

Ji Yang was very curious about what Sharut would come up with against him.

And some things, Ji Yang also had to get rid of them.

Otherwise, staying in Linhai would be a disaster.

Ao Ye heard Ji Yang's words, since Ji Yang said he didn't need to worry about it, then he didn't go, and continued to deal with the ghost in front of him leisurely.

At this time, Sharut and several black wizards had arrived in front of the innermost room of the Pami Group branch.

On the door of this room, the words general manager are written.

This is the office of the general manager of the Pami Group branch.

Of course, this is only on the surface. In the general manager's office, there is actually a big secret hidden, an unknown secret.

Changing from a crow to a human form, Sharut quickly entered the general manager's office without wasting any time.

Entering the office, Sharut waved his palm, and a bookshelf in the general manager's office was smashed to pieces by a blast of air.

The bookshelf was broken, and a two-meter-square circle appeared on the wall. Inside the circle, there was also a blood-red hexagram, which exuded a pungent bloody smell.

"come here!"

"Elder, I have been with you for more than ten years, and I am loyal to you. You can't choose me."

"He, you should choose him, he just followed you, choose him!"

The six-pointed star in front of him, if Ji Yang was here, he would definitely be familiar with it.

When I was in Miaojiang Ghost Tower, the hexagram used by the black wizard to summon the abyssal demon was very similar to this one, but not the same.

Compared with the last six-pointed star, the six-pointed star in front of him seems to be more cautious and bloody.

The black wizard named by Charut shook his head palely.

He knew what Sharut was going to do. He told himself to go there, and the result would be his death, so he chose to resist.

He even chose another dark wizard for Sharut, but other dark wizards also knew what he had to face in the past.

Therefore, the black wizard who was ordered by someone suddenly became furious.

"Asshole, the elder asked you to make a sacrifice, but you dare to resist, you are disrespectful to the elder."

"Whoever disrespects the elders, how can I spare you, control the soul!"

Sacrifice, when black wizards do many things, they will use sacrifices.

And the hexagram in front of him is indeed different from the hexagram in the Miao Jiang ghost building last time.

The hexagram last time was used to summon the abyssal demons.

But this time, the six-pointed star is an independent space similar to a secret room, and the six-pointed star is the gate of this space.

However, whether it is the six-pointed star that summons the abyssal demon, or the six-pointed star in front of him.

If you want to open them, you need a living person as a sacrifice.


The black wizard who was named by his companions naturally didn't want to die.

When he was angry in his heart, he was also afraid that Sharut would change his attention, so when he spoke, he shot directly.

But when he did it, he also found a reason for himself to do it.

His shot was actually to protect himself, but it was said that the other party disrespected Sharut.

Before the other black wizard could react, he had already been tricked.

Using soul control, the black wizard trembled, let out a muffled groan, his eyes were slightly numb, and he walked towards Sharut uncontrollably.

"Elder Sharut, no, no, no!"

The body approached Sharut uncontrollably, it was because the black wizard was controlled by the soul with soul control, and indirectly controlled the body.

But what is controlled is not complete, he still has a certain amount of thinking.

Just these thoughts are not enough to control your body.

Getting closer to Sharut means getting closer to death.

He begged for mercy. At this time, he still hoped that Sharut could let him go.

But it's a pity that at this time, Sharut doesn't care who has been with him for how long.

What he wants now is to open the hexagram and release the contents inside.

"Sacrificing your soul is the gift of the witch god. Your sacrifice is for the better development of the black witch. You will die without complaint!"

"Sharut, you bastard, I want to curse you... ah..."

It is impossible for Sharut to let go of the black wizard in front of him. He has already pressed his hand on the other's head.

Knowing that he could not survive, the black wizard began to curse Sharut.

But before he even finished cursing, Sharut had already pinched his head and slammed into the hexagram on the wall.

The head hit the hexagram, the black wizard's head cracked, and blood sprayed all over the wall.

The blood sprayed on the wall, instead of flowing down the wall, it was strangely absorbed by the six-pointed star.

The hexagram that had absorbed the blood lit up, and a soul body floated out of the body of the dead black wizard. The appearance of the soul was exactly that of the dead black wizard.

This is the soul of a dead dark wizard.

The soul floated out and was instantly absorbed by the twinkling six-pointed star.

As the soul was absorbed, a strong smell of blood floated out from the hexagram, and a black and red gas slowly floated out from the hexagram.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

There was a sound of dog barking, and three ferocious dog heads first appeared from the hexagram, and then a dog with three heads and a body about two meters in length sprang out of the hexagram.

After the three-headed dog appeared, another three-headed dog sprang out of it, a total of six.

Six three-headed dogs appeared, and Sharut and the other dark wizards instinctively stepped back.

These three-headed dogs are the three-headed magic dogs from the abyss.

In the abyss, although the three-headed magic dog is only the lowest-level existence, the combat effectiveness of the three-headed magic dog cannot be underestimated.

In the space blocked by the six-pointed star, the three-headed magic dog is only a part of it.

After the three-headed magic dog appeared, some creatures from the abyss appeared from the six-pointed star, including tauren, goatman, little devil, big devil...

What is blocked in this hexagram is the abyssal creature summoned by the black witch.

After being summoned by the black wizard, the black wizard will use a special method to keep them in the mortal world and seal them in the independent space inside the six-pointed star.

There are already twenty or thirty abyssal creatures that have appeared at this time, but this is not the end, the truly powerful ones have not come out yet...

(End of this chapter)

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