The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2027 I Can't Fly

Chapter 2027 I Can't Fly

Lucifer's Doomsday Judgment pierced Uriel's body, and Uriel's body was like a leaky balloon, and the holy breath was released from Uriel's body.

Under normal conditions, the release of the sacred breath will increase the strength and momentum.

But this time was different. After releasing the sacred breath, Uriel's aura became weaker and weaker.

The Gospel of God is used, and the wrath of the archangel is used.

It can be said that Uriel has brought out all his abilities.

But he still failed in the end. Uriel yelped in pain, not only because of the pain, but also unwillingly.


Uriel is already very weak at this time, and his strength at this time is about the same as that of the two-winged angel.

Because of the unwillingness in his heart, Wulier, who was stimulated, did not know where the strength came from, but he burst out with great strength.

He grabbed the Doomsday Judgment stuck in his body with one hand, preventing Lucifer from withdrawing the Doomsday Judgment, and punched Lucifer with the other hand.

Now he is at the end of his strength, it is impossible for him to have such strength now, but he has used it.

Such Uriel, in our usual words, is actually a flashback.

This punch exploded out of Uriel's potential, and this punch was a punch that emptied his whole body, so the power of this punch was indeed great.

Uriel burst out with a punch with the last strength in his body. Lucifer just looked at Uriel with a strange smile on his face, but he didn't intend to avoid the fist.

Lucifer's appearance was to express his disdain for Uriel.

Seeing Lucifer like this, Uriel became even angrier in his heart, and hit Lucifer's fist a little faster.

"do not underestimate me!"

"I don't want to underestimate you, but you really can't make me pay attention!"

Uriel's roar only got Lucifer's ridicule.

When Lucifer taunted, Uriel's fist was about to hit Lucifer. His punch was very powerful. Once he hit Lucifer, Lucifer would definitely not feel well.

Even if he couldn't kill Lucifer, but could seriously injure Lucifer, Uriel would feel much more comfortable.

But when Uriel's fist was only a few centimeters away from Lucifer, he would never be able to get any closer to these few centimeters.

Because a golden long sword flew through the air and landed on Uriel's arm.


With a crackling sound, Uriel's arm was broken by Qi Gen.

" hand, my hand..."

"It's you, it's you again, I... poof..."

His own hand was broken, and Uriel screamed in pain.

Looking at the owner of the golden long sword, Uriel shouted angrily.

The owner holding the long sword is precisely Ji Yang who just used Fuxiqin to destroy and cast the Archangel's Wrath.

Lucifer is not the only opponent Uriel is facing, neither Ji Yang nor the general will just watch the fun.

Compared with Lucifer, Ji Yang and Jiang Chen were a little slower in their actions.

When Ji Yang arrived at Wulier's side, he happened to see Wulier punching Lucifer explosively.

Without hesitation, Ji Yang decisively slashed at Wulier with Xuanyuan Sword.

To be honest, Ji Yang didn't expect that he would chop off Uriel's arm with a single sword.

But for this result, Ji Yang is naturally very satisfied.

When Wulier glared at him, Ji Yang also looked at Wulier provocatively, with an expression of refusing to accept hitting me, so what if you cut off your hand.

Ji Yang's expression made Wulier's chest heave violently.

As soon as he saw Ji Yang, Uriel became furious, because if it wasn't for Ji Yang, his wrath of the archangel would not have failed.

If the Archangel's Wrath does not fail, he will not be backlashed and become very weak, and he will not have his arm broken by Ji Yang's sword.

It can be said that Ji Yang was responsible for his embarrassment. He hates Ji Yang.

But the punch that exploded with all his strength had consumed all of Uriel's strength, his arm was broken, the attack failed, and his body was exhausted.

Anger in his heart will not help Uriel, it will only make his situation worse.

When Wulier yelled angrily at Ji Yang, he felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Then Uriel's face changed drastically, he felt that he really had no strength, he didn't even have the strength to flap his wings to fly.

The eight wings on the back stopped stirring, and Uriel fell towards the ground with a sense of fear that he had never felt before.

I can't even fly, so I'm so weak, am I really going to die today?

I really feel the taste of death, even Uriel, who has become an archangel, will be afraid.

"Archangel Uriel!"

"Damn devil, get out of my way, don't block me, I'm going to save Archangel Uriel!"

"Archangel Uriel used the Wrath of the Archangel, how could he still be defeated, how is this possible..."

Uriel fell, and the angels who saw this scene panicked. Every angel who saw this scene had some changes in their hearts.

Some angels were directly angry, some wanted to save Uriel, and more angels couldn't believe it.

How could an archangel who cast the wrath of the archangel still be defeated.

How did they know that Uriel was destroyed by Ji Yang before he could completely complete the Wrath of the Archangel.

If he had really completed the Wrath of the Archangel, he might not have been so miserable.

But if nothing happened, Uriel had lost the strength to fly.


Uriel, who then fell to the ground, failed to actually fall to the ground.

Don't forget, it's not just Lucifer and Ji Yang who are joining forces to deal with Uriel, but also the generals.

Just when Uriel's body was still a few meters away from the ground, the general rushed to Wulier's side.

The palm with sharp nails pierced directly through Uriel's body.

The body was penetrated, and Uriel just groaned. It wasn't that Uriel was in no pain, but that he didn't even have the strength to scream.

The general fell to the ground, his palm was still inserted into Uriel's body, Uriel was hanging on the general's arm, the golden blood dyed the general's arm golden.

At this moment, Uriel looked as miserable as he was going to be, and his expression also revealed a look of pain, but he didn't have any strength to scream.

It's nothing if you can't even cry, and now Uriel is more uncomfortable than that.

"Archangel Uriel!"

"Get out, hoo..."

Such a bloody and cruel scene, other angels couldn't bear to watch it.

Several angels who got rid of the demon around them rushed towards the general, intending to save Uriel.

But as soon as they approached, the body energy of the minister gushed out, and with a soft drink, the angels vomited blood and retreated.

The angel who vomited blood and retreated saw a scene of horror.

They saw the general opened his mouth and bit Uriel's neck...

(End of this chapter)

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