The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1871 Zhen Yuanzi's Way

Chapter 1871 Zhen Yuanzi's method (one more)
"Volcano eruption?"

"Descendants of the Phoenix?"

After drinking a bottle of Dongpeng, I don't know whether it is a psychological effect or Dongpeng really has an effect, the spirits of the immortals are really better.

Hearing what the Jade Emperor said about the eruption of the Fengshan volcano and the fact that the Feng family is a descendant of the Phoenix, all the gods were taken aback for a moment, with ugly expressions on their faces.

"Patriarch Huang, is this Feng family really a descendant of your Phoenix clan?"

Li Jing, the King of Tota, looked at a tall and graceful female fairy with a noble face, who was wearing a five-color feather robe, and asked softly.

This female fairy is the contemporary patriarch of the Phoenix clan.

Patriarch Huang heard Li Jing's question, thought for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"Reporting to the Jade Emperor, the Phoenix family did have some guardians in the mortal world before the law of the three realms appeared, and the Phoenix family taught them the method of cultivation. The members of the Feng family may be the descendants of those guardians."

"They have a deep connection with my Phoenix clan. If you insist that they are descendants of Phoenix, that's okay."

Although the words were spoken by Li Jing, when Patriarch Huang answered, he was answering the Jade Emperor.

All the immortals in the Lingxiao Palace heard the words of Patriarch Huang.

"Then how do you control the eruption of Fengshan volcano?"

Whether the Feng family is a descendant of the Phoenix is ​​not the focus of this meeting, it is just a casual inquiry.

Now that Patriarch Huang opened his mouth, Jade Emperor wanted to ask the other party if he had any good solutions.

After all, the Phoenix family is best at fire, so maybe they will have a good idea.

Unfortunately, Patriarch Huang poured cold water on Jade Emperor.

"Jade Emperor, our family has a way to set fire, but our family is powerless to control the eruption of the volcano."

"I'm afraid the Ministry of Water will take care of this matter."

Patriarch Huang had no choice but to let it go, and even pushed the people from the Ministry of Water out.

At this time, only a few gods from the Water Department came to Lingxiao Palace, because the other gods from the Water Department were too tired.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas also didn't come, so he took out [-]% of the blood in his body and gave it to Xiao Longnv. They were much more tired than opening the sky-defying formation and falling a heavy snowfall.

Hearing that Patriarch Huang pushed this matter to the Ministry of Water, everyone in the Ministry of Water lost their expressions.

But now the immortals have already looked at the several immortals in the Ministry of Water, if they don't speak, they will definitely not do it.

After all, the Ministry of Water is indeed the best way to deal with fire.

"Jade Emperor, when a volcano erupts, all it spews out is lava, and if it rains from the Ministry of Water, it must be useless."

Lava is different from ordinary fire, and it doesn't work when it rains.

Shui De Xingjun opened his mouth, and all the immortals around him sighed.

If even the Ministry of Water can't do anything about it, then what can the other gods do with the Fengshan volcano eruption?

"Don't all the immortals have anything to do? The eruption of the Fengshan volcano will ruin the lives around us. As immortals, we should not go down to save the common people because of the laws of the Three Realms."

"If we can't even think of a way to help Xiaobai, wouldn't it be chilling for all living beings in the world?"

Shui De Xingjun's words made the Jade Emperor very disappointed and helpless.

He looked at the immortals in front of him, and shouted softly with a dignified voice.

Hearing the Jade Emperor's words, the immortals also looked helpless.

It's not that they don't want to do something, it's not that they don't want to pay attention, it's that they have nothing to do.

Immortals are not omnipotent, and there are times when they have no choice.

"Jade Emperor, if the volcano erupts and the lava cannot flow to the villages and towns around Fengshan, won't the people in the villages be safe?"

When the immortals were helpless, someone still spoke out to pay attention.

The speaker was dressed as a Taoist priest. He wore a purple gold crown on his head, a worry-free crane cloak, shoes on his feet, and a ribbon around his waist. He looked like a child with three beards and a jade dust stag in his hand.

