The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1919 Started to do it

Chapter 1919 Started to do it (one more)
A cold voice sounded, and the summoning ceremony was not yet completed, but everyone's eyes were turned to the sky.

Because when the sound sounded, not only their ears heard it.

This voice actually reached the bottom of their hearts, making their hearts beat strangely.

The black wizards in the Wushen Temple are not ordinary people. This situation let them know that the person who spoke is definitely not an ordinary person.

If you see someone who can fly in the air and replace it with an ordinary person, you will definitely be surprised.

But the dark wizards didn't change much in their expressions.

Because these black wizards can fly in the air through black witchcraft.

"Who is he? It doesn't look like someone from YN."

"You ask me, who do I ask, this man's aura is so strong, I feel a little difficult to breathe."

"He speaks Y language, not YN language, he is definitely not from YN..."

The person who spoke was Ji Yang.

After the witch god enchantment blocked the tsunami, Ji Yang asked Peng Demon King and others to go to other black witch association strongholds.

However, he didn't take action against the Black Witches right away. He didn't take any action until he saw that the Black Witches started the summoning ceremony and threw large living people into the black hole as sacrifices.

Looking coldly at the members of the Black Witch Society below, Ji Yang had no emotion at all in his eyes.

And his words also caused a little commotion.

This commotion was not only caused by speculation about Ji Yang's identity, but also by the restlessness of ordinary believers of the Black Witch Society.

Because Ji Yang took the elixir of the Supreme Lord, he could understand the language of each country, but he couldn't speak the language of the other country.

So every time when communicating with people from other countries, Ji Yang can only use Y language.

Fortunately, most of the enemies he encounters speak Y.

"Whoever is restless, throw him into the black hole as a sacrifice for summoning the demon of the abyss."

Pales shouted angrily as he looked at the restless Black Witch believers around him.

Such restlessness would be very detrimental to the black witch.

No matter what price Pares paid, even if it was brutal suppression, he couldn't let the gaffe expand.

Hearing Pales' indifferent voice, stemming from the instinctive fear of Pales, the followers of the Black Witch Society instantly fell silent.

"Who are you? You made those things, right?"

"You dare to be an enemy of my Black Witch Society, do you know what price you will pay?"

The believers were quiet, Pales looked at Ji Yang and asked in a deep voice.

Ji Yang appeared at this time, and Pales found that the creatures in the sea had some special changes when they saw Ji Yang.

Pales felt that what happened today must have something to do with Ji Yang.

"You are Pales, the president of the Black Witch Association, right? As for who I am? You can ask your good grandson."

"Enemies with the Black Witch Society? Our enmity has already been forged, hasn't it? We have been enemies since the day you let the Black Witch Society enter China."

Pales opened his mouth, and Ji Yang looked at him.

Among all the people in the Witch God Temple, Pales had the strongest aura, and he was the one who had been giving orders just now. Through these, Ji Yang guessed his identity.

When he saw Pamissi beside Pales, the smile on Ji Yang's face gradually widened.

"It's you, it's you."

"Grandpa, it was him who threw me into the sea. If it wasn't for the treasure you gave me, I would have died that day."

Pamixi's cultivation base is low, his strength is weak, and his eyesight is not very good.

Now it was dark again, even though the night sky was brighter tonight, he still couldn't see Ji Yang clearly.

But as Ji Yang opened his mouth, Pamixi observed Ji Yang carefully and recognized Ji Yang.

"He is the Huaxia person you mentioned. I remember his name is Ji Yang."

"I once sent a large number of black wizards into Huaxia Linhai to arrest you, and I also brought two treasures containing powerful abyssal creatures from my Black Witch Association, but you did not die, and you were not arrested. Instead, all the people I sent Kill, I have to admit that you are very strong."

"I even thought about going to Huaxia to catch you in person, but I didn't expect you to come to my door today, whether it's for my grandson, or for the black wizard who died at your hands, or for the loss of the black wizard society tonight, you Don’t even think about leaving alive today.”

As soon as Pamissi's words came out of his mouth, Pales knew Ji Yang's identity.

Pamixi was thrown into the sea, if he hadn't arrived, and because he had given Pamixi a treasure so that he could be in the water for a short time without danger, Pamixi would have died.

It was also his arrangement that Wei Hongling and so many black wizards went to Huaxia to catch Ji Yang.

In order to ensure that Ji Yang was caught, Pales also gave Wei Hongling two enchantment treasures containing creatures from the abyss.

But the final result was quite different from Pales' expectation.

Ji Yang was not caught, but Wei Hongling and all the black wizards died.

"Hahaha, do you want to kill me? Then you have to have that ability."

"You don't think that if you have a lot of people, you will definitely win, not to mention that I have a lot of helpers, hush..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Looking at Pales, Ji Yang laughed out loud and whistled at the same time.

The whistle sounded, and huge waves appeared on the originally calm sea, and strange figures walked from the sea to the shore.

Fish head with human body, human head with shrimp body, crab as big as a car...

Ji Yang's whistle was telling Jiao Demon King's little monsters that they can start to act.

Among the little demons assigned, Ji Yang brought the least.

But among this group of little monsters, there are about two thousand people who have cultivated for more than a thousand years.

Seeing the little monsters of the Jiao Demon King walking towards the island from the sea, Pales' complexion sank.

He didn't expect that these sea creatures with strong aura could go ashore. Although the number is not as large as that of the black wizard, the little demon's aura is stronger than that of the black wizard.

"You continue to start the summoning ceremony!"

"Stop all these weird-looking guys!"

The summoning ceremony is almost done, but it still needs a little time.

Pales narrowed his eyes and quickly gave orders to the dark wizards.

The dark wizard who was named by Pales to block the little demon, his face darkened, this task is not easy to do, he will die.

But under the indifferent gaze of Pales, they could only bite the bullet and rush towards the little demons.

The remaining black wizards recited the spell as quickly as possible and continued the summoning ceremony.


"Boom bang bang..."

These subordinates of the Flood Demon King, although their cultivation bases are all over a thousand years old.

But they are all monsters in the sea, and their strength will be greatly reduced when they land on land, and there are far more black wizards than them.

When they first fought, the two sides looked evenly matched.

When the little demon and the black wizard fought, Ji Yang also swayed and flew towards the ground.

In the air, Ji Yang held the black awn sword in his hand. With a wave of the black awn sword, a black sword arc flew out, killing several black wizards on the ground in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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