Chapter 192

Millennium enmity?
How old is this Huang Xiaoxin, she is only 20 years old this year, this demon actually talks about a millennium enmity, what is going on, Ji Yang is completely confused.

Ji Yang didn't understand, and Huang Tianxiong and the others also didn't understand what the millennium enmity was all about.

It's just that the demon didn't seem to have any intention of explaining it, only two scarlet flashes of the purple mist flashed, and the demon spoke again.

"I'm just a clone. You hurt me today. Next time I come back, I will be the main body. If you have the ability, you can fight me again. Then I will kill all of you together."

The heart demon in front of the feelings is not the main body, it is just a clone. Hearing the words of the heart demon, Ji Yang also knew that the other party was going to run away.

What's going on with this demon, Ji Yang hasn't figured it out yet, how can he let the other party run away.

"If you don't speak clearly today, rest and leave."

Ji Yang shouted loudly, and chanted the Xuanhuo Mantra, a ray of flame appeared on his palm, and he pushed Huang Xiaoxin, who was already unconscious, to Huang Xiaoliang, and rushed towards the demon.

It's just that this demon already has the intention to run away, so he won't get entangled with Ji Yang.


The demon smashed open the window of Huang Xiaoxin's room, turned into a streak of purple air and shot out of the window.

Ji Yang rushed to nothing, naturally he was very unwilling, turned his head and said to Huang's family, "I'm going to chase him", and then jumped out of the window.

Ji Yang stared at the heart demon flying in mid-air, and ran all the way in the villa area.

Some people in the villa area were a little surprised when they saw Ji Yang running all the way.

"I'll go, this speed is too fast, if you participate in the Olympics, you will definitely win the gold medal."

"I think not only the gold medal, but also the world record can be broken."

A pair of young men and women said softly when they saw Ji Yang running past them like a gust of wind.

Before the two had finished speaking, Ji Yang had already disappeared from their sight.

Ji Yang chased the demon all the way, and soon he chased out of the villa. When he saw the outside of the villa, Ji Yang's face became more and more ugly.

This heart demon escaped too fast. It was okay when he was in the villa, and it was easier to chase.

But now, once he was outside the villa, it was a big road, with many cars and buildings, and he was unable to catch up with the demon before, and it was even more impossible under such conditions.

"Did you just let him run away?"

Seeing that it was impossible to catch up with the inner demon, Ji Yang thought a little irritably.

And just when Ji Yang thought that the demon would escape, a figure suddenly appeared.

This is a young man, about the same age as Ji Yang, with a schoolbag on his back. When the demon flew over the young man's head, the young man took out a talisman paper from his pocket.


With the talisman paper in his hand, the young man jumped up and threw the talisman paper into the sky, the talisman paper hit the heart demon heavily, and a ray of fire appeared immediately.

Ji Yang looked at it for a moment, and I said, this young man is Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway, but he is Cheng Yaojin who can help him.

The fire appeared in the air, which also attracted the attention of many people.

However, these people would not associate the flames with the talisman hitting the demons. They thought that someone was so rich and self-willed, setting off fireworks in broad daylight.

The heart demon was hit by this piece of talisman paper, and the purple energy shook and fell from the air.

Seeing the demon falling, Ji Yang was overjoyed, it seemed that the talisman just hurt him.

As soon as the demon fell, the young man who had just thrown the talisman chased towards the place where the demon fell, and Ji Yang also ran towards the same position.

"Here comes another troublemaker, you really think that my demon avatar is easy to bully, don't you?"

The location where the demon fell was a forest, and there were no other people around here. When Ji Yang ran over, he saw the young man who had thrown the talisman paper before confronting the demon with a talisman in his hand.

At this time, the inner demon seemed to be weaker than the breath just now, and he, who was originally a cloud of mist, also became more illusory at this time.

The young man didn't speak when he heard the words of the demon, he just looked at the demon quietly, until Ji Yang came to his side, he smiled kindly at Ji Yang.

"Hello fellow daoist, my name is Zhang Zhixin, and I am a disciple of Longhushan Zhengyi."

It turns out that this young man is the Zhang Zhixin mentioned by Huang Xiaoliang before, and he is also from the same line of Longhushan. Isn't that the descendant of Zhang Daoling's lineage?

Ji Yang's Taoism was passed on to him by Zhang Daoling, so he is still in the same sect as Zhang Zhixin.

"Hello fellow Taoist, my name is Ji Yang, and I am also a master of Longhushan Zhengyi."

As soon as Ji Yang's words came out, Zhang Zhixin was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect that he would meet a fellow student here.

But at this moment, the inner demon is in front of him, even if Ji Yang and Zhang Zhixin are from the same school, there is no time to reminisce about the old days.

"I'm going to eat you!"

The inner demon had been staring at Zhang Zhixin, and he would have been injured and fell from the sky, all because of Zhang Zhixin, otherwise he would have run away long ago.

Seeing Zhang Zhixin talking with Ji Yang at this moment, while the other party was distracted, he let out a roar, opened his mouth wide and rushed towards Zhang Zhixin, looking like he really wanted to eat Zhang Zhixin.

Zhang Zhixin's heart trembled as the inner demon rushed over, and he quickly threw out the talisman in his hand.

Previously, the heart demon was hit by Zhang Zhixin's talisman paper, it was because the heart demon didn't expect to meet other people to stop him on the way.

This time, he was already prepared. Seeing Zhang Zhixin's talisman call, the purple mist trembled, and he dodged directly.

Seeing the demon avoiding his talisman paper, Zhang Zhixin's expression changed. He thought that he would be hurt by the demon this time, or even eaten by the demon, but Ji Yang stood in front of him.

"You step back, he will give it to me."

According to Zhang Zhixin's performance just now, Ji Yang knew at a glance that this guy's knowledge is too shallow, and he is not an opponent of the demon at all.

When Ji Yang stood in front of Zhang Zhixin, he had already held the black sword in his hand, and stabbed at the heart demon with one blow.

This demon was injured because he was forced out of Huang Xiaoxin's body before, and he was hit by Zhang Zhixin's talisman just now. Now he is not Ji Yang's opponent at all.

As soon as Ji Yang stabbed out with the black light sword, the inner demon barely escaped.

But Ji Yang didn't just do it with one sword, but his body followed the heart demon, and the black sword in his hand attacked the heart demon one after another.

After all, this heart demon did not escape the fate of being stabbed by Ji Yang's sword.


Ji Yang's black light sword pierced the heart demon, and the heart demon screamed in pain.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe. As soon as the man opens his mouth, the inner demon turns into a gas and directly enters the opponent's mouth.

Swallowing the demon into his stomach, the middle-aged man looked at Ji Yang angrily.

"Boy, if you dare to hurt my clone, I will definitely not spare you today."

 The fourth update, Xieben caught a cold, and I really tried my best today for the fourth update. I hope everyone will support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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