The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1891 Laojun’s request this time is difficult

Chapter 1891 Laojun’s request this time is difficult (three more)

"Old gentleman, the macaque king said that as long as he has, he is willing to take it out."

Ji Yang contacted Taishang Laojun, and directly called out the topic, instead of saying something irrelevant.

Some things are meaningless and meaningless if left for a long time.

"He may not have what I want, but whether he has it or not, he has to prepare it."

"If he can't even prepare what I want, then you tell him that there is nothing I can do."

Taishang Laojun has been waiting for Ji Yang's WeChat, so he replied to Ji Yang's WeChat very quickly.

But after seeing the content of Taishang Laojun's reply, Ji Yang frowned tightly.

From Taishang Laojun's words, it can be seen that what Taishang Laojun wants should not be simple.

This thing is not like when he asked for the feathers and blood essence of Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King before, he had it all by himself.

"Then what exactly do you want? If the Macaque King doesn't have it, I will find a way to get it."

The macaque king is the helper Ji Yang wants.

If the macaque king hadn't, Ji Yang would definitely not have watched.

Seeing Ji Yang's statement, Taishang Laojun sent another WeChat message.

"The Macaque King is known as the Great Sage of Ventilation. Although this has something to do with his hearing ability, as far as I know, the Macaque King's ability is also related to the wind attribute."

"The wishful pestle itself is a good thing. If you want to increase its power, you have to match the attributes of the macaque king, so I want to add some attribute power to the wishful pestle, and the wind attribute is undoubtedly the best."

"But in addition to the wind, it is best to add fire. The wind helps the fire. With such attribute power, the power of the wishful pestle will naturally increase."

Although this time, Taishang Laojun said a lot, Ji Yang also understood the way Taishang Laojun enhanced the power of Ruyi pestle.

But seeing now, he still doesn't understand what the Taishang Laojun wants.

"I said, Laojun, can you stop being a fool, the macaque king is standing behind me, and my hairs stand on end when he sees it, so you can just tell me what you want."

The macaque king stared at Ji Yang all the time, and Ji Yang felt uncomfortable being stared at.

But he can't say anything to the macaque king, he can only urge Taishang Laojun to get straight to the point.

Seeing that Ji Yang had lost his patience, Taishang Laojun stopped talking and directly stated his request.

"If you want to enhance the wind and fire attributes of Ruyi Pestle, you need relevant materials, so you tell the macaque king, as long as he can find gems and ores with wind and fire attributes that satisfy me, I can help him rebuild it." Refining wishful pestle."

"With the addition of wind and fire attributes, it is guaranteed that when he uses Ruyi Pestle, his power will be greatly increased."

Gems or ores with wind and fire attributes?And also to make Taishang Laojun satisfied.

This requirement may seem simple, but it is actually very difficult.

Taishang Laojun has seen so many treasures, it is impossible that he does not have gems or ores of wind and fire attributes in his hands, but if he does not take them himself, it is probably not because he is stingy, but because he feels dissatisfied.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to ask the macaque king to provide something that makes him fancy when he is not satisfied with what he has.

"I see, then I'll ask the Macaque King, as long as he has it, I'll give it to you right away."

"Okay, then I have something to do. If he can provide it immediately, just let me know. If he doesn't, then when will he find it and tell me when."

"Okay, I will contact you as soon as possible."

Everyone has their own affairs to be busy, and it is impossible for Taishang Laojun to wait for Ji Yang forever.

After informing Ji Yang of his request, Taishang Laojun went to work, and Ji Yang and Taishang Laojun temporarily ended their chat.

"How? What does Taishang Laojun want?"

After Ji Yang finished chatting with Taishang Laojun, he turned to look at the macaque king.

Seeing Ji Yang looking at him, the macaque king asked anxiously.

"Things like wind and fire gemstones or ores, with these two things, Taishang Laojun has a way to increase the power of your wishful pestle."

"Taishang Laojun has no shortage of treasures in his hands, but he made this request, and he must be of high quality. He said that he should make him fancy. Do you have any?"

Ji Yang's expression was a bit ugly at this time, and when he spoke, his voice was very dignified.

After hearing Ji Yang's words, the macaque king's expression also sank.

He pursed his lips tightly, and finally shook his head with a sigh: "I didn't."

Yes, yes, no, no, there is nothing to pretend.

When the macaque king sighed, Ji Yang had expected it a long time ago, and let out a long breath.

"I really want you to help me. If I have it, I would like to take it out, but I don't have these two things either."

"Third Brother Peng, Second Brother Jiao, do you have any?"

Ji Yang was very helpless, he turned his head to look at Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King.

Seeing Ji Yang looking over, Demon King Peng shook his head, indicating that he did not.

The Jiao Demon King narrowed his eyes, and took out a fist-sized cyan stone from his bosom.

As soon as the stone appeared, there were some strange sounds around the stone, and a circle of strong wind surrounded the stone.

"I don't have any high-grade gems or ores with fire attributes."

"However, I once got a high-level gemstone with wind attribute. I dare not say whether it can enter the eyes of Taishang Laojun. Just like Ji Yang, you have too many treasures in Taishang Laojun's hands. Yes, he may not have gems of this level."

The dragon clan loves babies, and so does the Jiaolong who is slightly inferior to the real dragon.

But as a sworn brother, the Jiao Demon King did not hesitate, and took out the gems he had obtained.

This gem is one of the most favorite treasures of the Flood Demon King.

"Whether Taishang Laojun can watch it, I have to ask Taishang Laojun."

"I'll first pass this wind-attribute gem to Taishang Laojun to see what he means."

A dead horse is a living horse doctor. If you have something, you have to ask.

Regardless of whether Taishang Laojun likes it or not, this is still a standard, isn't it?

After taking the wind attribute gem from Jiao Demon King, Jiao Demon King still seemed a little reluctant, but he still gave it to Ji Yang.

After Ji Yang got it, he decisively passed it on to Taishang Laojun.

Just now, Taishang Laojun also said that he has some things to do.

So after passing the jewel to Taishang Laojun, Ji Yang thought it would take some time for Taishang Laojun to reply.

But who knew, Ji Yang's WeChat rang as soon as the gem was passed on.

Click on WeChat, and a gemstone flew out first. This is exactly the wind attribute gem passed down by Ji Yanggang.

Catching the flying gemstone of wind attribute, Ji Yang looked at his WeChat, there was a paragraph of words from Taishang Laojun on it.

"This wind attribute gem is good. It can be used barely, but it is still a little less. If there is a higher quality gem, it should be at least three times the size of this gem. You can use this as your standard."

The wind-attribute stone, which is regarded as a treasure by the Jiao Demon King, can only be regarded as reluctant, but the size is not enough.

Seeing Taishang Laojun's answer, everyone shook their heads helplessly.

Sure enough, it is really difficult to want something that Taishang Laojun likes...

(End of this chapter)

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