The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1889 Returning the magic weapon

Chapter 1889 Returning the magic weapon (one more)
"Zhen Yuanzi, I'm here to ask you to return the five-star king's magic weapon."

"Return the magic weapon? The matter was resolved so quickly? Was the process smooth?"

Ji Yang sent Zhen Yuanzi a WeChat message, and Zhen Yuanzi replied to him quickly.

Ji Yang really hoped that Zhen Yuanzi would reply to his WeChat soon, so that he could hand over Five Star Lord's magic weapon to him, and then go to Taishang Laojun.

But Zhen Yuanzi replied so quickly, Ji Yang was taken aback, because the other party replied too quickly, could Zhen Yuanzi keep staring at WeChat and waiting for him?
Or he figured it out and knew that he wanted to find him at this time.

"Things went very well. This time, thanks to your five-element seal formation, Wuxingjun's magic weapon, and Big Brother Niu's plantain fan, otherwise I would not be able to intercept those lava on the mountainside, fan the lava into the desert, and save countless people. Lives are saved from disaster."

"Hahaha, it is my duty to save the common people. You saved countless beings from the disaster of the volcanic eruption. This is a great merit. You must have a lot of merit, right?"

Talking to the gods, as long as they talk about all the living beings in the world, these gods are particularly enthusiastic, and Ji Yang has discovered this.

But Ji Yang also had to give them a thumbs up, because this shows that the gods are really thinking about the common people in the world.

"Because something happened, I don't have time to see how many merits I have gained this time."

"But don't worry, I can't do this without your help. After I see how many merits are rewarded, I will share them equally and transfer the merits that belong to you to you."

Ji Yang was the implementer of preventing the disaster brought about by the eruption of Fengshan volcano, but Zhen Yuanzi, Wu Xingjun and Bull Demon King also had indelible contributions.

This is my credit book, half of my credit, and half of yours.

So although Ji Yang really wants to get a lot of merit, he will still give them the part that belongs to Zhen Yuanzi and others.

"Xiaobai, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to seek merit from you."

"I have already discussed with the Five Star Lord and the Bull Demon King. No matter how much merit you have gained this time, we will not ask for any merit. All these merits belong to you."

"Saving the common people in the world is what gods should do. If you insist on thanking us for helping you, you can just have some good cigarettes and wine. I heard that your spicy noodles are good, how about some to drink with?"

Ji Yang misunderstood what he meant, and Zhen Yuanzi quickly sent a WeChat to explain.

Ji Yang's cigarettes and alcohol are not cheap in the WeChat store, but they are nothing to a great immortal like Zhen Yuanzi.

Even if Ji Yang hasn't seen how much merit he has gained, just thinking about the countless lives being saved this time, he can imagine how rich the merit rewards will be.

Anyway, even if it is less, it will definitely not be offset by some tobacco and alcohol.

Even if it is the spicy noodles that Ji Yang has never clearly marked the price, Ji Yang thinks it is nothing.

Looking at Zhen Yuanzi's WeChat, a smile appeared on Ji Yang's face.

"I will remember the relationship this time. I know that you are trying to accumulate merit for me, so you don't want me to give you merit."

"Spicy sticks, good wine and good cigarettes, I will give them to you as soon as I leave Fengshan and return to Linhai."

In order to obtain dragon blood, Ji Yang spent a total of 5000 million merits.

This matter has already spread in the Heavenly Court and the Underworld.

The first-rank immortal job requires one billion merits, and Ji Yang suddenly lost [-] million merits, which is equivalent to a quarter.

So everyone knows that Ji Yang is in great need of merit.

But a long time ago, Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun said that no one is allowed to give merits to Ji Yang for free or without compensation.

This led to some gods who wanted to help Ji Yang, so that Ji Yang could reach the first-rank immortal position earlier, and have the ability to break the laws of the three realms earlier, but they could only stare but could not help.

After all, merit is used to increase the rank of immortality, and the higher the rank of the immortal, the stronger the strength, and the safe way to do things.

Now that Ji Yang has managed to earn some merit, it would be too dishonest for Zhen Yuanzi and the others to divide it up.

"Hahaha, then I will return the magic weapon to Lord Wuxing and tell them what you said."

"Okay, thank them for me."

After finishing the WeChat chat with Zhen Yuanzi, Ji Yang did not go to Taishang Laojun, but first went to the Bull Demon King, who wanted to return the plantain fan to him.

When Ji Yang said that he wanted to distribute the merits to the Bull Demon King, the Bull Demon King really said the same thing as Zhen Yuanzi, that is, he refused to ask for merits, and then said that he would just give him some cigarettes, wine and spicy sticks.

With such a similar reply, it seems that Zhen Yuanzi didn't lie to Ji Yang, they had indeed communicated.

"Brother Niu, I found the Ventilation Great Sage Macaque King."

"What? You found Fifth? Really?"

"Brother Niu, can I use this to lie to you, but I want to find the Taishang Laojun, so it is not convenient for the time being, how about letting the Monkey King video chat with you when I find some time?"

"Okay, of course, when the time comes, I'll call Lao Qi to come over. Let the second, third, and fifth come together. It's been a long time since we brothers have had a chat, but I don't know where the fourth and sixth are. ah!"

To be able to chat via video, the Bull Demon King is of course willing.

In fact, when he learned that Ji Yang had found the Macaque King, he had this idea, but he didn't have the nerve to speak up.

The seven great sages, now the great sage of Yishan, the Lion Camel King and the great sage of exorcising the gods, the Yu Tamarin King.

Thinking of the two sworn brothers he hadn't found yet, the Bull Demon King felt rather lost.

"Brother Niu, you don't have to be so sad, since you can get together with Brother Peng and the others, sooner or later you will get together with Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King."

"Yes, we will meet sooner or later. Speaking of it, it is because of you that I can find a few brothers again. You are destined to be brothers with us. After we find the fourth and sixth brothers, we will take you to worship together. Then we will be The Eight Great Saints, hahaha..."

Looking at the Eight Great Sages sent by the Bull Demon King, Ji Yang touched his chin, secretly thinking that this is a good idea.

"Brother Niu, I still have things to do, so I won't chat with you."

"Okay, okay, remember to find time for me to video chat with my brothers."


After finishing the conversation with the Bull Demon King, Ji Yang returned all the magic weapons he borrowed.

"Ji Yang, have you contacted Taishang Laojun? What did he say?"

"Get in touch now, get in touch now, I just returned all the magic weapons I borrowed."

As soon as the conversation with the Bull Demon King was over, the macaque king's anxious voice rang in his ears.

The macaque king doesn't know who Ji Yang has been chatting with for so long.

Anyway, he waited for a long time, but Ji Yang didn't see a word with him, so he was a little anxious.

When he heard that Ji Yang hadn't contacted Taishang Laojun, the macaque king's face darkened, but Ji Yang turned around deliberately, leaving his back to the macaque, and then began to contact Taishang Laojun.

Seeing Ji Yang's action, Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King laughed...

(End of this chapter)

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