The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2019 Angel's Nervousness

Chapter 2019 Angel's Nervousness

When Uriel flew over the Los Angeles Cathedral, the accompanying angels also flew up one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Uriel and more than 200 angels reached the sky above the Holy See in Los Angeles.

While all the angels were flying up, Fenus and Oberon, who were still a little unclear about the situation, also quickly ran to the roof of the Los Angeles Cathedral.

Whether it is perception or vision, Feynorth and Oberon are far behind angels.

But after reaching the roof, they also saw dozens of black spots approaching the Los Angeles Cathedral.

"Archangel Uriel, what are those?"


"Demons? Vampires from the Night Alliance?"

Unable to see what the black spots were, Oberon asked Uriel.

Hearing the word "devil" for the first time, Oberon thought it referred to the vampires of the Night Alliance.

Because in the eyes of angels, anyone who does not respect heaven belongs to the devil.

The Night Alliance is also in the realm of demons, and the ones that are good at flying in the Night Alliance are vampires.

"The vampire broke into the church at this time. It seems that the lesson from last time was not enough. They are here to seek death."

Normally, seeing so many vampires coming to the church, Oberon would definitely be a little nervous.

After all, vampires are not that easy to deal with, he and all the priests in the church have to resist with all their strength.

But now that Uriel and so many angels are here, Oberon has a lot of confidence, let alone dozens of vampires, even if thousands of vampires come, he will not be afraid.

After Oberon spoke, Feynorth also nodded indifferently.

"It's not a vampire, it's a real demon, a demon from the abyss of purgatory."

"These guys should stay in the abyss and can't come out. How could they suddenly appear in the world? You should quickly organize the clergy of the Holy See to prepare for anything that might happen."

"The strength of the demons cannot be underestimated. Although they haven't completely approached, I can feel that these demons are not weak. The Dark Night Alliance may take the opportunity to make trouble. Hurry up and organize the priests, hurry up!"

Uriel is the arrogant Archangel.

This is the feeling that Uriel gave to Oberon and Feynolds after they met him.

Uriel's words at this time seemed very dignified.

This made Oberon and Feyneth aware of the seriousness of the problem, and they were also very shocked.

Not the vampires of the Night Alliance, but the real abyssal purgatory demons.

"Fenous, let's go, immediately organize the Templars to make all preparations."

After Oberon called Feynorth, he jumped directly from the top of the building to the downstairs, and Feynorth followed closely behind, and also jumped down.

Oberon was the Cardinal of the Los Angeles Cathedral, and Fenous was the Priest of the Knights Templar.

The two of them are not ordinary people, both of them have high-level strength.

"Master Archangel, are those fallen angels?"

Feynorth and Oberon left, Uriel and the other angels left alone.

They just stared at the dozens of black spots that were getting closer and closer, and their expressions became more and more solemn.

When an angel saw the fallen angel with black wings on his back, his expression was shocked instantly, and at the same time, a strong fighting spirit appeared in his eyes.

Angels hate demons, but it is fallen angels who hate angels the most.

Fallen angels are considered a disgrace to angels by the angels of heaven.

"Everyone get ready, today's battle will be very fierce, but under God's blessing, the darkness will eventually be defeated by the light. Whether it is other demons or fallen angels, they will accept our punishment today."

Fallen angels, even other angels have seen it, so Uriel can't see it.

After discovering the fallen angel, Uriel's eyes changed slightly.

When Uriel ordered loudly, more than 200 angels dispersed instantly, forming a semicircle, ready to respond to the enemy at any time.

"Eight-winged fallen angel, there are eight-winged fallen angels."

"What nonsense, only the archangel can be eight-winged, how can there be eight-winged fallen angels among the fallen angels."

"It's really an eight-winged fallen angel, I saw it too."

"Eight-winged fallen angel, could it be Lucifer, the strongest angel ever..."

The black shadow was getting closer and closer, and the one flying in the front looked like an ordinary big demon.

There are more than a dozen big demons. The two-winged angels can deal with these big demons, and they are not afraid at all.

Behind the big demon is the flame demon, and there are more than a dozen flame demons. The two-winged angels and four-winged angels can also deal with it, and it is still not troublesome.

The rest are some fallen angels scattered in different locations, and some abyssal creatures whose names cannot be named for the time being.

When an angel was behind the team and saw a fallen angel with eight wings on its back, it screamed loudly.

The angel's yell changed Uriel's expression drastically.

Uriel knew very well who the eight-winged fallen angel represented.

He didn't want it to be true, but he wanted it to be true.

No hope, because if Lucifer comes, then tonight's battle will be quite tragic.

It is unknown whether the angels I brought will survive, and even if there are, there will be very few.

Hope, because Uriel wants to fight Lucifer.

The former Lucifer was the strongest angel in heaven, and Uriel was not as good as him.

But these years, Uriel has been growing. He hopes that he can fight Lucifer and defeat Lucifer, so that his status in heaven will be greatly improved.

The position of the first archangel may even become his.

In fact, angels, like people, have strong desires (desires), and they are not without desires.

"It turned out to be him, he really came."

"Line up, prepare to attack!"

When Uriel did see Lucifer, he immediately ordered all the angels to get ready.

The angels who were already prepared all started to use the sacred power in their bodies, and the surface of the angels' bodies began to emit a faint golden light.

Seen from a distance, it looks like there are more than 200 lights hanging over the Los Angeles Cathedral at this time.

Fortunately, Oberon has ordered priests, nuns and other ordinary members of the Holy See to go to the outskirts of Los Angeles to prevent ordinary people from approaching the Los Angeles Cathedral.

At the same time, contact the senior management of the Los Angeles police to ask the police to block the road into the Los Angeles Cathedral.

Otherwise, such a scene will attract many people to watch.

"Uriel, I haven't seen you for so many years, but I miss you very much."

"You made such a big battle to welcome me, are you afraid of me?"

When the angels got ready, Lucifer, Ji Yang and others were already less than 50 meters away from the angels.

This distance is already very close.

Lucifer flew from behind to the front of the team, looked at Uriel proudly, and shouted in a sarcastic voice.

"Lucifer, he is Lucifer, really Lucifer!"

Lucifer, in heaven, even the angels who have never seen him know his name.

When an angel who knew Lucifer recognized Lucifer, he yelled in surprise. For a moment, Uriel's side became tense...

(End of this chapter)

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