The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1958 Has Guardians

Chapter 1958 There is a guardian (one more)
The roar sounded, and the originally quietly flowing lava began to boil, and the splashed lava carried scorching heat, and the macaque king who rushed towards the statue was unexpectedly surrounded by these splashed lava.

The sudden eruption of the lava did not react to the macaque king, and his body was still in the posture of rushing towards the statue.

The body failed to stop in time, and the macaque king encountered some splashed lava, which was very hot, and the macaque king's monkey hair was instantly blackened, and he let out a cry of pain.

"Damn, slightly..."

"Boom bang bang..."

Suffering from the pain, the macaque king bared his teeth and screamed.

Looking angrily at the lava that was still erupting, he waved the wishful pestle in his hand, breaking the lava that was spraying towards him.

But these lavas are endless at all, no matter how much the macaque king breaks open, the lava sprayed on him has no intention of stopping.

"Old five! Huge waves are raging!"

Water and fire restrain each other, and the surrounding atmosphere makes the Jiao Demon King uncomfortable, but the Jiao Demon King is also the nemesis of these lavas.

Seeing that the macaque king was surrounded by lava, the dragon demon king rushed to attack.

I saw that the Jiao Demon King's head turned into a Jiao head, his throat was thumping and his mouth was wide open, and water like a huge wave sprayed from his mouth to the molten lava.

When the lava met the water sprayed out by the Jiao Demon King, its power was instantly weakened, and the water also turned into steam due to the temperature of the lava and drifted to the surroundings.

Although the surge of the Jiao Demon King's huge waves weakened the splash of molten lava, the surrounding area was surrounded by molten lava, and the weakening was not enough to make the macaque king escape from the encirclement of the molten lava.

"King Macaque, I'll temporarily seal the lava behind you with ice, get out quickly!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that the macaque king hadn't escaped the siege of the lava, the little dragon girl also stood up.

Hearing the little dragon girl's cry, the macaque king waved the Ruyi pestle and smashed some lava away, and shouted to the little dragon girl.

"Dragon Demon King, suppress the lava behind the Macaque King!"

"Okay, the huge waves are surging!"

There was too much lava, and the surrounding temperature was too high.

Even if Xiao Longnu wanted to temporarily freeze the area behind the macaque king, it would not be easy.

So just to be on the safe side, Xiao Longnv had to team up with the Demon King.

Hearing Xiaolongnu's cry, the Jiao Demon King moved his mouth, and the Jiao Demon King spat out the molten liquid from his mouth in the water, and slapped the lava behind the macaque king like a huge wave.


The huge waves collided with the lava, the sound of water evaporating was heard, and the momentum of the lava began to weaken.

"Transforming Dragon, Frozen!"

Seeing that the momentum of the lava weakened, the little dragon girl jumped up and took the shape of a dragon. The dragon's mouth opened, and cold air spewed out from the mouth, instantly freezing the lava behind the macaque king.

"It's now, go back quickly, the temperature of this lava is as high as I thought, and the ice seal is about to break!"

The lava was frozen, and Xiao Longnv's eyes suddenly changed.

She saw that the ice that she had just sealed the lava had many cracks.

The temperature of these lavas was higher than Xiaolongnv expected.


Xiaolongnv had reminded the macaque king just now that when the macaque king was resisting the attack of the surrounding lava, he had been paying attention to the movement of the little dragonnv.

So as soon as the lava was frozen, the macaque king had already reacted.

Xiaolongnv's anxious voice came, and the macaque king's body turned into a gust of wind, and quickly escaped from the encirclement of the lava.

"Fifth, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but it happened so suddenly that I was a little caught off guard, otherwise I wouldn't have been trapped by those lava."

"The eruption of the lava is a bit weird. Did you hear a strange roar before the eruption of the lava? But I didn't see anything coming out. Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

The hair on the macaque king's body was scorched black in several places.

This was all caused by the lava just now.

Faced with the concern and inquiry of the Peng Demon King, the Macaque King showed an indifferent expression.

But when the macaque king said the weird roar, Ji Yang and Peng Mowang nodded at the same time, but their expressions were a little strange at this time.

"You heard it right, we heard the roar, but what's strange is that I haven't found the owner of the roar."

That roar was very loud, how could Ji Yang and others not hear it.

When the sound sounded, Ji Yang and Demon King Peng searched for the source of the sound, so they didn't help the macaque king get rid of the lava.

It's just that they searched for a long time, and the only thing they could be sure of was that the sound came from within the lava.

But in the roiling lava, neither Ji Yang nor Demon King Peng felt any other breath other than the lava.

"You can't feel it, it's because you are not sensitive enough to the fire attribute breath."

"I was in the lava, and I felt a special breath. Although this breath is similar to the breath of the lava itself, there is still a difference."

As soon as Ji Yang and Peng Demon King finished speaking, Jiao Demon King looked at them solemnly.

In fact, Peng Demon King may be a bit inferior to the fire attribute breath, but Ji Yang is still very keen. After all, he is also a master at playing with fire.

However, compared to the Flood Demon King who hates fire-attributed auras, Ji Yang is still a bit worse.

"I also felt it when I released the ice seal just now."

Flood Demon King felt that it was not enough, but Xiao Longnv actually echoed it.

With the double affirmation of Jiao Demon King and Xiaolongnv, it seems that there is indeed something in the molten lava, which makes everyone's face darken.

"Old Five attacked the statue, the sound was heard just now, and the lava erupted."

"At this time, the fifth one retreated, and the lava had calmed down. From this point of view, the things in the lava should belong to the category of guardians, and they will only appear when the statue is threatened."

"Third brother Peng agrees with what he said. Second brother Jiao said that there should be something in the statue, and there is still a guardian. From this point of view, the things in the statue should be good things."

It's a try.

For all treasures, there are always some guardians to prevent them from being taken away.

At the same time, guardians can also practice with the help of treasures.

"Since there is a baby, it doesn't matter whether he guards it or not, we've decided today."

"Just now I was careless, now let me know that there is a guardian here, then I will be prepared. Not only will I take the things away today, but I will also capture the guardian!"

When I went to smash the statue just now, I was actually trapped.

This made the macaque king feel ashamed. Now that the situation is clear, the macaque king will of course use this to save face.

If you find something in the statue, of course you have to get it.

The macaque king spoke, and everyone did not have any objections.

But before the macaque king took action, Ji Yang and others did not forget to tell him to be careful, and at the same time Ji Yang and others were also ready to attack at any time.

"Chang Feng!"

When everything was ready, the macaque king jumped up, raised the Ruyi pestle in his hand, and rushed towards the statue.

When the macaque king approached the statue, a scene similar to the one before appeared, the roar sounded again, and the lava erupted again.

"Old Five, it's 30 meters to your left!"

"Hmph, smash!"

The roar sounded, the lava erupted, and the voice of the Flood Demon King immediately sounded.

The macaque king's body, which was originally pounced on the statue, changed its direction in the air, and smashed the Ruyi pestle at the position that the dragon demon king said...

(End of this chapter)

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