The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 194 2 Lost and Wounded

Chapter 194
"Because I am a fairy."

Seeing Qiqiao Linglongxin's shocked expression, a smile appeared on the corner of Ji Yang's mouth and said softly.

What Ji Yang said is not a lie, he is now a ninth-rank immortal, and he has immortal energy in his body, so what is he if he is not an immortal.

Just hearing Ji Yang say that, Qiqiao Linglongxin smiled disdainfully.

"Hmph, do you really think that I don't know anything about my Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart? The laws of the Three Realms block it, and gods can't come to the mortal world at all."

"Although I wonder why you have the aura of immortal energy, but your immortal energy is too weak. It's good for me to use this bit of immortal energy as a tonic."

Looking at Ji Yang with a haughty face, this Qiqiao Linglongxin even stuck out her tongue and licked her lower lip, this is really treating Ji Yang as a delicacy.

The Qiqiao Linglongxin is indeed difficult to deal with, and Ji Yang is not sure that he can win the opponent, but Ji Yang can't bear to be underestimated by the opponent.

"Hmph, if you want to swallow me, you have to have that ability!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Yang kicked the sole of his foot on the ground, and a piece of the ground flew up by him, which is enough to see how much strength Ji Yang used.

Kicking off the ground and rushing forward, the black sword in his hand stabbed directly at Qiqiao Linglongxin.

Seeing Ji Yang's attack, Qiqiao Linglongxin didn't move. The purple energy around him became more dense and solid, and it was as if a wall of purple energy appeared in front of Qiqiao Linglongxin.

Ji Yang's sword pierced into the purple air, but after the black awn sword pierced four-fifths of it, it was actually difficult for the black awn sword to penetrate even a single bit.

The tip of the black light sword seemed to have pierced a piece of hard steel. Ji Yang's strength increased, but it was still difficult to get in.

"It's useless."

Looking at Ji Yang with a smile on his face, Qiqiao Linglong said with a smile, and at the same time grabbed Ji Yang.

Ji Yang frowned, and the black sword was quickly drawn back, and the man also hurriedly stepped back.

This seven-orifice exquisite heart is nothing short of a thousand-year-old resentment turned into a demon, and the resentment all over his body cooperates with the devil's energy, protecting him like a protective shield.

It seems that just relying on the black light sword itself is not enough, I have to work harder for the black light sword.

Ji Yang looked at Qiqiao Linglongxin solemnly, handed the black awn sword in his right hand to the left and right, brought the middle finger of his right hand to his mouth, bit the finger directly, and when the blood flowed out, he smeared the blood on the black awn sword.

The blood on the middle finger of the right hand and the tip of the tongue has the heaviest yang energy, which has a strong lethality against evil things, and it is suitable for dealing with the exquisite heart with seven apertures in front of it.

When Ji Yang smeared blood on the black awn sword, the black awn sword flashed a black light strangely.

As soon as the black light appeared, Ji Yang also attacked Qiqiao Linglong's heart again.

Ji Yang attacked again, Qiqiao Linglongxin's face changed slightly, this time he was not as calm as before, it seemed that he also knew that the Heimang sword was stronger than before.

Seeing Qiqiao Linglong retreating, a confident smile appeared on Ji Yang's face, it seemed that he did the right thing this time.

The black-mansled sword in his hand is either stabbing or teasing, or sweeping or swinging, or cutting or picking...

Ji Yang almost used the most common attack method of the sword, Qiqiao Linglongxin also looked angry when he was attacked by Ji Yang.

"Boy, do you really think that I am afraid of your broken sword? Today I will let you see how powerful I am."

Qiqiao Linglong's heart was ignited by Ji Yang's attack, and he shouted loudly, and a wave of devilish energy swept towards Ji Yang.


Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, swung the black sword in his hand, and the devilish energy was broken.

However, this devilish energy was only the beginning of Qiqiao Linglongxin's attack, and Ji Yang had already expected to break through this devilish energy with a single sword.

Qi Xiaolinglong's heart was sending out magic energy again and again, and Ji Yang broke it one by one.

After Ji Yang broke through several streaks of devilish energy in a row, Qiqiao Linglongxin also attacked Ji Yang.

The official confrontation between Ji Yang and Qiqiao Linglongxin has begun, and their confrontation caused the air to burst into explosions.

The Qiqiao Linglongxin's demonic energy was extremely heavy, while the immortal energy in Ji Yang's body was thin. Under the suppression of the opponent's demonic energy, Ji Yang had already begun to feel powerless to mobilize the immortal energy to counterbalance.

"Hahaha, as I said, your immortal energy is too little, so you should be obedient as a tonic."

Sensing the change in Ji Yang's breath, Qiqiao Linglong screamed excitedly.


Although Ji Yang was defeated, he would not admit defeat.

With a hard look in his eyes, Ji Yang bit the tip of his tongue directly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the sky. The blood fell on the black light sword, and a black light suddenly appeared on the black light sword.

Before the black light disappeared, Ji Yang rushed forward, Qiqiao Linglongxin was a little too happy just now, he didn't expect Ji Yang to use his own blood to increase the attack of the black sword.

Although it is said that essence, blood and yang qi can increase the damage to evil things, doing so is also very harmful to oneself. Under normal circumstances, few people will use it twice in a row like Ji Yang.

But this time Ji Yang was not without rewards, his sword finally pierced through the protection of Qiqiao Linglongxin by the devil energy, and directly pierced Qiqiao Linglongxin's heart with his sword.


When the sword was stabbed, Qiqiao Linglong screamed in pain, and the devilish energy overflowed from his body as if going crazy.

As the strong devilish energy overflowed, Ji Yang felt that the Qiqiao Linglong Heart in front of him began to change. The Qiqiao Linglong Heart, which was originally a human, turned into a heart, a purple-black heart, and his black sword was also Insert it on the heart.

This purple-black heart is the body of Qiqiao Linglongxin. He was stabbed in the vital part by Ji Yang's sword, and he directly showed his original shape.

It's just that although the Qiqiao Linglongxin showed its original shape, it didn't mean that he was finished. After turning into a heart, the Qiqiao Linglongxin broke free from Ji Yang's black sword in an instant.

As soon as he broke free from Ji Yang's black light sword, the Qiqiao Linglongxin, which showed its original shape, also took the human form again, but this time the Qiqiao Linglongxin was a little different from before, and his aura was much weaker.

"Boy, I will remember today's hatred, I will come to you again, next time I see you again, I will definitely take your life."

The sword just now really hurt Qiqiao Linglong's heart, otherwise he would not have said such words at this time.

As soon as his words fell, the exquisite heart with seven apertures turned into a stream of purple air and flew towards the sky until it disappeared.

From the beginning to the end, Ji Yang didn't say a word, he just watched Qiqiao Linglongxin escape.

After confirming that Qiqiao Linglongxin had left, Ji Yang's calm face suddenly flushed.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Ji Yang's mouth, and he used blood twice in a row to increase the attack power of the Black Glow Sword, and he had to resist the pressure from Qiqiao Linglong's heart when his immortal energy was not as good as the opponent's demonic energy, and he had to guarantee his own strength. Mood is not affected by the other party.

This was not a small test for Ji Yang. If it wasn't for this, how could Ji Yang just watch the other party leave when he saw that Qiqiao Linglong's heart was injured just now.

Ji Yang was afraid that Qiqiao Linglongxin would find out that he was also injured. If that was the case, it would be uncertain who would die in the end.

 In the second watch, Xieben will continue to work hard and strive for faster updates. Thank you, Jie Ge, Muzhi, wow and others for the rewards, and thank you for the monthly votes.

(End of this chapter)

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