The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1990 A Brief Farewell Chapter Linhai

Chapter 1990 A short farewell and return to Linhai (second update)

King Yan Luo's request was straightforward, and Ji Yang's reply was also straightforward.

Seeing that Ji Yang said he would give him the massage chair when he returned to Linhai, King Yan Luo came over with an expectant expression.

At the same time, let Ji Yang tell Black and White Wuchang that he can return to the underworld, and don't hook Zhang Yulan's soul.

"Black and white are impermanent, Yan Luo Wang has added three years of life to her, you can go back to the underworld now."

Seeing what Yan Luo Wang asked him to convey, Ji Yang looked at Black and White Impermanence.

Hearing the words of black and white impermanence, after looking at each other, they nodded to Ji Yang.

"Seeing you here, we know that today's errand cannot be done."

"Since the King of Hades has given her a longer life, then we are leaving."

"Wait a minute, these two packs of cigarettes are for you."

When Hei Wuchang was about to leave, Ji Yang handed over two packs of cigarettes to Hei Wuchang.

Although Black and White Impermanence didn't make much effort this time, they have been waiting here for a long time after all.

Ji Yang didn't lose anything by giving them two packs of cigarettes, but the courtesy was light and affectionate.

Hei Hei Wu Chang looked very happy when he got the two packs of cigarettes, and said to Ji Yang, "You are still kind enough, if you need our help, remember to ask us."

"Don't worry, I won't be polite to you."

Hearing the words of black and white impermanence, Ji Yang also smiled, it is better not to be too stingy.

In fact, you only need a little stuff, a little bit of being a person, and you will make others feel good about yourself. When you need it, others will lend a helping hand to help you.

After sending away Black and White Impermanence, the temperature of the entire bedroom instantly increased a lot.


Zhang Yulan made a sound, and slowly opened her closed eyes.

"Grandma, it's great that you're awake."

Although we already know from Ji Yang that Zhang Yulan has gained three years of longevity, Zhang Yulan will be fine today.

But seeing Zhang Yulan wake up, Qi Wei was still very excited, smiling like a flower blooming on her face.

"Grandma is fine, she's just a little excited, so she's just a little dizzy."

"Wei Wei, grandma knows that you really like Ji Yang, and Ji Yang also likes you, so no matter what your parents think, grandma agrees with you to be together anyway."

"Ji Yang, you can't bully our family, Wei Wei, otherwise my old bone will settle accounts with you."

Zhang Yulan didn't know that she walked through the gate of hell just now.

If Ji Yang was not here today, she would have gone to the underworld to report now.

While telling Qi Wei not to worry about herself, she also expressed her attitude to Qi Wei and Ji Yang.

"Don't worry, grandma, I will treat Qi Wei well."

"I'll help you out. Uncles and aunts have been waiting outside for a long time."

Ji Yang smiled lightly, and together with Qi Wei helped Zhang Yulan from the bed to the floor, and walked out of the bedroom.

When Qi Longfeng and Liu Xiaoyun saw Zhang Yulan coming out, their anxious expressions relaxed obviously, and they asked Zhang Yulan with concern.

"Ji Yang, thanks to having you here this time, otherwise the old man would be in danger."

"Uncle, isn't it inappropriate for you to say such things to me? We are a family now."

"Hahaha, yes, yes, we are a family."

Now that I have told Ji Yang that I have accepted the relationship between Ji Yang and Qi Wei, then Qi Longfeng and Liu Xiaoyun will not go back on their word, they will only truly accept it.

Qi Longfeng laughed and patted Ji Yang on the shoulder, and everyone came to the dinner table.

Liu Xiaoyun had already reheated the cold dishes, and everyone gathered around the table to eat.

Originally, there was no special dinner, but now it became a welcome banquet for the sons-in-law of the Qi family around Ji Yang.

"Ji Yang, there is nothing wrong with the old man's body, right?"

"Auntie, don't worry, grandma is in good health. Although she has some problems with her heart and high blood pressure, they are not very serious. I will take care of her later, and she will be fine."

"However, when you are old, you must always pay attention to your health. I will prescribe a prescription. You can take some medicine for grandma according to the prescription, and take it regularly. It will be very good for grandma's health."

Although Zhang Yulan's life expectancy is still three years away, there are indeed some problems with her body.

Even if he could continue to live, the pain on his body would not disappear.

Therefore, Ji Yang had to take care of Zhang Yulan's body so that Zhang Yulan could live easily and without pain in the past three years.

For Ji Yang's medical skills, Qi Longfeng and the others all trusted him.

They also kept Ji Yang's instructions firmly in their hearts.

After a dinner, it was completely dark.

Originally, she planned to return to Dongfang Mei's residence after the Qi family's affairs were settled.

But Qi Longfeng was very enthusiastic to keep Ji Yang, and in the end, Ji Yang chose to spend the night at Qi's house.

The members of the Qi family knew about the relationship between Ji Yang and Qi Wei, and after staying with Ji Yang, they didn't arrange a separate room for him and let him live with Qi Wei.

The relationship between her and Ji Yang has been confirmed, but it is the first time to live with Ji Yang in her own home, Qi Wei is still a little embarrassed.

But Ji Yang was quiet tonight and didn't do anything to Qi Wei.

"Qi Wei, are you really not going back to Linhai with me?"

Holding Qi Wei in his arms, Ji Yang asked softly.

Just now Ji Yang mentioned the matter of returning to Linhai, but Qi Wei said that he would stay in the capital and not go to Linhai for the time being.

"Grandma is not in good health. I want to take care of her for a few days, and then I will go to Linhai to find you."

Qi Wei stayed because of Zhang Yulan.

Although she didn't want to be separated from Ji Yang, she was still a little scared when she thought that she was almost separated from Zhang Yulan today.

She felt that she spent too little time with Zhang Yulan on weekdays.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in Linhai, you have to come earlier, I will miss you."

"Well, I miss you too."

"Then shall we do something before Xiaobie?"

A brief farewell is also a farewell, Ji Yang looked at Qi Wei with a smirk, and his hands began to be dishonest.

Qi Wei understood what Ji Yang meant, blushed, looked at the door, and finally nodded.

"Then be gentle, don't be heard by my dad and the others."

"You should be light on this, right? Don't yell so loudly, won't they be unable to hear you?"

"Hate it, you... um..."

Ji Yang's words made Qi Wei's face turn even redder.

She looked at Ji Yang shyly, and when she was about to say a few words to Ji Yang, Ji Yang had already kissed her mouth.

Qi Wei closed his eyes, and responded jerkyly...

Early the next morning, after Ji Yang and Qi Wei got up, Qi Longfeng had already gone to the barracks because of something in the army.

Liu Xiaoyun made breakfast, and after Ji Yang ate, he left Qi's house under the gaze of Qi Wei's unwilling eyes.

On the way from Qi's house to Dongfang Mei's residence, Ji Yang contacted Dongfang Mei and asked her to book a flight ticket from Kyoto to Linhai.

When Ji Yang arrived at Dongfang Mei's residence, Dongfang Mei told Ji Yang that the ticket had already been booked at noon today.

After Ji Yang went to Dongfang Mei's residence to rest for a while, everyone drove to Kyoto Airport together...

(End of this chapter)

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