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Chapter 1882 Looks Like Monkey King

Chapter 1882 Looks Like Monkey King ([-]rd)

"This kid is chasing so closely. He also knows the method of escaping from the ground. It seems that he is not an ordinary practitioner!"

The monkey king moved forward quickly with the earth escape technique, and when he felt that Ji Yang had also gone underground, the monkey king's eyes were startled.

Although the ground escaping technique sounds common, it is not something everyone can do.

The Monkey King's ability to know such spells is also due to his chance.

In the ground, the monkey king's speed is obviously not as good as when he was in the sky.

Ji Yang chased the Monkey King, but he was not separated by the other party.

"Hmph, I was able to survive the great battle thousands of years ago, how could I stumble on your kid today."

"Hey, you can fly and escape, but I don't know if you can do it in the water."

The Monkey King ran in front, his pair of Fengfeng ears twitched, and a smirk appeared on his face.

The monkey king's ears were very sharp. He heard the sound of water flowing a thousand meters away. With the sound of water, he knew that there was a river there.

Talking to himself, the Monkey King ran towards Jiang He's location.

"I'll see how long you can run!"

Sensing the Monkey King changing direction, Ji Yang continued to chase the Monkey King without slowing down.

The monkey king only took a few breaths before reaching the bottom of the river and rushing towards the ground.

The Monkey King went up, and Ji Yang followed suit.

"Wori, why did you run into the water?"

I thought I would reach the ground when I went up, but I didn't want to, and I rushed into the water all at once.

Ji Yang cursed inwardly, following the Monkey King's aura to find his immortal energy.

He saw a big carp swimming tens of meters away from him.

The big carp looked a little strange, and exuded the aura of a monkey king.

Ji Yang guessed right, the big carp was transformed by the Monkey King.

"A monster with a high level of cultivation has a lot of abilities, but do you think this can get rid of me?"

Ji Yang doesn't know how to change the art.

Although he cannot turn into a fish, Ji Yang is not afraid of being in the water.

Taking out one of the water-avoiding pearls, Ji Yang's body pressure instantly decreased, and his body was in the water, as if he was on the ground.

"Beast Haizhu, all fishes and shrimps obey my orders, stop that carp with long hair on its head."

Hairy carp?
That's right, the monkey king turned into a carp with a few yellow hairs dangling above his head.

No wonder Ji Yang felt strange when he saw the carp. It turned out that the carp had hair growing on its head.

The beast sea pearl can command the creatures in the sea, and it can do the same in this river.

After using the beast sea pearl, the surrounding aquatic creatures swam towards the carp that the monkey king had turned into.

"What's going on? Why are you swimming towards me?"

The aquatic organisms in this river are not as many as those in the sea, but there are still a lot of them.

When the Monkey King saw at least hundreds of fish and shrimps approaching him, forming an encirclement circle around him, the Monkey King cried out in shock.

"A stinky black fish, dare to talk to this king, you want to die!"

When a black fish about two meters in length, with a big mouth open, showing sharp teeth, appeared in front of the Monkey King.

The Monkey King glared and let out an angry roar.

A ball of energy spewed out from the mouth of the Monkey King, and the water wave shook. The black fish was actually backed by the water wave, and a mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth of the black fish.

The black fish swayed twice and then remained motionless. This black fish was already dead.

Although the black fish died, the surrounding fish and shrimps were not afraid.

Driven by the beast Haizhu, they don't care so much.

"It's fine, kid, I won't play with you here anymore."

He thought that he could get rid of Ji Yang by relying on his amazing skills by running into the water.

But who would have thought that Ji Yang is not only safe in the water, but also tends to aquatic creatures.

The Monkey King felt depressed, turned his head and glared at Ji Yang, and swam towards the water quickly.

"I'm too lazy to play with you, return my magic weapon, recognize me as master, I might let you die."

The monkey king doesn't want to play with Ji Yang, and Ji Yang doesn't want to play with him yet.

If he hadn't stolen Wuxingjun's magic weapon, Ji Yang wouldn't have bothered to chase him.

"Do you know who this king is? If you want this king to recognize you as master, you are not afraid of Feng Da's tongue flashing."

"I don't want to get entangled with you today. It's fine if you don't chase after me. Now that you are chasing after me, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The Monkey King in front of him has a high level of cultivation and great abilities, so it would be a pity to kill him.

Ji Yang wanted to take the Monkey King for his own use, but the Monkey King would never agree.

And according to what he said, the Monkey King's reputation seems to be quite high.

"It doesn't matter who you are, if you don't agree, I'll hit you to agree."

At this time, both Ji Yang and the Monkey King were approaching the water surface, and the number of fish and shrimp behind the Monkey King was also increasing.

The Monkey King accelerated his body and quickly rushed to the surface of the water. His body immediately turned into a monkey. A silver iron rod appeared in his hand, and he smashed towards the surface of the water.

"A bunch of stinky fish and stinky shrimp have chased me for so long, and I smashed you to death."


When the stick fell, the water surface was smashed apart, and the water splashed five or six meters high.

Looking at the scene, one can know how powerful this stick is.

Some unlucky fish and shrimp died instantly, and the corpses of fish and shrimp floated on the surface of the river.

"If you have that strength, you should fight with me. What kind of skill is it to vent your anger on fish and shrimp?"

How to put it, these fish and shrimp have helped him, and he felt a little sorry to see that many fish and shrimp died.

Ji Yang rushed out of the water, and when he saw the monkey king covered in monkey hair instead of wisps, he swung his sword and rushed up.

"If you want to die, then don't blame me."

"Losing a few magic weapons is better than losing your life, but this king is angry now, you don't want to live today, try my wishful pestle."


Ji Yang swung his sword and charged, the Monkey King stared and yelled angrily.

With a swing of the Ruyi pestle in his hand, it directly hit Ji Yang's black sword.

"What a great power!"

The sword and pestle collided, and a huge force struck, and Ji Yang's body fell towards the river.

His body was close to the river, Ji Yang touched the river with his toes, a water mark appeared on the river, and Ji Yang retreated more than ten meters away.

Looking at the monkey king again, his body was also shaken so that he turned two somersaults in the air.

"I have some skills. I haven't had a good fight for thousands of years. Today, this king will play with you."

"If you can die at the hands of this king, even if you meet Hades, he will say that you are blessed to die."

Ji Yang stood on the river, and the Monkey King stood in the air.

Ji Yang's hand holding the sword tightened, and the Monkey King's body shook in the air.

The monkey king, who was naked, shook, and a silver light flashed on his body, and then he saw a set of silver armor appearing on his body, with a silver seven-star crown on his head, and a pair of cloth cloud boots on his feet.

Coupled with the silver iron rod Ruyi pestle in his hand, seeing him like this, Ji Yang had the illusion of seeing Monkey King.

But he just looks like, but definitely not.

"Who the hell are you? You're not Sun Wukong's fanboy, are you?"

"My brother? Hehe, after you die, if you can go to heaven and meet Monkey King, you will know who I am."

The Monkey King smiled coldly, and was already attacking Ji Yang with the wishful pestle...

(End of this chapter)

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