The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2001 The Angel Has Really Arrived

Chapter 2001 The Angel Has Really Arrived

"It's such a beautiful angel statue, with such pure white feathers. I don't know why, but seeing the Pope's blessing, I feel very comfortable, and I also have an urge to worship."

When Ji Yang felt that the statue Fenuos was holding was not an ordinary statue, Lilith beside him looked at the angel statue devoutly.

Her expression looked a little excited, and what she said was quite sincere.

The other people in the church reacted exactly like Lilith, and they seemed very excited.

The only one who is quite different is Ji Yang.

Ji Yang didn't pay attention to Lilith's words, and didn't care what others thought. He just stared at Oberon, Feynorth, and the angel statue.

Ji Yang discovered that when the people around them reacted excitedly, Oberon and Feynorth had brief eye contact.

Although Ji Yang couldn't figure out what they were talking about, what they were expressing, but Ji Yang could see the satisfaction in the eyes of the two, and it could be said that they were satisfied.

Their satisfaction came from the reactions of everyone in the church, of course, this did not include Ji Yang's reaction.

"Ji Yang, that statue seems to be alive."

"You feel it too? I feel the statue is alive too."

If it was just an ordinary statue, it would be impossible to have such a strong flow of life.

When Ji Yang was staring at the statue, Xiaolongnu's voice rang in his head.

Xiaolongnv's feeling was the same as Ji Yang's, which made Ji Yang more sure of his own feeling.

"You said they brought out a living angel, what do you want to do?"

Both Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu noticed the strangeness of the angel statue, and Xiaolongnu couldn't help being curious.

Although she doesn't know much about the situation in the United States and the Holy See.

But she felt that under normal circumstances, the other party shouldn't bring out a real angel.

And it is even more strange that it is a real angel, but it still looks like a statue.

"Who knows, we'll just watch."

"I've been looking for an angel, and now that one comes out, it's a good thing for us."

The sacred atmosphere in the church is very strong, Ji Yang has been looking for the location of the angel, but he couldn't find it.

Now that Feynorth is making such a play out of mystery, he also wants to see what Feynorth and Oberon want to do.

When Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv communicated through their hearts, Feynuosi had already spoken.

"The Pope learned that the Los Angeles Cathedral is going to hold a thanksgiving banquet. He is grateful for the Lord's gift to us. He has been praying for everyone recently."

"The Lord sensed His Holiness' prayer and everyone's piety, so he responded to us."

"The angel statue and feathers in my hand are the Lord's gift and blessing to us. This feather is the feather of an angel!"

Angel feathers!
When Feynorth said these words, everyone in the church exploded in an instant.

Although they were all devout believers and even believed in the existence of God and angels, what Feynorth said still shocked them too much.

After all, even if some things are believed, no one has actually seen them.

In fact, some people believe in the Holy See and are more looking for spiritual comfort. Angels are legendary existences, but no one has ever really seen them.

"My lord priest, are you lying to us? Are the angel's feathers real or fake?"

If you doubt it, you shouldn't say it at this time.

But some people still said it.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged woman. When she questioned, everyone around her looked at her.

Some people think that middle-aged women should not ask this question, but some people think that it is too good of you to ask, because they actually want to ask, but they just lack the courage.

"Could there be any false blessings from the Pope? Are you questioning the Pope and despising the Holy See?"

The others were watching, and Oberon spoke directly.

He looked at the middle-aged woman who was speaking with a serious face, and his voice was a bit chilly.

The face of the middle-aged woman who was scolded by him changed, but she didn't continue to say anything.

Here I admit to questioning the Holy See, questioning the Pope, and these devout believers around me don't know what will happen to me.

"Bishop Oberon, the Lord is tolerant, the Pope is tolerant, and the Holy See is tolerant."

"They are all the Lord's children, and children will make mistakes. As long as you realize your mistakes, that's all right. The Lord doesn't like you scolding the Lord's children like this."

Oberon yelled at him, but Feynox on the side said something nice.

It was just their conversation that made Ji Yang smile coldly in his heart.

"The acting is really good, it can win an Oscar statuette, a standard master stick!"

Oberon and Feynolds are clearly one singing bad faces and the other singing bad faces.

The two of them were clearly acting, and even the middle-aged woman who spoke, Ji Yang felt that it was a lie.

All of this is just to enhance the atmosphere.

"The Holy See really spent a lot of money this time, actually wanting to summon an angel in front of so many people. Once the angel shows up, these people's belief in the Holy See will be hard to shake."

With a sneer in his heart, Ji Yang's expression was somewhat dignified.

Before coming here, Lilith had told Ji Yang that the people who attended the Thanksgiving Banquet today were all well-known in the United States.

Don't look at the fact that American officials are now paying attention to the Holy See, that is also a matter of interest.

Once there is no interest, the official attitude towards the Holy See will definitely change.

It is a good thing for the Holy See only if he really has a certain amount of initiative.

And the people who came to the Thanksgiving banquet today are good choices. Mastering them is at least equivalent to mastering half of the voice in Los Angeles.

"I was the one who got excited, Feynorth, then let everyone witness that what you said is true."

Whether the Holy See has ever done things like summoning angels in front of believers, Ji Yang is not sure, anyway, he has never heard of it.

As for today, Ji Yang still dare not be 100% sure whether it is the same as what he thinks.

But while he was thinking, Oberon had continued to speak.

After hearing his words, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and his face changed slightly.

It seems that the Holy See is really going to play big today.

"Okay, since someone is questioning, let's accept the angel's blessing together."

"Almighty Lord, noble angels, let your holy light shine on us!"

Fenous, who had been prepared for a long time, raised the angel statue in his hand, and when he shouted, he put the feather on the body of the angel statue.

With the insertion of the feather, the statue of an ordinary angel among ordinary people suddenly glowed with golden light.

The light flickered, the entire church was shrouded in golden light, and everyone was bathed in golden light.

People who bathed in the golden light felt warm all over their bodies and enjoyed it on their faces.

"Angel, really an angel!"

"It turned out to be an angel descending, an angel descending."

"My God, the angel appeared, the Lord really exists..."

The golden light shone, and the angel statue changed. The angel statue quickly became bigger, and finally turned into a beautiful four-winged angel.

The angel really appeared, and everyone exclaimed...

(End of this chapter)

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