The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1868 Uncontrollable Fire

Chapter 1868 Uncontrollable Fire (Part [-])
"Ding dong, ding dong..."

The situation in Fengshan can basically be seen by Ji Yang and others who are in the residence of the Feng family.

At least they know that there are many places in Fengshan that are on fire.

Fengshan caught fire, and the entire Fengshan became red, and Fengxian Town was reddened by the flames.

Fengshan is a tourist destination, and some tourists also live on Fengshan. When Fengshan caught fire, some people organized tourists to evacuate.

At the same time, the fire officers and soldiers, the forest police, and the nearby troops all started to move, and began to march towards Fengshan, preparing to put out the fire.

Everyone knew that if the Fengshan fire spread, it would be very dangerous.

Especially the bursts of rumbling sound and the shaking of the ground made people's hearts sink even more.

"Mayor, isn't the volcano about to erupt?"

There was a fire in Fengshan, so it was impossible for the leaders of Fengxian Town not to show up.

At this time, the leaders of the town have basically arrived around Fengshan.

Looking at the fire burning on Fengshan Mountain and feeling the shaking from the ground, the mayor's secretary looked at the mayor.

"Probably not. How can an extinct volcano that hasn't erupted for a hundred years erupt? Don't talk nonsense."

Although the mayor scolded the secretary, his expression was ugly.

Although he said it hard, he was also afraid of a volcanic eruption in his heart. Once the volcano erupted, it would be a catastrophe.

It took more than ten years for Fengxian Town to be built into what it is today. He has contributed a lot and his official career is bright.

If the volcano erupts, Fengxian Town may cease to exist, and his career may also be affected.

Perhaps this idea is a bit selfish, but the mayor of Fengxian Town does not want the volcano to erupt from the bottom of his heart.

"Qin team, how is the situation?"

"The fire is too big, the mountain road is difficult to walk, and the fire is difficult to control."

When the mayor of Fengxian Town saw the captain of the fire brigade, Captain Qin, ordering the fire officers and soldiers to put out the fire with an anxious look on his face, he asked worriedly.

Hearing Captain Qin's answer, the mayor of Fengxian Town's heart sank.

"Mayor, most of the people on the mountain have retreated, but there are still some people who can't come down."

"What, there are still people who haven't retreated? Then find a way."

"No, it's too hot, I tried a lot of ways but it didn't work."

A forest policeman came to the mayor of Fengxian Town, his face was covered with black ashes, and he looked at the mayor of Fengxian Town and shouted.

Hearing that someone was on the mountain, the mayor of Fengxian Town swayed and almost fell to the ground.

Afraid of what to come, Fengshan suddenly caught fire and could not control the fire, which is already very bad.

If there are more casualties, the problem will be even bigger. As the mayor of the town, he has to pay a lot of responsibility.

"Boom rumble..."

Just when everyone was thinking about how to rescue the people trapped on the mountain and how to put out the fire in Fengshan, a burst of thunder and lightning sounded.

"It's thundering, it's going to rain."

"Listen to the sound of thunder and lightning, and look at the degree of dark clouds. It should be a heavy rain. God, open your eyes. Fengshan can be saved, Fengxian Town can be saved, and people can be saved."

"Wow wow wow..."

The thunder sounded, and everyone was overjoyed.

At this time, the sky should start to turn white, but looking up at the sky, it was still dark, and the clouds were very heavy.

Among the clouds, lightning could be seen flickering, and everyone knew that this was the rhythm of heavy rain.

As in the current situation in Fengshan, it is no longer enough to rely solely on manpower.

It is most appropriate to use the power of nature to counter the power of nature.

Following the shouts of surprise from the crowd, heavy rain fell from the sky, and the flames in Fengshan were instantly brought under control.

"It's great, it's great, my official career... Fengshan has been saved, the people of Fengxian Town have been saved, thank God."

The mayor of Fengxian Town, regardless of his clothes, was soaked.

He watched the fire in Fengshan decrease, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

It's just that when he was talking, he almost said what was in his heart, but he changed his mind quickly, and the people around him were paying attention to the fire in Fengshan, and the rain was loud, so everyone didn't care.

But when he was thanking God, he didn't know that it was Ji Yang who was looking for the Jade Emperor for the heavy rain.

Otherwise, even if Fengshan is burned up, the rain will not come.

So if he wants to thank him, he should also bring Ji Yang with him, but Ji Yang doesn't seem to need this either.

At this moment, Ji Yang, looking at the heavy rain falling from the sky, also heaved a sigh of relief.

Feng Rong, several elders of the Feng family, and the people of the Feng family who were in charge of putting out the fire collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, panting heavily.

"Ji Yang, does this rain have anything to do with you?"

"Is this important? The important thing is that Fengshan survives a disaster, and we also survive a disaster."

Even Feng Rong was a little tired from putting out the fire just now.

After a short rest, Feng Rong sat up, looked at Ji Yang with a faint smile, and asked softly.

When the little dragon girl rained, all the members of the Feng family saw it. After all, they were the guardians of the family. It was acceptable for Ji Yang to summon the dragon.

But the scope of Xiaolongnu's rainfall is obviously not big enough, and even the residence of Feng's family is not completely covered.

On the day when there was no sign of rain, it suddenly started to rain heavily. Thinking about what Ji Yang said before and what he did before.

Feng Rong instinctively thought that the rain was not a coincidence, but Ji Yang's doing, although she didn't know how Ji Yang did it.

Although Ji Yang's answer did not directly admit it, Feng Rong still got the answer she wanted from Ji Yang's expression.

With this expression, if you say that Yu has nothing to do with Ji Yang, even if you beat Feng Rong to death, you won't believe it.

"Yes, through a catastrophe."

"Fourth Elder, Fifth Elder, please count the number of people, the situation of the injured, and the loss of our houses..."

Feng Rong didn't ask any more questions, but gave orders to the two elders who came over slowly.

The Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder took orders and began to count the heads and losses.

According to statistics, as a precursor to the volcanic eruption, hundreds of Feng's houses were burned down, and more than [-] people were injured. Fortunately, no one died.

"This is just a precursor to the volcanic eruption. Fortunately, Ji Yang is here. If the volcanic eruption really happens, I don't know how serious the consequences will be."

Feng Rong listened to the reports of the fourth and fifth elders, and said in a dignified voice.

If Ji Yang hadn't caused a heavy rain, the loss of the Feng family would have been even more severe, and the losses of Fengshan and Fengxian Town would have been immeasurable.

Hearing Feng Rong's words, Ji Yang frowned.

Looking at the sky that has changed from big to small but still falling light rain, seeing black and white smoke rising up, and smelling the smell of burnt trees floating in the air, Ji Yang has already made a decision in his heart.

"I will definitely do everything possible to control the eruption of Fengshan volcano and minimize the loss!"

Ji Yang's voice was very firm. Hearing his words, the people around him nodded unconsciously. They believed that Ji Yang could do it...

(End of this chapter)

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