The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1980 Is My Woman From Today

Chapter 1980 is my woman from today (one more)
After Qi Wei's strength increased due to double cultivation, he immediately passed out.

Although Ji Yang has recovered, he is still in a coma.

Xu Tiantian was also in a deep sleep, making the entire ward very quiet.

From dark to dawn, Ji Yang and Qi Wei haven't woken up yet, but the sleeping Xu Tiantian slowly wakes up.

"Well, it's so comfortable!"

During this deep sleep, Xu Tiantian slept for more than ten hours. When she woke up, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but felt very comfortable.

When she stretched her waist and looked at the ground with a smile on her face, the smile on her face froze instantly.

"Ah...Qi Wei, Ji Yang, you, you..."

Xu Tiantian saw that on the floor of the ward, Ji Yang and Qi Wei were naked, and they were still cuddling together.

Seeing this scene, Xu Tiantian also knew what the two of them had done.

Her exclamation was not because of jealousy or anger, but because of surprise.

She didn't understand why Ji Yang and Qi Wei acted like this, before she fell asleep, Ji Yang and her had double cultivated, why is it like this with Qi Wei now?
Xu Tiantian's exclamation could not be heard outside the ward, because the barrier was still there.

But Ji Yang and Qi Wei, who were in a coma and were about to wake up, heard it.

The two opened their eyes almost at the same time. They opened their eyes and looked at each other. Qi Wei's face turned red, and she shyly turned her head away.

"Qi Wei, you and I, this..."

But Ji Yang, as if struck by lightning, was completely stunned.

Her whole body is naked, and Qi Wei is also lying naked on her body.

Now there is no abnormality in his body, but he can feel that the immortal energy has increased a little. Ji Yang is not stupid, he knows that his way of escaping by knocking himself out failed.

Instead, when she was in a coma, Qi Wei pushed herself down.

"Ji Yang, I'm your woman now."

"If you still can't accept me, I won't pester you, saving you is my own volition."

Ji Yang's expression was a bit wrong, and he still stuttered.

Qi Wei turned her head to look at Ji Yang, with a wry smile on her face.

She thought that Ji Yang was angry and didn't want to accept herself. If Ji Yang refused to accept herself, Qi Wei would not pester Ji Yang, anyway, she didn't regret all this.

While talking, Qi Wei wanted to leave Ji Yang.

But just as she was about to leave, Ji Yang hugged her into his arms.

"Who do you think I am, Ji Yang, you are already my woman, how can I let you escape!"

"Now, you should be responsible for me, right?"

Things cannot be avoided, Ji Yang has to face the reality.

Regardless of Ji Yang's attitude towards Qi Wei before, now that Qi Wei has become his own woman, Ji Yang will be responsible to Qi Wei.

His feelings for Qi Wei are no worse than any other woman, and he treats all his women equally.

Listening to Ji Yang's words, Qi Wei had an unconcealable excited smile on his originally bitter face.

"Then how do you want me to be responsible?"

"I was in a coma before, but you pushed me forcibly. Is it my turn now?"

Qi smiled and looked at Ji Yang, while speaking, Ji Yang had already pressed Qi Wei under him.

Looking at Ji Yang's aggressive eyes, Qi Wei didn't resist at all, as if he was letting Ji Yang handle it.

"Hey, I said you two, can you think about others, I'm still here?"

Xu Tiantian sat on the hospital bed, and shouted to Ji Yang and Qi Wei a little unhappy.

Although I don't mind Ji Yang and Qi Wei being together, because Ji Yang already has several women.

But doing this in front of her own face, and ignoring herself, Xu Tiantian is very fond of it.

"Then let's go together!"

Xu Tiantian ate it, and Ji Yang smiled faintly.

While hugging Qi Wei, she rushed towards Xu Tiantian who was on the hospital bed.

As Xu Tiantian was thrown down by Ji Yang, there was a sound that made people's blood gushing in the ward...

"Oh, I'm so tired, I can't do it anymore."

"Are you tired? I'm the one who's tired, right?"

"I'm moving too, and I'm tired too! Please be honest, okay, I'm really tired, you can go find Qi Wei."

"Xu Tiantian, you are tired, am I not tired?"

Qi Wei and Xu Tiantian have already collapsed, but their bodies are exhausted, but their spirits are not bad, and they can continue to bicker.

Hearing the bickering between the two women, Ji Yang looked smug.

Being able to satisfy his woman makes Ji Yang feel very fulfilled.

"Okay, don't make trouble anymore, we've been going all day and night, if we don't go out again, Secretary Xu and the others will probably go crazy waiting?"

My previous self was also a little impulsive, forgetting that there are still many people waiting outside.

Now that I think about it, I can't continue to waste time.

It has been a day and a night since I started treating Xu Tiantian.

Ji Yang reminded them that Xu Tiantian and Qi Wei also realized the problem, and hurriedly found clothes to wear.

"Ji Yang, how can I tell grandpa later?"

"I can't hide our relationship from grandpa, can I?"

After getting dressed, Xu Tiantian looked at Ji Yang with some embarrassment.

Originally, Ji Yang was treating him for himself, but now he and Ji Yang became lovers.

No matter how you think about it, something is wrong.

When Xu Tiantian mentioned this, although Qi Wei didn't speak, his expression changed a bit.

Because the relationship between herself and Ji Yang has changed, she also needs to go back and tell her family.

"This is really a problem."

"But don't worry, since you are already my women, no matter what obstacles you face, I will not let go."

How to face Xu Yunshan and the members of the Qi family, Ji Yang hasn't figured it out yet.

But he is clear that Xu Tiantian and Qi Wei are already his women, so no matter what happens, Ji Yang will be with them.

"Me too, whether my family agrees or not, I am your woman."

"Well, even if it makes grandpa unhappy, I will be with you."

Listening to Ji Yang's words, Xu Tiantian and Qi Wei looked at Ji Yang firmly, expressing their intentions.

"Go, let's go out."

"Enchantment, withdraw!"

Mentally prepared to face everything, Ji Yang removed the barrier from the ward with a wave of his palm.

Then he held Qi Wei with one hand and Xu Tiantian with the other, and pushed open the door of the ward.

"It's out, it's finally out."

"Why so long, Tiantian, how are you doing? Are you feeling well?"

"Ji Yang, did you succeed? Is Tiantian all right? Why did Qi Wei go in for so long?"

The people outside the ward had been waiting anxiously, and when they saw Ji Yang and the other three coming out, they all surrounded them.

Listening to everyone's inquiries, Ji Yang told everyone that Xu Tiantian was already recovered, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Xu Tiantian was fine.

"I also want to announce one more thing, Tiantian and Qi Wei, from today onwards, are my women."

After talking about Xu Tiantian, Ji Yang shouted to everyone.

Anyway, sooner or later we have to face this matter, there is no difference between announcing early and announcing late...

(End of this chapter)

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