The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 182 Blood Curse Master Cha

Chapter 182 Blood Curse Master Cha (Ninth Update)
When Ji Yang rushed towards the five ghosts, he chanted the mysterious fire mantra in his mouth, and a ray of flame appeared in the palm of his left hand.

Heimang sword in the right hand, Xuanhuo curse in the left hand.

Ji Yang approached the five ghosts, moved his arms together, hit a female ghost with his left palm, and pierced a male ghost's chest with a sword in his right hand.

The female ghost was hit by the Xuanhuo Curse, and a smear of scorched black appeared on the chest immediately, black air was floating all over her body, and she screamed in pain.

The situation of the male ghost pierced through the chest by Ji Yang's sword was even more miserable. Ruan Wenzhong, who was hiding at the side, was terrified when he heard the shrill cry. The appearance of a ghost.

The male ghost's cry became smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared. With a swipe of Ji Yang's black sword and a wave of his arm, the head of the female ghost hit by the mysterious fire curse was chopped off with one blow of the sword, and at the same time, he hit the ghost with his palm. There was no sound on the male ghost.

With this palm strike, the flames on Ji Yang's palm were visibly fiercer. When he hit the male ghost with his palm, the flames rushed to the male ghost's body in an instant, and the male ghost and the flame disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And the female ghost whose head was cut off by Ji Yang's black sword also fell to the ground and disappeared immediately.

It seemed like a lot of time had been wasted for Ji Yang to eliminate the two ghosts of a man and a woman just now, but in fact the whole process was just a matter of two breaths.

Next, Ji Yang did the same thing and wiped out the other two ghosts, a man and a woman, until only the ghost of the little boy remained.

When he was alone, the little boy looked helpless, looking at Ji Yang with a pair of eyes in confusion.

Seeing the little boy's eyes, Ji Yang could only sigh helplessly, and with a wave of the black sword in his hand, he directly inserted it between the opponent's eyebrows.

"Don't blame me, I'm actually saving you."

Ji Yang's voice was somewhat melancholy. When he finished speaking, Ji Yang saw a smile on the little boy's face. Before disappearing, the little boy's confused eyes became clear and he spoke. Say thank you.

The little boy's thank you made Ji Yang not know what kind of mood he should be in, but he knew one thing, that is, these ghosts did not want to be controlled by a head-downer like Master Zha.

If they were given the right to choose, these ghosts would rather choose to lose their souls than to be manipulated by the head-down master and used as an item by the head-down master.

Master Zha watched the five ghosts he had collected over the years being beaten to death by Ji Yang, and his ferocious face became even more terrifying.


"First kill my baby, then kill my little devil, I will definitely kill you, kill you..."

Master Zha yelled angrily. He took out a clean blade from his arms and cut his right middle finger, squeezed out a drop of blood and wiped it on his forehead, while chanting a spell.

At this time, Master Zha used the blood curse in the head lowering technique.

The blood curse is an extremely important ritual in many head-bending techniques, especially the more lethal head-bending technique, all of which can exert its power only through the execution of the blood curse, so the head-bending and blood curses are really important. Inseparable relationship.

With the cast of the blood curse, Master Zha's aura also changed. His originally thin body seemed to be much stronger, and his eyes were terribly red.

Ji Yang looked at Master Cha at this time, and he felt that Master Cha in front of him was not a person, but an angry beast.

"Ruan Wenzhong, hurry up, I will catch up with you later, if you don't see me for half an hour, you can go back to the Golden Triangle by yourself."

Although Master Zha's aura had the feeling of a beast, he did not lose his mind.

He also saw that Ji Yang was not easy to deal with, and his words undoubtedly told Ruan Wenzhong that he and Ji Yang were destined to die together forever.

If he couldn't make it to the round with him for half an hour, it meant that he, Master Zha, was dead.

This master Zha is a head-down master invited from Thailand with great effort by the general. He has a lot of fame in the entire Golden Triangle, and in Ruan Wenzhong's eyes, he is even more terrifying.

Hearing what Master Zha said at this moment, and remembering Ji Yang's performance before, he no longer hesitated, picked up the suitcase on the ground, and ran away dragging a broken arm.

"Damn, are you just letting him run away like this?"

Seeing Ruan Wenzhong run away, Ji Yang instinctively wanted to chase him, but Master Zha stopped him, and it was impossible for him to chase him.

Just when Ji Yang was a little depressed, a figure happened to run over, and this person was Mu Hong who had followed all the way.

Seeing Mu Hong coming, Ji Yang frowned.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to stay in the factory? It's dangerous here, so go away."

Although Ji Yang has confidence in himself, it is not easy for Master Zha. If Mu Hong is here, not only will he not be able to help him, but it may even affect him.

Just hearing Ji Yang's words, Mu Hong shook her head.

"I don't come. If I don't come, that Ruan Wenzhong will really run away. I'm going to chase him now."

After Mu Hong finished speaking, she chased in the direction where Ruan Wenzhong was fleeing, but just as she was about to chase, she felt a gust of wind blowing towards her face.

It turned out that Master Cha saw that Mu Hong wanted to chase Ruan Wenzhong, so he came to stop Mu Hong.

After casting the blood curse, Master Zha was very terrifying. As soon as he rushed in front of Mu Hong, he yelled and punched Mu Hong in the face.

When Mu Hong saw Master Zha hitting her with a punch, her face also changed, but just when she thought she would be hit by Master Zha's punch, Ji Yang stood in front of Mu Hong and punched her. Master Cha.

"Hmph, your opponent is me."


Ji Yang yelled loudly, his fist also collided with Master Zha's fist, and there was a sound of muscles and bones colliding, both Ji Yang and Master Zha took two steps back shocked by the strength from the opponent's fist.

Taking advantage of this gap, Mu Hong, who had regained his senses, also chased after Ruan Wenzhong.

"This guy is so powerful."

Ever since Ji Yang ate the medicine dregs of Taishang Laojun, his body has become much stronger than ordinary people.

After passing the Tianlei assessment and becoming a ninth-rank immortal, although he still doesn't have much immortal power, his physical strength has improved to a higher level than before.

After fighting against others, Ji Yang seldom suffers losses, of course, abnormal grudges like Lu Bu are an exception.

After this master Zha punched him, Ji Yang was shocked back by the opponent, and his hands felt a little numb, which made him feel a little bit upset while being shocked.

And Master Zha looked at Ji Yang with a bit more serious eyes.

"I haven't felt this way in years, and you've got me excited."

Master Cha looked at Ji Yang and said in a cold voice.

"You are an old glass, but I am not. I am not interested in men."

When the other party said that he made him excited, Ji Yang felt disgusted. He is not a girl, so I am so excited.

"Hmph, you have a pretty strong mouth. Don't think that you are awesome after receiving a punch from me. The next step is the real start."

Master Zha snorted coldly, stared, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

 Starting from the ninth watch, Xieben has confidence in the tenth watch tonight, Xieben is so powerful, where are your recommendations, monthly tickets, and rewards?

(End of this chapter)

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