The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1836: The First Sent of Four Descendants

Chapter 1836 Sending four down to earth for the first time (one more)
Ji Yang's situation is not good, and the little dragon girl who is connected with Ji Yang has a clear feeling.

Although Ji Yang himself is strong, but because of the separation of three clones, the three clones have to control the artifact, which weakens Ji Yang's strength.

However, the four four-winged fallen angels and the six-headed magic dog Boluofen are both very powerful, equivalent to the existence of two second-rank immortals.

Now that Ji Yang is imprisoned, he can't break free for a while, which makes Xiao Longnu quite worried.

But Xiao Longnv can't act casually, although she really wants to help.

But Ji Yang gave her the task, which is to contact the Jade Emperor and ask the Jade Emperor to send someone here to help.

Because now Ji Yang has to face not only fallen angels and Bo Luofen, but also hundreds of abyssal creatures.

But Xiaolongnv has been sending Jade Emperor WeChat for a long time, but Jade Emperor never replied.

At this time, as soon as she heard the mobile phone's WeChat booster sound, Xiao Longnv hurriedly took out her mobile phone.

When she saw the WeChat reply from the Jade Emperor, an excited smile appeared on her face.

"Ji Yang, here I come!"

"Don't come here, continue to contact the helper!"

"Helpers will be here soon, break free quickly, I'll block this six-headed dog first!"

When sending WeChat to Jade Emperor, Xiao Longnu had already informed him of the specific situation in the mortal world in order to save time.

Doing so can save a lot of time spent asking and answering questions.

And the content of the Jade Emperor's reply to Xiaolongnv's WeChat is very simple, just two sentences, but it is also two sentences that make people feel at ease.

"The fairy family has been selected, and it will be sent to the mortal world immediately to help!"

It turned out that the Jade Emperor hadn't replied to Xiaolongnv's WeChat account for so long because he was arranging a helper for him.

It was the little dragon girl who had endured for a long time after seeing Jade Emperor's reply that she dared to come to help Ji Yang.

But Xiao Longnu is actually very clear that in her heyday, she may not be able to beat Boluofen.

Now that she is still injured, she can't last long in the fight with the opponent, but she has to make a move.

Because Ji Yang is now imprisoned, if Bai Luofen attacks Ji Yang at this time, Ji Yang will be very dangerous.

After hearing what Xiaolongnv said, Ji Yang didn't talk nonsense, and started to use the immortal energy in his body to break free from the black halo on his hands and feet.

This halo can change in size according to Ji Yang's body, so it is useless for Ji Yang to cast Ruyi.

He can only rely on the immortal energy in his body to attack these black halos, trying to break the halos as quickly as possible.

"Blessing power, hurry up!"

"Bailuofen, he is too strong, we can't hold on for long, you need to deal with this white dragon!"

Ji Yang broke free from the black halo, and the four fallen angels also added strength to the halo.

But Ji Yang is trying his best to break free now, and the fallen angel realizes that he can't last long, and Ji Yang will definitely break free.

Once the halo is broken, the four fallen angels will be miserable.

Because once the four halos of hell imprisonment are broken, the fallen angels will be rebuked. At that time, the strength of the fallen angels will be greatly reduced, how could Ji Yang let them go.

"Hey, you damn dragon, get the hell out of here..."

"Hey, if you want to kill Ji Yang, pass me first..."

Bai Luofen was punched twice by Ji Yang, his body hurt very much, and his heart was also very angry.

Now that Ji Yang was finally imprisoned, he had the opportunity to inflict severe injuries on Ji Yang, and even kill Ji Yang, but he killed Xiao Longnu halfway.

Wanting to kill Xiaolongnv is not a matter of a moment, during this time, Ji Yangyang may run away.

So Boluofen doesn't want to get entangled with the little dragon girl, it hopes to get rid of the little dragon girl.

But how could Xiao Longnv let it go as she wished, as she spoke, a cloud of cold air spewed out from her mouth.

