The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2004 Together we are still weak chickens

Chapter 2004 Together or Weak Chickens

"Lilith, I'll get off here, you go back to your residence first, I still have some things to deal with."

After leaving the Los Angeles Cathedral, Lilith originally wanted to go back to her residence with Ji Yang.

But as soon as the two drove the car less than 1000 meters away, Ji Yang proposed to get out of the car.

"Where are you going, I can take you there."

Ji Yang is not from the United States, and Lilith doesn't know exactly what he came to Los Angeles for.

But she still hopes that she can send Ji Yang there.

If she could be of any help, she would of course be willing to help.

"No need, I'll just fly over by myself."

"Your car is not as fast as mine, you go back first, I'll go find you when I'm done."

Lilith has good intentions, but what Ji Yang has to do next is really inconvenient.

Lilith also knew about Ji Yang's situation.

Hearing that Ji Yang said to fly over, Lilith smiled awkwardly.

Yes, Ji Yang is not an ordinary person, he has a way to go faster than his own car.

"Then be careful yourself, and if you need anything from me, just let me know."

"Don't worry, I will inform you, be careful on the road."

After saying something to Lilith with a smile, Ji Yang got out of the car.

Ji Yang didn't fly directly, but walked towards a small road after seeing Lilith's car driving away.

"You guys drive after that woman, we guys chase that man, just follow, don't take any action yet."

"Don't let him run away, otherwise, when we return to the Holy See and see Cardinal Oberon and Priest Fenous, we will have nothing to eat!"

After Ji Yang and Lilith left one after another, several white men who looked no doubt like ordinary people drove up in three cars.

Although these people looked ordinary, their aura was very special, and their eyes were sharper.

They were all members of the Holy See, members of the Knights Templar ordered by the Holy See in the church in Los Angeles.

They were ordered by Oberon to follow Ji Yang and Lilith.

Following the order of one of them, one of the cars chased in the direction where Lilith disappeared, and the other two cars went to the alley where Ji Yang disappeared.

"Chief Knight, what if the car can't get in on this road?"

In the alley where Ji Yang disappeared, there was no light at all, and the situation inside could not even be seen clearly from the outside.

What is even more frustrating is that this alley is still very narrow, barely enough for two people to walk side by side, but two cars cannot drive in.

"Get out of the car and chase, hurry up!"

"Don't let him run away, otherwise we won't be able to explain when we go back."

The members of the Knights Templar are not ordinary people either.

If the car doesn't work, then rely on your own feet.

The man known as the captain of the knight ordered decisively, and the eight people in the two cars quickly got out of the car and ran into the alley.

"Boom... wow..."

As soon as the first person ran into the alley, there was a sound of heavy objects colliding in the alley, followed by a scream, and then the person who had rushed into the alley flew out backwards.

"Stop, everyone stop!"

"What's going on? Check his situation."

"Knight Commander, he, he's dead, his chest collapsed, his heart burst, and he's hopeless."

One person flew out, and all the people behind stopped.

Checking the situation of the person who flew out, it was found that this person was already dead.

This result changed the expressions of the remaining seven members of the Knights Templar, and they looked into the alley in astonishment.

But the light in this alley was too dark, even the members of the Knights Templar couldn't see the situation inside clearly.

"Chief Knight, could it be those guys from the Night Alliance?"

"Whether it is or not, everyone be careful, everyone line up!"

The biggest enemy of the Holy See is the Night Alliance, and this kind of dark place is also a place where many members of the Night Alliance like to hide.

Although it is not certain whether it is the members of the Dark Night Alliance, the knight commander quickly deployed a large formation to prepare for the enemy.

"The people of the Holy See are really timid."

"Isn't it just that one person died, and you still have seven, what are you afraid of?"

The remaining seven members of the Knights Templar lined up, and a disdainful voice sounded from the alley.

The seven members of the Knights Templar who heard the voice frowned, blushed, and felt ashamed and angry.

"Who is talking, saying that we are cowardly, and you are hiding in the alley and attacking us, so what's the matter?"

"You are from the Night Alliance, right? Only you would do such despicable things."

Feeling angry, the knight commander shouted into the alley.

"Hahaha, sneak attack on you? Are you worthy?"

"I'm just playing a game with you, but you are too weak to take a punch from me, are you from the Night Alliance? I don't care."

"Call me mean, what's the matter with you following me?"

The voice of speaking sounded again, but this time, the person who spoke came out from the alley.

The person who walked out of the alley was Ji Yang.

Being followed, Ji Yang had already discovered it.

He entered the alley, just waiting for the follower to come, just now he just punched casually, but the Knight Templar was too weak, he died instantly.

"It turned out to be you, you are a member of the Night Alliance, no wonder you refuse to accept the blessing from the angels."

"Since you are a member of the Dark Night Alliance, then you don't want to leave here alive today, go!"

When Ji Yang admitted that he was a member of the Night Alliance, several members of the Knights Templar were slightly surprised.

The Holy See will never be soft on the people of the Night Alliance, and the two sides are sworn enemies.

With this identity, there is no need to continue to follow, directly beheading here is the best choice.

The seven members of the Knights Templar formed a triangle and rushed towards Ji Yang at the same time like a sharp sword.

Ji Yang killed a Templar knight just now, and the rest of the people knew that Ji Yang was very powerful.

They rushed towards Ji Yang at the same time, more or less trying to bully the few.

But the principle of success and defeat is very practical, whether it is China or the United States.

As long as Ji Yang can be killed, the seven members of the Knights Templar can do whatever they want.

"A bunch of weak chickens together are still a bunch of weak chickens."

Seven members of the Knights Templar rushed forward, looking very imposing.

But in Ji Yang's eyes, they are just weak chickens who can be killed casually.

The opponent was getting closer and closer to Ji Yang, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, held the black sword in his hand, and swung the sword forward.

A sword qi formed by a purple flame flew out, skipping over the bodies of the seven Templar Knights.

The seven members of the Knights Templar still maintained the movement of rushing towards Ji Yang, but Ji Yang turned around directly, and his body rose into the air.

"Ah ah ah..."

When Ji Yang turned around and flew up, flames ignited on the bodies of the seven people who were still rushing forward, and with a burst of screams, they all turned into fly ash...

(End of this chapter)

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