PS: Jade stag, yùzhǔ, that is, the tail of a stag with a jade handle, stag, refers to animals such as deer in ancient books, and its tail can be used as a whisk.

"Zhen Yuanzi, what good way do you have to prevent the molten lava from flowing out?"

It was Zhen Yuanzi who spoke at this time.

Zhen Yuanzi is known as the ancestor of the Earth Immortal. He once lived in Wuzhuang Temple in Hezhou, Xiniu. There is a domineering couplet in front of the gate: Immortal Immortal Mansion, a Taoist family with the same longevity as the sky. He has profound Taoism, and the ginseng fruit is planted by him. .

Fighting with Monkey King on the westward journey, Zhen Yuanzi used a golden cudgel with a jade scorpion that could withstand the force of a thousand pounds. In only two or three rounds, he cast the spell of heaven and earth in his sleeve, and put Tang monk, master and apprentice together with men and horses into his sleeves. Here, the ability is really powerful.

He is open-minded and extraordinary. When Sun Wukong invited the Bodhisattva to save the ginseng fruit tree, he kept his promise and sworn brothers with Sun Wukong regardless of past suspicions. Kindness and grace.

"Back to the Jade Emperor, I have a method here that can prevent the molten liquid from Fengshan from flowing out."

"Really, then tell me quickly, what kind of formation is this, can Xiaobai use it?"

Things have been discussed until now, and someone finally came up with an effective solution.

The Jade Emperor looked at Zhen Yuanzi in surprise, and the surrounding immortals were also waiting for him to speak.

"This formation is not difficult. Xiaobai already has the cultivation base of the second rank of immortality, so it can be used completely."

"It's just that the use of my formation requires several magic weapons from the surrounding fairy families. I don't know if all the fairy families are willing to lend magic weapons to Xiaobai temporarily."

While Zhen Yuanzi was speaking, his eyes scanned the surrounding immortals.

The magic weapon in the hands of a fairy is very important to a fairy.

If you want them to borrow their talismans, even temporarily, you can do it without touching your upper lip to your lower lip.

Zhen Yuanzi's formation is not difficult to use, as long as there are enough things, even a low-level god can use it.

"Everyone, this matter is not trivial, it concerns the lives of millions of souls, I think you are all willing to temporarily lend the magic weapon to Xiaobai, right?"

When the Jade Emperor heard Zhen Yuanzi's words, he understood what Zhen Yuanzi meant.

Although Zhen Yuanzi's status is not low, and his mana is also high, but in front of him, the Jade Emperor still needs to speak.

Although the Jade Emperor's words were an inquiry, they gave off a feeling that could not be refuted.

"Jade Emperor, we are willing to use the magic weapon and Xiaobai to let Xiaobai save the common people in the world."

There is no way for him, so the Jade Emperor talked about this again.

If anyone said something wrong at this time, wouldn't it be hard for him to find it.

"Zhen Yuanzi, you have heard the words of the immortals, tell me, which fairy family's magic weapon do you want?"

After the Jade Emperor heard the words of the immortals, a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled knowingly, cupped his hands at the Jade Emperor, and then looked at the surrounding immortals.

"My formation is called the Five Elements Sealing Formation. It needs five elements magic weapon. Among all the immortals, Five Star Lord's magic weapon is the most suitable, so I want Five Star Lord to lend the magic weapon to Xiaobai."

PS: The five-star gentleman refers to the Eastern Mude Sui Xingxing Lord, the Southern Huode Yinghuo Xingjun, the Western Jinde Taibai Xingjun, the northern Shuidechen Xingxing Lord, and the central Tude Town Xingxing Lord

"As long as you get the five-star king's magic weapon, the five-element seal formation will be [-]%, which will ensure that the lava from the Fengshan volcano eruption will not flow out of Fengshan."

Zhen Yuanzi shouted confidently...

(End of this chapter)

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