"If you don't retreat, then I will tear you apart."

Xiaolongnv attacked, and Boluofen knew that he couldn't do without entanglement.

So while shouting angrily, Boluofen spewed out the fire of hell from his mouth.

Fire and water counter each other, Bo Luofen did not choose to spray cold air, but also in order to more effectively break through Xiaolongnu's attack.

Here, when Xiao Longnu and Bai Luofen were fighting to buy time for Ji Yang, the atmosphere in the heavenly court was extraordinarily dignified.

Because the WeChat message sent by the little dragon girl to the Jade Emperor said that the trouble Ji Yang encountered this time was hundreds of creatures from the abyss. The appearance of a fairy.

For such a group of abyssal creatures, it would be unsafe to send a god down to earth.

So for this time, the Jade Emperor sent four at a time.

This is also the only time since the heavenly court sent four gods down to earth many times.

"I don't know if it's okay to send four at a time?"

When the Heaven-Defying Formation is activated, it is relatively easy and safe to send an immortal down to earth in the past.

The most times, that is, Yang Jian and Xiao Tiangou, it is because Yang Jian and Xiao Tiangou belong to the master-servant relationship, so it is quite special.

But now, the Jade Emperor looked at the four immortals who were standing in the center of the Nitian Formation. They were burly, wearing armor, and had fierce faces. They were the four generals of the Mo family known as the Four Heavenly Kings.

This time, the Jade Emperor will send them down to help Ji Yang solve the abyssal creatures.

Although the strength of the four generals of the Mo family is only third-rank immortal, relying on the magic weapon in their hands, even second-rank immortals would not want to fight them.

They were chosen because they were going to send multiple gods down this time.

If the immortal rank is high, the Jade Emperor is also afraid that it will consume too much to activate the Heaven-Defying Formation.

In desperation, the Jade Emperor chose the four generals of the Mo family to go down to earth.

"Jade Emperor, Xiaobai has collected many artifacts, and the power of the law of the Three Realms has been greatly weakened."

"It shouldn't be a big problem to send the four generals of the Demon family down this time, and it's the most appropriate."

Taishang Laojun is still in Tushita Palace to help the Yellow Emperor get rid of the hostility in Hanba's body, so he is not here.

It is Li Jing, the king of Tota, who is talking to the Jade Emperor now.

To be honest, Li Jing was quite envious of the fact that the fourth general of the Demon family could go down to earth.

At first when he learned that many gods were going to be sent down to earth, Li Jing took the initiative to stand up, but the Jade Emperor did not agree.

However, the Jade Emperor chose the four generals of the Mo family, and Li Jing was quite satisfied, because the four generals of the Mo family were his direct subordinates. This time, the four generals of the Mo family went down to eradicate the creatures of the abyss, and Li Jing felt that he had a lot of face.

"It's okay, it's the only way."

"All the immortals are ready, activate the heaven-defying array!"

"Follow the Jade Emperor's decree!"

Li Jing's words reassured the Jade Emperor a little.

Besides, even if you are worried, what can the Jade Emperor do?
Whether it will work or not, let's talk about it after activating the Tiantian Formation.

At this moment, there are as many as a hundred gods surrounding the Heaven-Defying Formation.

As the Jade Emperor's voice fell, while the immortal energy gushed out from the Jade Emperor's body, the other gods also began to release the immortal energy in their bodies and inject it into the heaven-defying formation.

The four generals of the Mo family were more excited because they could go down to earth.

But at this time, their expressions were very solemn, and they were all observing the situation of the law of the three realms.

"The four generals of the Demon family, hurry down!"

"Follow the Jade Emperor's decree, let's go!"

When the Jade Emperor sensed that the laws of the three realms were loosening, and decisively opened his mouth, Mo Liqing, the boss of the fourth general of the Mo family, moved first, and the other three followed...

 Happy New Year's Eve everyone
(End of this chapter)

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