The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1841 Mad Dog Soul Eater

Chapter 1841 Mad Dog Soul Eater (Part [-])
"You have angered me completely, my sharp claws will tear your body apart, my fangs will devour your soul, and you will never see the light again, roar..."

At this time, Bai Luofen looked strange and fierce, his green and blue eyes stared at Ji Yang coldly.

His bloody mouth opened wide, revealing a mouth full of fangs. Although his words came from one head, Ji Yang had the illusion that he was listening to several dog heads talking at the same time.

With a roar, a gust of fishy wind spit out from its mouth.

The smelly wind blew, the ground turned up, gravel flew, and several big trees were either broken in the middle or uprooted.

It seems that Boluofen's several heads have become one, and it can use all the attacking moves with this one head.

Even if it was chopped off by Ji Yang, the ability of the wind attribute dog head that was not swallowed can now be used by Bai Luofen.


"Bad suit!"

When the foul wind blew, Ji Yang frowned, and the immortal energy in his body flowed to his feet. Ji Yang's clothes rattled under the foul wind, and there were many cuts on the clothes that looked like knives.

Although the clothes were torn into pieces, Ji Yang himself was not harmed because of the use of the barrier suit.

The ground was flying sand and rocks, but Ji Yang's body was motionless, but his entire soles had sunk into the ground.


Ji Yang stared at Bai Luofen without showing any weakness, while his body remained motionless.

Some of the affected abyssal creatures were not so lucky. These fishy winds blew on the abyssal creatures, and they felt as if their bodies had been cut by knives.

The bodies of the creatures from the abyss are very strong, and they all feel that their bodies are being cut by knives. One can imagine how strong the roar of Boluofen is.


Ji Yang's body didn't move, Bo Luofen's eyes were fixed, and his powerful claws slammed on the ground.

There was an explosion sound on the ground, and the ground cracked, and the cracks spread towards Ji Yang's feet.

After using Rabid Dog Demon, Boluofen really has a lot more methods.


Not counting the spread of cracks, some rocks of different sizes rolled towards Ji Yang.

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, and when the rock was about to hit him, his body strangely disappeared from Bai Luofen's sight.

The top of the mountain is full of rock formations, so it is not suitable to use soil.

Ji Yang's disappearance was precisely because he used the penetrating stone, and his body passed through the rock, but Bai Luofen didn't know where Ji Yang went.

And those rocks that lost their targets rolled into the ranks of the abyssal creatures, and some abyssal creatures were in tragedy again.

"Come out, come out for me, come out!"

"Roar, boom boom boom..."

Boluofen is the king of magic dogs, and dogs have very sensitive noses.

Bai Luofen could smell that Ji Yang was around, but the exact location was unclear.

In order to deal with Ji Yang, and also to save his own life, Bai Luofen cast the Rabid Dog Demon Body at the price of his own cultivation, but not only did he not kill Ji Yang, but now he still doesn't know where Ji Yang went.

Bai Luofen patted the ground angrily, and it made deep pits on the ground, and the cracked ground was like a spider's web.


Bai Luofen yelled for a long time, but Ji Yang never appeared.

When it continued to roar loudly, Boluofen was hit hard on the head suddenly.

Bailuofen felt his head was hit by something on his body, it was so powerful that it was hit with stars in front of its eyes, it was dizzy, and blood was bleeding from its nose.

"Oh... who, who is it?"

"Boom bang bang..."

"Oh oh, Ji Yang is you, right, come out, come out!"

Bai Luofen roared out of his mouth, and from the head to the body, he was hit several times in a row, and Bai Luofen even felt that several of his bones were broken.

Although Bai Luofen still didn't see who was beating him, as long as Bai Luofen is not stupid, he knows that it must have something to do with Ji Yang.

Because the four generals of the Demon family were attacking other abyssal creatures, Ao Ye also stayed by Xiaolongnv's side.

No one beat him, so who else could there be besides Ji Yang?
The point is, Bai Luofen felt Ji Yang's aura around him, but he ran around, every time he ran to the location where he was beaten.

In this way, Bai Luofen couldn't tell that it was Ji Yang who hit it, so it just slammed into Linshan and killed it.

"Isn't the dog's nose very good? If you have the ability to find me by yourself."

"If you can't find it, just obediently be beaten by me! I will smash every bone in your body!"

Ji Yang used the penetrating stone to enter the ground, and then returned to the ground.

It's just that when returning to the ground, Ji Yang directly used invisibility.

Bai Luofen couldn't see or smell the exact location of Ji Yang who was hidden, so he could only be beaten by Ji Yang with his eyes blacked out.

Ji Yang didn't do anything to kill him, but he meant playing with it, so that he could feel the pleasure of torture.

One blow to death won't solve Ji Yang's hatred, he just wants to play Bai Luofen to death little by little.

"Boom, wow..."

"Damn it, anyway, it's come to this point, even if I lose my mind, I'll drag you along."

"Mad dog eats soul, roar..."

The voice of Ji Yang's words entered Bai Luofen's ears, but Bai Luofen couldn't accurately grasp Ji Yang's position.

When his jaw was attacked, and a mouthful of blood mixed with two teeth was spat out, Boluofen's eyes shone with a strange cold light.

The use of the mad dog demon body will consume a whole body of cultivation, but Bo Luofen still has his life at least.

But the mad dog soul devouring it is using now is a method of devouring its own power enhanced by its own soul. After this power dissipates, Boluofen's ending will be lost.

This is completely a life-for-life approach. If life cannot be exchanged for life, it will be even more tragic.

"Uh, wow..."

Bo Luofen let out a scream, and a terrifying evil aura was released from his body. Bo Luofen's body swelled again, reaching a length of more than [-] meters in an instant.

The evil aura of meeting red and black wafted all over his body, Bo Luofen roared and the evil aura shook his body, and Ji Yang's hidden body was forced to appear.

The body appeared, and Ji Yang spit out a mouthful of blood, and Ji Yang felt that his internal organs seemed to be injured by the shock.

"This guy's aura has already reached the level of a rank one immortal."

Ji Yang wiped away the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Bai Luofen solemnly.

Boluofen's strange blue-green pupils flickered, and a roar followed.

With this roar, wind and fire burst out, and the flames still had a pungent smell, which was poison!
The wind helps the fire, and the fire contains poison. The strength of this attack is more than one level stronger than any previous attack by Boluofen.

"What's going on, why is my body so stiff and my movements so slow?"

Seeing Bai Luofen's attack, Ji Yang naturally wanted to dodge.

But he found that his body was very stiff. At some point, Ji Yang's body was eroded by a gust of cold air, which caused Ji Yang's blood to coagulate...

(End of this chapter)

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