The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 201 Getting Rid of Difficult Households

Chapter 201 Getting Rid of Difficult Households (Part [-])
The exquisite heart with seven apertures showed its original shape under the golden light of Bigan.

Ji Yang didn't feel any surprise when he saw this scene, because he had seen it the last time he hurt Qiqiao Linglong's heart.

But Huang Xiaoxin on the side was different. A person suddenly turned into a heart, and it was a black and purple heart. This was really shocking.

When the Qiqiao Linglong Heart showed its original shape, Bi Gan's eyes narrowed, and with a wave of his arm, the golden light on his body disappeared, and the Qiqiao Linglong Heart disappeared along with it.

"This Qiqiao Linglong Heart has become a demon, and I can only suppress his demonic energy for the time being. I still need to bring him back to the heaven and imprison him for a period of time. After his demonic energy completely disappears, he will be sent to the Hell."

"He already has his own spiritual consciousness, let's see if he can be reincarnated."

It turned out that the disappearing Qiqiao Linglong Heart was not destroyed directly, but was put away by Bigan.

Ji Yang nodded when he heard Bigan's words.

Although Bi Gan has no intentions and can act impartially, he still has feelings. After all, this seven-aperture exquisite heart used to be his own heart. If he directly destroys the other party, he will not bear it.

Bigan came to the mortal world this time to deal with Qiqiao Linglongxin, but it didn't take long to deal with Qiqiao Linglongxin, and he can stay in the mortal world for a while.

Ji Yang brought Bigan into the villa, and Bigan felt very fresh about many things in Jiyang's villa.

"This TV is amazing. You can actually watch people walking around in it. It's much more convenient than setting up a stage to sing in the past."

"Fridge, good thing. If I had this thing when I was still in the mortal world, it would be much more convenient to store things."

"Well, is this the beer of the mortal world? It tastes different from that brewed by Du Kang..."

Bigan's stay in the mortal world is limited, and the things he can try are also limited. When he was about to leave, Ji Yang packed a lot of cakes for him. This is Bigan's favorite now.

In addition to the cake, Ji Yang also asked the other party to bring some of the instant noodles and potato chips he bought back to the Heavenly Court.

"Ji Yang, the Qiqiao Linglong Heart has caused you a lot of trouble this time. After all, the Qiqiao Linglong Heart belonged to me before. In order to express my apology, I will give you something."

While talking, there was something more in Bi Gan's hand, it was a small bronze basin, the size of a small vase, which showed that it didn't look unusual.

Ji Yang didn't feel much when he first saw the small bronze plate, but since it was brought out by the God of Wealth and Wealth, Bigan, it must be a good thing.

"This is a cornucopia. This cornucopia will not be like the legend. If you put silver taels and gold ingots in it, many silver taels and gold ingots will be produced."

"But it can make you rich, and I hope you keep it safe."

treasure bowl?
Hearing these three words, Ji Yang's eyes lit up instantly.

According to Bigan, although this cornucopia does not have the ability to generate money, it can enhance wealth, which is enough.

The God of Wealth and Wealth said that the fortune of wealth has increased, and Ji Yang himself can't even imagine what the fortune of wealth will be.

"Hey, I'm really short of money recently, and I owe a whole lot of debt outside, so I'll accept it, thank you."

After Ji Yang thanked Bigan, he took the cornucopia over.

When Bigan heard that Ji Yang was short of money and owed debts, he smiled.

With a wave of his palm in the void, an extra box of wine appeared in front of him.

Seeing this box, Ji Yang, who was admiring the cornucopia, was taken aback again.

"what is this?"

"Here is 1 taels of gold. Didn't you say that you are short of money? I gave you this too."

Bi Gan smiled lightly and said softly.

When Ji Yang heard that the box contained 1 taels of gold, he gasped.

1 taels of gold, one tael equals fifty grams, that is 50 grams of gold.

Although the price of gold on the market is now cheaper than before, one gram of gold is still around 5000 Huaxia coins, which is [-] million.

Damn, this God of Wealth is the God of Wealth, and it's 5000 million in one shot, which is generous enough.

Seeing the smile on Ji Yang's face, Bigan smiled with satisfaction, saying that he was right with the 1 taels of gold.

This cornucopia is only to increase wealth luck, relying on wealth luck to make a fortune, this is a process of accumulation and it will take time.

But now that Ji Yang is short of money, Bigan gave him another 1 taels of gold.

"Bigan, you are so kind, I don't even know how to thank you."

What Ji Yang said was the truth, he became a billionaire instantly by relying on these gold.

Not only can he immediately repay Huang Tianxiong's 1000 million owed, but he still has more than 1 million left.

With this [-] million, it will be easy to plan what to do in the future, and you don't have to be cheeky to ask others to borrow money.

"If you want to thank me, you can provide me with free cakes for a long time in the future."

For Bigan, money is nothing, no matter how much money there is in Heavenly Court, there is nowhere to spend it.

But the cake is different, there is no such thing in heaven, he feels that the 1 taels of gold in front of him is not as useful as a small piece of cake in the mortal world.

"It's easy to say, if you want to eat cakes in the future, just tell me, and I'll cover how much you want."

With this money, even if Ji Yang opened a cake shop specially for Bigan, it would be no problem.

A cake shop only costs a few dollars, even if it costs 100 million to open one, 5000 million can open 150.

"Okay, then it's settled, and it's time for me to leave."

Bigan said loudly, and with a flash of golden light, Bigan disappeared into Ji Yang's villa.

With the cornucopia and 1 taels of gold from Bigan, Ji Yang finally became a rich man from a poor household.

"Xiaoxin, are you okay?"

After Ji Yang brought Bigan into the villa, Huang Xiaoxin found an excuse to go back to the room, and she didn't leave the room until Bigan left.

When Ji Yang came to Huang Xiaoxin's room, he saw Huang Xiaoxin sitting quietly on the bedside, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Ji Yang, am I really the reincarnation of Daji?"

Huang Xiaoxin looked up at Ji Yang with tears in her eyes.

She is a kind-hearted girl, it is really hard for her to imagine that she will be the reincarnation of the legendary cruel Daji.

Looking at Huang Xiaoxin with tears in his eyes, Ji Yang silently walked to her side and held her in his arms.

"So what? Those are all the things of the previous life. What do the things of the previous life have to do with you?"

"Now you just need to know that you are Huang Xiaoxin, my Ji Yang's woman, and that's enough."

Although Ji Yang's words were spoken lightly, Huang Xiaoxin's heart trembled when she heard it, and her face beamed with joy.

He was the one who confessed to Ji Yang before, but Ji Yang never said whether he likes him or not.

Now he actually said that she was his woman, which made Huang Xiaoxin feel unhappy because of Daji's reincarnation, and was instantly overwhelmed by happiness.

 The first update, thank you for being lonely, I’m so handsome, I hope you can support Xieben, support Moments, ask for a monthly ticket, give a reward, recommend
(End of this chapter)

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