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Chapter 1884 Once fought against thousands of soldiers and generals

Chapter 1884 Fighting against [-] Heavenly Soldiers and Generals (Part [-])

"This move is a bit interesting, I was almost hit by you."

"I really underestimated you before. Your aura and your moves should not belong to the mortal world. You are from above, right?"

Breaking through Ji Yang's Qiankun Baiying Fist completely, the Monkey King's eyes became much colder unconsciously.

He pointed to the sky with the Ruyi pestle, which meant that Ji Yang came from heaven.

When he first saw Ji Yang, the Monkey King felt the difference in Ji Yang's breath.

It's just that he at that time didn't have too many associations.

But as the number of fights with Ji Yang increased, the Monkey King discovered that Ji Yang's aura and ability displayed were not something that mortal practitioners could easily grasp.

"That's right, I am from the Heavenly Court. Since you know that I am from the Heavenly Court, then return the magic weapon to me."

"If you don't pay me back, be careful, I'll call a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to descend upon you, and neither you nor your subordinates will survive."

Although Ji Yang possesses immortal energy, his abilities also come from heaven and hell.

But he himself still belongs to the mortal world.

But the Monkey King in front of him was not easy to deal with, so Ji Yang wanted to use Heavenly Court to scare him, so that the Monkey King would obediently return the magic weapon to himself.

It's just that when Ji Yang was talking, he found that the monster aura on the Monkey King was getting heavier and heavier.

A pair of eyes also became red, looking rather angry.

"One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, haven't you seen this monkey king before?"

"Back then, this king could have escaped a catastrophe, and it will be the same next time, but you must die today."

"I haven't met you guys for thousands of years. If I meet you today, I will use your life to avenge the little demons who died back then."

I thought I could use Tianting's identity to scare the other party, after all, the Monkey King is a monster, so I should be afraid of Tianting.

But now it seems that Ji Yang's plan not only failed, but also backfired.

Not only failed to scare the other party, but also angered the other party.

And his words shocked Ji Yang again.

This monkey king has faced hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals before, and he survived.

A monster that can alert the heavenly court to send hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals to subdue it, who is this monkey king, and what kind of trouble happened back then.

When Ji Yang was astonished, the Monkey King had already moved.

"I am big!"

The Monkey King was angry, and he let out a roar, and his body instantly grew bigger.

The Monkey King, who was originally a head shorter than Ji Yang, had grown to a height of three or four meters.

The wishful pestle in his hand also became much bigger, and he smashed it towards Ji Yang's head.


Watching the Ruyi pestle coming, Ji Yang retreated decisively.

Ji Yang dodged the Ruyi pestle, and the Ruyi pestle hit a big tree, which was smashed to pieces.

"Hmph, ha..."

Seeing that Ji Yang dodged his attack, the Monkey King glared, swung the wishful pestle and swept towards Ji Yang.

"Don't think that you will grow bigger, and I will too, big!"

Ji Yang jumped up to avoid another attack from Ruyi Pestle.

While the body is still in the air, Ji Yang has already used the big and small Ruyi.

As his body grew bigger, Ji Yang swung his sword and slashed at the Monkey King.

"Ding ding bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Ji Yang slashed at him with a black awn sword, and the monkey king fought with his wishful pestle.

Swords coming and going, Ji Yang and the Monkey King fought dozens of rounds in an instant.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, there was a deafening sound of air collisions, the ground cracked one after another, and the surrounding trees were uprooted or broken...

"Dragon Chanting Sword Technique!"

"Strongly Ruyi Pestle!"

Still unable to gain the upper hand, Ji Yang simply took out the Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuanyuan sword appeared, Ji Yang's black light sword suppressed Ruyi pestle, Xuanyuan sword stabbed out quickly, and directly casted the Dragon Chanting sword technique.

But Ji Yang still underestimated the power of the Monkey King, the Monkey King shook the wishful pestle in his hand and shook the black sword away.

Then I saw the demonic aura on the Ruyi pestle vibrating, and the pestle carried a force of ten thousand catties, and smashed it directly towards the golden dragon's head.

This time it hit the dragon's head, and the dragon's head collapsed instantly.

But the strength of the Monkey King's wishful pestle remained undiminished, and it hit the ground directly.

A large pit ten meters square was smashed out on the ground, and the ground around the deep pit was cracked open.



When the powerful Ruyi pestle broke through the Dragon Chanting sword technique, Xiao Longnv finally arrived.

It is really not easy to follow Ji Yang's aura this way.

Because Ji Yang's aura is in the sky for a while, underground for a while, and in the river again.

As soon as Xiao Longnu arrived, she breathed out a breath of cold air.


The cold air spread, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and a little frost appeared on the ground.

But the Monkey King's body disappeared in front of Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu.

This monkey king can also invisibility.

"Little Dragon Girl, be careful, he is behind you."

The Monkey King disappeared, and Ji Yang hurriedly released his perception to perceive the position of the Monkey King.

Although this monkey king knows the invisibility technique, compared with the invisibility of 72 changes, it is much worse.

Although the body is hidden, the breath is not completely hidden.

Ji Yang found that the Monkey King's not too strong aura appeared behind the little dragon girl, and he yelled in horror.


"The reaction is quick, let's see how you escape my blow."

Xiaolongnv's perception is not weak. When Ji Yang found the Monkey King, Xiaolongnv also felt it.

So Xiao Longnu condensed a lot of cold air around her body, and made some ice to protect herself.

The Monkey King appeared, and the strength of his attack was not too great. His attack only broke through the ice, but did not hurt Xiao Longnu.

The first blow was just a test, and he obviously still had a second move.


"Little Dragon Girl, how are you?"

"I'm fine. You haven't subdued him for so long. Is this monster so difficult?"

Ji Yang had discovered the Monkey King just now, so when the Monkey King attacked the little dragon girl, he had already moved.

When the Monkey King attacked again, Ji Yang had already arrived beside the little dragon girl, and at this time the little dragon girl also turned into a human form.

Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu shot at the same time, Ji Yang's Xuanyuan sword and Xiaolongnu's spear blocked the Monkey King's wishful pestle at the same time.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with, and my body has not fully recovered, so I couldn't stop him."

"But now that you're here, with you and me, we can definitely bring him down."

There are too many excuses and it doesn't make any sense.

So when Ji Yang answered Xiao Longnu's words, he didn't say too much.

"Two against one, will this king be afraid of you!"

"If you want to subdue this king, then come, Dali Ruyi pestle!"

The Monkey King also heard what Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu said.

But facing Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv, he didn't have the slightest fear.

The strength of the Ruyi pestle in his hand increased, Ji Yang's Xuanyuan sword and Xiaolongnu's long spear were pressed down by him, and then smashed towards Xiaolongnu.

Although the monkey king spoke arrogantly, he was still very cautious.

He felt that Xiao Longnu was weaker than Ji Yang, so he attacked her first.

But the Monkey King didn’t know that Ji Yang and the little dragon girl were connected with each other. When the monkey king smashed the pestle at the little dragon girl, the little dragon girl communicated with Ji Yang while dodging. Ji Yang stabbed the monkey king with a sword at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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