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Chapter 1908 The Situation of the Black Witch Association

Chapter 1908 The Situation of the Black Witch Association (Part [-])
"Ji Shao, these places marked with red pen are several important gathering places of the Black Witch Society."

"The area of ​​YN is not as large as China, but its population is more than 2 million. However, YN is a multi-ethnic country with many influences, and each has its own scope."

"The Black Witch Association is relatively large among the many forces in YN, but the area they control is also limited, but their influence is relatively wide. Most of the black wizards in the Black Witch Association live in these strongholds, and some are scattered in For small strongholds, I also made simple annotations."

Mu Hang is more careful in handling affairs.

Since Ji Yang wanted to eradicate the Black Witch Society, he naturally wanted to know as much about the Black Witch Society as possible.

Several big strongholds must be understood, so Mu Hang marked them in detail.

Some insignificant small strongholds, although not marked in detail, are also explained.

The area of ​​YN is less than [-] square kilometers, and it is composed of many islands.

It's not the first time for Ji Yang to come to YN, he came here once last time because of Xuanzu's incident.

According to Mu Hang's notes, the Black Witches control almost 100 islands in YN, and all of them are located in the center. The islands don't look small.

However, the real stronghold of the Black Witch Society is actually only on a few islands.

On the other islands, there are only scattered small strongholds.

"Do you know how many believers there are in the Black Witch Society?"

"It's a bit difficult to investigate, but according to the information we have, although the exact number cannot be determined, the total number of followers of the Black Witch Society definitely exceeds 500 million."

With more than 500 million believers, the number of believers in this Black Witch Society is not too small.

Almost one-fiftieth of the total population of YN.

"It's unrealistic to want to kill all of the more than 500 million believers?"

Knowing that the Black Witch has so many followers, both Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King frowned.

Ji Yang came to YN this time, but he said that he wanted to eradicate the Black Witch Society.

However, there are too many believers in the Black Witch Society. Even the Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King and all the subordinates of the Macaque King are not so many.

"I want to kill them all, but you also said that this is not realistic at all."

"However, it is not necessary to kill all the believers to eradicate the Black Witch Society. As long as the main people are killed and their main strongholds are pulled out, those believers will lose their faith, and there is nothing to fear. "

If there are thousands or tens of thousands of people, it is not a matter of consent to kill them all.

And killing so many people at once, I don't know how much sensation it will cause.

Although Ji Yang doesn't like YN people, he even hates the Black Witches.

But Ji Yang is not a murderer, it is impossible for him to kill all 500 million believers.

However, Ji Yang has also done similar things, such as Tiandao Sect in Country H.

Isn't there also millions of believers, but now, don't they all start to believe in him?

Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King felt a little relieved when they heard Ji Yang's words.

They were really afraid that Ji Yang would be cruel and kill them all.

500 million people, even 500 million chickens, if you want to kill them, you can't do it in a short time.

"It would be much simpler to just get rid of the important people and pull out these strongholds."

"I did the math. According to the strongholds marked by Mu Hang, the important ones are only ten strongholds. If all the members of the Black Witch Society in these strongholds are killed, the Black Witch Society will basically be abolished."

Putting down their worries, Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King analyzed the map in front of them.

Hearing the words of Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King, Ji Yang looked up at Mu Hang.

"In these ten strongholds, how many members of the Black Witch Society are there?"

Knowing the location of the stronghold and figuring out the situation inside, this is what Mu Hang and the others really do when they come to YN in advance.

If you don't even have a grasp of these situations, then Mu Hang's investigations these days will be in vain.

"According to the information we have, although the total number of followers of the Black Witch Society has reached more than 500 million, most of them are ordinary people who only believe in the witch gods of the Black Witch Society."

"The number of real dark wizards is only tens of thousands."

"These tens of thousands of black wizards are scattered in various large and small strongholds. There are at least 2000 black wizards in these ten strongholds, and this stronghold is the largest stronghold of the Black Witch Society, and it can also be regarded as their headquarters. Temple."

"There are tens of thousands of black wizards in the Wushen Temple, and their president is also among them. There are also many high-level black wizards in it. This is also the most difficult stronghold to deal with."

Mu Hang pointed to the important stronghold of the Black Witch Society on the map, and explained to Ji Yang and the others.

Tens of thousands of black wizards seem to be quite a number.

And in the Witch God Temple alone, there are tens of thousands of black wizards, which is scary enough.

However, compared to the 500 million believers that Mu Hang mentioned earlier, they are nothing, and it is much easier to solve.

"Ten strongholds, if you want to eradicate them smoothly, you need to do it at the same time."

"Mu Hang, you need to count the details of the ten strongholds, especially the number of black wizards and the situation of the black wizards in them, and then I will assign tasks based on your statistics."

Needless to say, there is no need to say more.

If you don't attack these important strongholds at the same time, it will make the black wizard prepare and even counterattack himself.

Ji Yang would not do such a stupid thing.

He would rather delay some more time, investigate the situation one step further, grasp more things, and then annihilate them in one fell swoop.

"I've already asked people to investigate this. It will take two days at most to investigate the situation clearly."

"Okay, investigate the situation as soon as possible, and then inform me, that will be the day when the Dark Witch Society will perish."

Two days is already considered fast.

Compared with investigating the details, it is much easier to investigate the bases and the like.

Ji Yang was still very satisfied with Mu Hang's answer.

"Third Brother Peng, Second Brother Jiao, let's wait for two more days."

"It's okay, let's wait two more days, anyway, this is our first time visiting YN, so it's okay to stay a few more days, just treat it as a relaxing vacation."

Ji Yang himself doesn't care, but he didn't come by himself this time after all.

When he looked at Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King apologetically, they both nodded in understanding.

They also know that some things cannot be rushed.

If you do it hastily, it will cause more trouble and take longer.

"Brother Peng, Brother Jiao, what are your plans before Mu Hang provides the information?"

"Let's go to Lao Wu, YN is his territory, we're here, we have to let him be a landlord no matter what."

It will take time for Mu Hang to investigate the situation, and it is impossible for Ji Yang to wait in the villa with Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King.

Hearing the proposals of Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King, Ji Yang did not object.

After asking Mu Hang to investigate as soon as possible, Ji Yang, Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King left the villa, and then contacted the Macaque King.

After knowing the location of the Monkey King, Ji Yang and the three flew up to the location of the Monkey King...

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(End of this chapter)

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