The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1826 The Abnormality of Linshan

Chapter 1826 The Abnormality of Linshan (Three Shifts)
"Little Dragon Girl, talk, where are you?"

The mobile phones of Huang Xiaoxin and the others couldn't get through, probably because they were in a place with poor signal.

But Xiaolongnu and Ji Yang's telepathy is different, as long as Xiaolongnu stays in Linhai, Ji Yang can definitely contact her.

But now?

Ji Yang has called Xiao Longnv several times, and judging by telepathy, the other party must be within the range of Linhai, although the telepathy is a bit weak.

But there is no response to my call, which is too abnormal. My own telepathy can only be connected and not connected, and there is absolutely no signal to say whether it is good or bad.

Ji Yang would not foolishly think that it was because she contacted Xiao Longnv before and she got angry, so she doesn't take care of herself now.

It must be for some reason that the other party couldn't respond, or in other words, Xiao Longnu didn't hear her shout at all.

Such an abnormal situation made Ji Yang's face turn cold instantly.

"Is something wrong? No, I have to go and see for myself."

All kinds of abnormal signs made Ji Yang feel bad.

It seems that the anxiety in my heart did not appear for no reason, it was an instinctive reaction to danger.

Just like some people would dream that something happened to their relatives and friends in their dreams, this is an unexplainable premonition.

Xiaolongnv and Ao Ye were protecting Huang Xiaoxin and the others, if something happened, it would definitely be a big trouble.

Ji Yang didn't dare to waste time, the immortal energy gushed out of his body, his body instantly rushed out of the villa and flew into the air, flying towards the direction of Linshan.

According to the telepathy between Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu, the direction of Xiaolongnu is the direction of Linshan.

In other words, everyone should still be on the mountain now.

There was really a danger, and it was also a danger on the mountain.

"How can there be such a strong wave of evil energy in Linshan?"

When Ji Yang reached the foot of Linshan, he felt an obvious evil aura wafting in Linshan.

This evil aura was so strong that Ji Yang had never encountered it before.

Even before facing so many abyssal creatures in the Linhai Emperor's Building, there was no such strong wave of evil aura.

This shows that there should be extremely terrifying evil creatures operating in Linshan.

With the existence of such evil creatures, the safety of Huang Xiaoxin and others is worrying.


Feeling the strong evil aura, Ji Yang didn't dare to waste time.

Immortal energy in the body runs through both feet, and the wind attribute is released. Ji Yang looks like a ghost, and quickly runs to the top of the mountain.

"Xiaoxin, Xiaoxin, Zixuan, Zixuan, Meier, Meier..."

There are dense trees and vegetation in Linshan, and the rugged mountain road is not easy to walk, but these can't bring any obstacles to Ji Yang.

He ran all the way up the mountain while calling out the names of Huang Xiaoxin and others.

But what he got in return for his shouting was only rumors, but no one responded.



Ji Yang ran all the way, and soon rushed to the mountainside of Linshan.

When his body reached the mountainside, Ji Yang was about to continue up the mountain, but his body felt as if he had hit a wall.

This time, the body that hit him was shaken, and the body that was rushing forward also stopped.

In front of Ji Yang, he couldn't see anything, let alone a wall, not even a big tree or a rock.

This made Ji Yang frowned and murmured softly.

"This is an enchantment!"

"Not only is there a strong evil aura in this Linshan, but there is even an enchantment, and the evil aura here is stronger than that at the foot of the mountain. The closer to the top of the mountain, the stronger the evil aura seems to be!"

"Could it be because Xiaoxin and the others broke into the barrier by mistake, so the phone calls are different, and Xiaolongnv can't be contacted?"

Within the enchantment, it is equivalent to another space.

If Huang Xiaoxin and the others were really inside the barrier, it wouldn't be surprising that Ji Yang couldn't contact them.

But even Ji Yang's body was blocked by the barrier in front of him, how did Huang Xiaoxin and others get in?

With so many doubts, Ji Yang couldn't figure it out.

With the cultivation of Xiaolongnv and Ao Ye, it is impossible not to discover the abnormality here, and it is impossible not to discover the barrier.

But when I contacted Xiaolongnu before, Xiaolongnu clearly said that there is no danger here, so what is going on with these things in front of me?

"Could it be that all of this happened after Xiaolongnv and the others arrived at Linshan?"

"But if she sensed danger, Xiao Longnu should have left with Xiaoxin and others, or contacted me. Why didn't she do anything?"

The more he thought about it, the more confused Ji Yang became.

I can't figure out everything. It seems that I can only figure out the reason after seeing Huang Xiaoxin and others.

"Could it be that I was right, there are still black wizard remnants in Linhai, this evil aura has something to do with them."

"Male Gobi, if this is the case, I will make your life worse than death today. If Xiaoxin and the others are really hurt, even if I kill YN, I will end the black wizard's lair!"

Feeling ruthless in his heart, when Ji Yang looked at the front where nothing seemed to exist, his eyes were very ruthless.

Then he shook the palm of his hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword had already appeared in his hand.

"A small broken enchantment, also want to stop me, break it for me!"

With Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, Ji Yang shouted angrily, and slashed towards the barrier with his sword.


Xuanyuan sword slashed at the barrier, and a burst of metal clanging sounded.

The hardness of this barrier was higher than Ji Yang expected. Ji Yang's sword failed to break the barrier, but made his arm a little numb.

"I underestimated you, but no matter how tough you are, I have to tear you out today."

"Dragon Chanting Sword Art... Roar..."

Ji Yang realized that he had underestimated this enchantment, his eyes froze, and the immortal energy in his body circulated to Xuanyuan Sword.

The dragon chant sword technique was then displayed, and a dragon head completely condensed with immortal energy appeared, and rushed towards the barrier.


The dragon's head hit the barrier, and there was a huge explosion from the barrier.

With this explosion, although the entire enchantment was not directly broken, it was blasted into a gap of five meters square.

A gap appeared, and Ji Yang didn't waste any time. He quickly passed through the gap and entered the barrier.

After Ji Yang entered the barrier, the gap in the barrier healed again.

"This enchantment is so strong. It seems that the person who created this enchantment has a lot of cultivation."

"The cultivation level of the person who created the enchantment is at least no worse than mine!"

Through an enchantment, Ji Yang already had a basic judgment.

Facing an opponent whose cultivation level is no weaker than his own, even with Xiaolongnv and Ao Ye present, he is no match for him.


"This is the cry of the little dragon girl. Her breath is already very weak. She is indeed in trouble. I must hurry to save them!"

Outside the barrier, Ji Yang couldn't fully understand the situation inside the barrier.

Now as soon as he entered the barrier, Ji Yang heard an angry scream.

Ji Yang was too familiar with this voice, it belonged to Xiao Longnu.

After entering the barrier, Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv's connection became closer. He found that Xiaolongnv's vital signs were weak...

(End of this chapter)

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