The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1993 The Dark Night Alliance is in Trouble

Chapter 1993 The Night Alliance is in Trouble (Part [-])

"Did things not go well with the United States? What happened?"

Some shadows of the United States can be seen in the changes in the countries surrounding China.

In other words, the changes in these countries are more or less related to the United States. It is also possible that they are supported by the United States.

Although this matter cannot be given 100% certainty, it is true that the United States is dishonest.

So Ji Yang once ordered Ryan to use the Dark Night Alliance to cause some troubles for the United States.

Now that Ryan called and said it was urgent, it must have something to do with it.

"Master, things have indeed encountered some troubles..."

Ji Yang's guess is not wrong, Ryan's call is indeed related to the United States.

According to Ryan, the trouble for the Night Alliance is not from the officials of the United States, but from the Holy See.

Ryan told Ji Yang that at the very beginning, all the operations of the Dark Night Alliance went very smoothly, and the harassment of all parts of the United States made the American officials very troubled.

Things like werewolves and vampires suddenly appeared in various parts of the United States. The United States officials sent ordinary military police at that time.

But these ordinary military police can't solve the problem at all.

Later, the United States dispatched the genetic team and the newly formed sea eagles.

It's a pity that even if Team Gene and Sea Eagle came forward, the matter could not be completely resolved.

After all, neither the sea eagle nor the gene team has a huge number of personnel. Compared with the vampires, werewolves, and black witches of the Night Alliance, the number is not a little bit worse.

Therefore, the official actions of the United States did not stop the actions of the Dark Night Alliance.

During the operation of the Dark Night Alliance, the United States lost a lot of people, and some official bosses were still killed by the Dark Night Alliance.

In the end, the US officials had no choice but to ask the Holy See for help.

Strange to say, normally speaking, the Vatican would take action directly when the American society was being harassed by vampires and werewolves everywhere, causing chaos in American society.

The enmity between the Holy See and the Night Alliance has been going on for a very long time.

However, the Holy See did not act for a long time. It was not until the American officials found the Holy See that the Holy See took action against the Night Alliance.

"Pope Andrew didn't know what he was doing this time, so he didn't take the initiative to attack us."

"Actually, it's not hard to guess. The Holy See is not what it used to be. Although the Holy See also has hundreds of millions of believers, it is far from the lofty status it used to be in terms of officials."

"Andrew must have been unable to bear it for a long time. He must have seen that it was a big move by the Dark Night Alliance, and he just wanted to use this opportunity to improve the status of the Holy See in the official position. The current Holy See must be more valued by the officials than before. too much."

Ji Yang's words are still a wrong guess, but Ji Yang feels that his guess should be close to ten.

Listening to what Ji Yang said, although Ryan didn't continue to say anything, but Ryan on the other end of the phone nodded repeatedly, expressing his agreement with what Ji Yang said with actions.

"The Holy See is dispatched, and the Night Alliance has a way to deal with it, so the urgent matter you are talking about has nothing to do with the Holy See, right?"

Ji Yang may be addicted to guessing things. After guessing the reason why the Holy See never made a move, Ji Yang guessed again.

But this time, Ji Yang guessed wrong.

"No master, the trouble this time is indeed because of the Holy See."

"Under normal circumstances, the Holy See would certainly not be afraid of them, but this time, the Holy See got several angels from somewhere, which caused the Night Alliance to suffer heavy losses."

"What? You said the Holy See used angels? How many more?"

Guess right guess wrong, this is normal.

So if he guessed wrong, Ji Yang wouldn't react too much, at most it would be a little embarrassing.

But when Ji Yang heard that the Holy See had dispatched several angels to deal with the Dark Night Alliance, Ji Yang's heart trembled, and a bad feeling emerged from the bottom of Ji Yang's heart.

This time, Ji Yang didn't continue to guess anything, but asked directly.

"Yes, master, several angels, including seraphs, the Night Alliance lost a prince vampire and two wolf kings, and dozens of other members of the Night Alliance also lost to these angels..."

The battle between the Night Alliance and the Holy See has lasted for hundreds of years.

The joining of the Holy See will not be a big problem for the Night Alliance, but with the Angel, things will be different.

Ryan told Ji Yang that the angel was not directly involved in the operation, but suddenly appeared when the Dark Night Alliance destroyed a church in the Holy See.

It was a relatively large church. In order to destroy it smoothly, the Night Alliance sent a vampire prince and two wolf kings to lead dozens of members of the Night Alliance to act together.

But in the end, they all died.

This kind of preparation is enough to show the importance attached to which church of the Holy See.

With so many members of the Night Alliance, as well as the Vampire Prince and the Wolf King, even the Templars of the Holy See are enough for them and a pot. Without twice the number of night alliance operators, they can't even try to parry.

And the person who leads the Templar regiment must be at least a commander.

So it is very surprising that all the members of the Dark Night Alliance died.

In the end, before his death, the vampire prince created an image with his soul and told Dracula the cause of his death.

In the news delivered by the Vampire Prince, it was said that when the members of the Night Alliance first entered the church, they were stopped by dozens of members of the Knights Templar, but they couldn't stop them at all.

When dozens of members of the Knights Templar in the church were completely killed and were about to be further destroyed, a seraph appeared with several angels.

The Vampire Prince didn't say how many angels there are. After all, it is not easy to use souls to deliver messages in that situation.

However, the information said that after the angel appeared, all the Night Alliance was killed in just a few minutes.

So the number of angels must be quite a lot.

"Master, that's the way it is."

"For the sake of safety, after this incident, I asked all the members of the Dark Night Alliance to stop their actions. I am calling you now, just to ask, what should we do next?"

Ryan is not an impulsive person.

From this incident, Ryan felt the seriousness of the matter.

He didn't dare to continue to act, so as not to cause greater losses to the Dark Night Alliance. At that time, he would not be able to explain to Ji Yang.

"The seraphs have all appeared, this matter is not simple."

"The Holy See must have some kind of connection with heaven. It is very correct for you to stop acting."

"I will go to the United States as soon as possible. Before I arrive in the United States, the Dark Night Alliance will stop all actions, and at the same time make all preparations for the enemy to prevent the Holy See from actively attacking."

"It's the master, I understand."

Ji Yang originally planned to go to the United States, but later went to YN.

Coming back now, he was still thinking about when to go to the United States, but now it seems that he has to go immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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