The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1966 The apple is taken from the ghost hole

Chapter 1966 The apple is taken from the ghost hole (three more)
"It's easy to get the soul consciousness of a ghost cultivator, but how do I know where that ghost cultivator is?"

"Can you know where the ghost cultivator is?"

There is a way to save Xu Tiantian, but Ji Yang feels powerless to find that ghost cultivator.

Ji Yang asked Zhao Kuo, Zhao Kuo shook his head.

"The ghost cultivator disappeared too quickly, and I couldn't track him down, but the ghost cultivator should be near this town. If it's too far away, the ghost cultivator can't control her."

Zhao Kuo's answer made Ji Yang a little disappointed, but since it was said that the ghost cultivator should be within the scope of Linjing Town, and Xu Tiantian also came here.

In this way, Xu Tiantian should have eaten the ghost fruit by mistake after coming to Beijing town.

But Xu Yunshan and the others are fine, so it means that Xu Tiantian ate the ghost fruit before having dinner with everyone.

"You go back, I'll ask Secretary Xu, where did Tiantian go before eating together, maybe I can find some clues."

Xu Tiantian is in a coma, so there is no need to worry about her condition for the time being.

When Ji Yang walked out of the ward, he saw Dongfang Mei and Qi Wei guarding the door, and Xu Yunshan waiting anxiously at the door.

"Ji Yang, how is Tiantian?"

"I already know the reason, and I have a way to save her, but now I need to know something, that is, where did Tiantian go before you had dinner together?"

"Is this important? Tiantian isn't healed yet, right? You save Tiantian first, and then I'll tell you this."

If Xu Tiantian had recovered, she would definitely come out with Ji Yang now.

But now that he only saw Ji Yang alone, Xu Yunshan guessed that Ji Yang hadn't rescued Xu Tiantian yet.

"This is very important, because I need to know where Tiantian has been before I can save her."

Ji Yang can understand Xu Yunshan's worry.

If he can save him directly, then there is no need to ask Xu Yunshan where Xu Tiantian has been before.

Xu Yunshan's face changed when he heard that the whereabouts were related to saving Xu Tiantian, and he sighed helplessly.

"Actually, I don't know this either. I brought Tiantian here for investigation. During my investigation, Tiantian didn't follow me, so I don't know."

"But there are two children who have been with Tiantian all the time, they should know."

"Then call those two children. Tiantian will not be in danger now, but she can't waste time, otherwise it will be really dangerous."

"I will ask the secretary to call the mayor. Those two children are the children of the mayor's family."

When Xu Yunshan heard that delaying time would be dangerous, he immediately contacted his secretary.

About 10 minutes later, a middle-aged man with a big belly came to the hospital with two children aged seven or eight, a boy and a girl.

"Secretary Xu, how is Miss Xu?"

"I'm stuck with something in town, so..."

"I understand, otherwise I wouldn't let you stay with me. This is Ji Yang, and he wants to ask the two of them something."

Under normal circumstances, no one would miss the opportunity to get close to the Huaxia boss.

The mayor of Linjing Town naturally wanted to accompany Xu Yunshan to wait in the hospital.

But Xu Yunshan refused, and drove him back to work in the town.

When he received a call from secretary Xu Yunshan, he didn't dare to delay for a minute, and brought his son and daughter here.

"You have to be good, and when my brother asks you something, you can tell the truth."

"I know dad."

The two children, a man and a woman, looked very smart and sensible.

The mayor of Linjing Town instructed them, and they nodded obediently.

"Little friends, my brother asks you, have you been with a big sister all day, right?"

Although Ji Yang was a little anxious, he was still very gentle when talking to children.

"Yeah, big sister is pretty, and she treats us well, and gave us a lot of snacks."

The little boy said softly with a grin.

This little boy's mouth is quite sweet, and when he spoke, he didn't forget to praise Xu Tiantian for his beauty.

If Xu Tiantian were here, he would definitely praise the little boy.

"Then let me ask you, where have you been today?"

"Big sister, have you ever picked a very fragrant apple? Do you know where you picked it?"

"I know I know!"

"I said, let me say, I know too."

When Ji Yang asked about apples, the two children actually started arguing.

"You said it just now, let her say it this time."

The two children scrambled to answer, but if this went on, there would be no result.

In the end, Ji Yang decided to let the little girl speak.

As soon as she asked herself to answer, the little girl looked at the little boy proudly. The little boy curled his lips and turned his head to the side unhappily.

Seeing the actions of the little boy and the little girl, everyone who was a little displeased at first felt a little funny in their hearts.

"That apple is so beautiful and delicious. Originally, my elder sister let me and my brother eat it, but we didn't eat it, because we knew that my elder sister didn't have to eat the wild fruit on the mountain, but my brother and I could always eat it." arrive."

"Good boy, where did you pick the apples?"

Luckily, the little boy and the little girl didn't eat. If they did, the two of them would probably die.

After all, Xu Tiantian is an adult and has practiced. Although her cultivation level is relatively low, she is still in good health.

But if the two children ate it, they would have been poisoned to death by the insidious poison.

Ji Yang praised the little girl, the little girl smiled wider and her eyes became more smug, but the little boy was not happy.

"Hmph, I didn't eat either, and I'm good too."

"Yes, yes, you are all good, tell brother quickly, where did you pick the apples?"

The bickering between the two children seemed interesting, although it seemed interesting.

But now Ji Yang is not in the mood to watch these things, he is in a hurry to save Xu Tiantian.

"It was picked in the ghost cave."

"You two little bastards, why did you take someone to the ghost cave? When you get back, you will face the wall and think about it."

As soon as the little girl said, the mayor of Linjing Town's face changed drastically, and he shouted at the two children.

With this cry, the mouths of the two children shrugged, as if they were about to cry.

"Ghost hole? What's that place?"

The two children mentioned the ghost cave, and the mayor of Linjing Town obviously knew where it was.

Asking the mayor of Linjing Town, there must be more news, so Ji Yang directly asked the mayor of Linjing Town.

"Speaking of this ghost cave, it's very evil."

"There is an iron ore vein on Linjing Mountain next to Linjing Town. Someone took a fancy to the iron ore and invested in mining it. I reported this matter to my superiors. I did not mine it privately."

"Continue talking, let's get to the point, what's going on in that ghost cave?"

Xu Yunshan was right in front of him. If the mayor of Linjing Town couldn't say a word, his official career would be over.

So when talking about iron ore, he specifically emphasized that he did not mine it privately.

But is now the time to care about that?

Ji Yang urged the other party to get to the point, and the mayor of Linjing Town continued to talk about the ghost cave...

(End of this chapter)

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