The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1930 One stick broke

Chapter 1930 A stick breaks (three more)

"Hiss, hiss... roar, roar..."

The sudden appearance of two rays of light, together with the aura wafting from them, made Dalini a little uneasy.

And the Bone Spirit Fire Horse under his crotch ran wildly and violently.

It's just that within the range of 30 meters, it has been imprisoned by Dalini's death knight, so the bone spirit fire horse ran out at all.

The Bone Spirit Fire Horse can only run back and forth within the 30 meter range.

"Calm down, be quiet!"

Bone Spirit Fire Horse is not as strong as Dalini, that's for sure.

But in the face of danger, just like horses and people in the world, horses are far more sensitive than people.

Bone Spirit Huoju became restless just because he sensed the danger.

But under Dalini's forcible control, Bone Spirit Fire Horse finally calmed down.

But the body of the Bone Spirit Fire Horse still trembled a little.

"Xiaobai, you still asked Mrs. He to go down to earth. It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble."

"Xiaobai, where are my husband's sworn brothers? I haven't seen them yet. I will meet them this time when I go down to earth."

When the Bone Spirit Huoju calmed down, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan had already arrived in the mortal world.

The location where the two arrived was also within the imprisonment of Dalini's death knight.

However, the two of them did not look at Dalini, but first looked at Ji Yang.

"Brother Niu, sister-in-law, there are indeed a lot of troubles this time."

"Third Brother Peng and the others are not here. If they were, I might not call the two of you down."

It wasn't the first time seeing the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, so Ji Yang also acted very calm when he saw them.

It's just that the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan were a little disappointed when they heard that Peng Demon King and others were not here.

But after hearing that Ji Yang was indeed in trouble, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan finally turned to Dalini.

"It's such an evil breath, the strength of the breath has reached the rank of a first-rank immortal, no wonder you can't deal with it."

The Bull Demon King looked at Dalini with a pair of bull eyes, moved his nose, and said in a cold voice.

Although Princess Iron Fan didn't speak, her eyes were slightly dignified.

The last time Princess Iron Fan and the Bull Demon King descended together was when they were dealing with the Shikigami of Country R.

Shuten-douji and Tamamo-zen at that time were defeated by the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, but neither Shuten-douji nor Tamamo-zen was as powerful as Dalini in front of him.

"His name is Dalini, and he is the head of the Necromancer Knights from Abyss Purgatory. Brother Niu, you have to be careful. This guy is very tricky. His mount, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, is not to be underestimated."

Although Ji Yang believed in the strength of the Bull Demon King, he still did not forget to remind the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King didn't think much of it, he also nodded when he heard Ji Yang's kind reminder.

"Don't worry, my old cow looks rough, but I'm not a reckless person."

"Leave this guy to me, you can rest assured."

Dalini's aura is not weak, but will the Bull Demon King be afraid of him?
The Bull Demon King twisted his neck, and with a swipe of the palm, the mixed iron rod appeared in his hand.

At the same time he took out the mixed iron rod, Princess Iron Fan made a palm move, and the plantain fan appeared in her hand.

"Sister-in-law, in this battle, you don't need to be together as a husband and wife. It's fine for me and Brother Niu to be together."

"Look over there, but there are quite a few abyssal creatures. Although I sent ghosts to resist, but now there are some difficult guys among the abyssal creatures, and you need to help them."

"There are also those little monsters, they are all subordinates of Brother Jiao, we can't let all the little monsters lose here."

Princess Iron Fan's posture is clearly to deal with Dalini together with the Bull Demon King.

But Ji Yang stopped Princess Iron Fan.

In the previous battle with Dalini, Ji Yang has been very depressed, because his strength is not as good as that of the opponent, and he was equivalent to two against one by the opponent.

Now that the Bull Demon King is by his side, Ji Yang has to find his way back.

"Madam, just listen to Xiaobai. My second brother's little demon and ghost will be taken care of by you. Let me and Xiaobai deal with the death knight and bone spirit fire horse."

The Bull Demon King agreed with Ji Yang, and of course Princess Iron Fan couldn't embarrass the Bull Demon King.

She nodded and prepared to leave here.

But when she wanted to leave, she was stopped by the Death Knight's imprisonment.

"Lao Niu, this thing is a bit difficult to deal with, you help me break it open, otherwise I won't be able to get out."

Princess Iron Fan's strength is actually a little bit worse than Ji Yang's.

Ji Yang still couldn't break through the black air, and so could Princess Iron Fan.

After several attempts without success, Princess Iron Fan looked at the Bull Demon King with some displeasure.

"Ma'am, don't worry, look at my old cow."


I saw the Bull Demon King raised the mixed iron rod in his hand, and smashed it towards the black air beside Princess Iron Fan.

The black air that neither Ji Yang nor Princess Iron Fan could break through was instantly broken under the bull devil's iron rod.

A big gap appeared, and the Bull Demon King swung the iron rod down a few more times, and the black energy standing in front of Princess Iron Fan dissipated completely.

What is the gap, this is it.

Ji Yang beat the black air that didn't break through for a long time, but the Bull Demon King solved it with one stick.

"Ma'am, please!"

"Hmph, I am very upset now, I will slap all these evil things to death."

After the black air broke through and there was no obstacle, the Bull Demon King grinned at Princess Iron Fan.

Princess Iron Fan still had anger in her heart, and her body flew out. When the plantain fan was blown, a black wind blew, and several unlucky big demons were blown by the black wind, and they were instantly shattered.

"This, this, this Ji Yang also knows the art of summoning?"

Because of Dalini's relationship, seeing Ji Yang being beaten by Dalini all the time, Pales was always in a state of excitement.

But with the appearance of the Bull Demon King and the Iron Fan Princess, Pares also found that something was wrong.

However, Ji Yang does not know the summoning technique he mentioned, but Ji Yang has a way to call for help from Heaven and Earth.

"Where did you come from, the devil? I am the commander of the second regiment of the Death Knights, Dalini."

After the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan appeared, Dalini did not make any attacks.

But his eyes were always fixed on the Bull Demon King and Iron Fan Princess.

When he saw the Bull Demon King easily break through his death imprisonment, his eyes changed obviously.

Because the Bull Demon King is a demon, he exudes a strong demonic aura, which is considered evil by Dalini.

"What is the head of the group? I am not interested in the old cow."

"You bullied my brother just now, didn't you? Come on, my old cow has played against you."

The Bull Demon King regards Ji Yang as his brother, and he sees that Ji Yang suffered a loss before.

The mixed iron rod in his hand was inserted towards the ground, and the head of the rod was inserted into the ground, while waving his hand at Dalini.

Dalini was very arrogant, how could he bear the Bull Demon King's provocation.

"Hmph, do you think that I, Dalini, will be afraid of you? Now I will teach you a lesson."


Purple light flashed in Dalini's eyes, and as soon as he slapped the Bone Spirit Fire Horse, the Bone Spirit Fire Horse charged towards the Bull Demon King...

(End of this chapter)

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