The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2046 Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf

Chapter 2046 Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf
"Cain! Mutu!"

"Fuck, this is Mr. Dongpo and the wolf. I just resurrected you, and you actually shot at me. It's ungrateful!"

The two figures rushing out of the black and red air, who else could it be if they weren't Cain and Mutu.

Looking at the red eyes of Cain and Mutu, the expressions of the two were extremely ferocious, and they showed no mercy when they attacked Ji Yang.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yang was so angry.

What the hell is going on? I just resurrected them, and they attacked me.

The evil breath and bloody breath were originally suppressed by the power of Nuwa Stone.

But under the extreme suppression, Cain and Mutu have been fully resurrected, and the suppressed breath suddenly increased after the resurrection of Cain and Mutu.

This is like a pressurized water gun. Under pressure, the water is suppressed.

But once it breaks out, the strength is very strong.

So, it's not that after Cain and Mutu's resurrection, the power is so terrifying, and the breath is stronger than the power of Nuwa stone. This shock is just a burst of instantaneous power.

But now, it seems that it is not the time to think about these things.

Because of the actions of Cain and Mutu, Ji Yang felt the killing intent.

So what he has to do at this time is to counterattack and react to the attacks of Cain and Mutu!

"Clone, powerful punch!"

At least Ji Yang has the strength of a second-rank immortal. Although Cain and Mutu seem to have strong auras at this time, he will not be afraid of each other.

Immortal Qi gushed out of his body, and Ji Yang took the lead in using the clones in the 72 transformations, splitting out a clone.

The two Ji Yang rushed towards Mutu and Cain respectively, each of them dealt with each other, and at the same time they used strong moves.


The four fists collided, and the sound of muscles and bones rang out first.

The two circles of energy ripples turned into strong winds and blew around, and the black and red air was blown away.

Looking at Ji Yang's main body and avatar who fought against Mutu and Cain, their faces changed slightly, and then they snorted and took two steps back.

"The strength of these two guys is really big enough."

Although using the avatar, the strength of himself and the avatar will decrease compared to before.

But with Ji Yang's strength today, if there is only one clone, even if there is a decline, it will not be particularly obvious.

What's more, after using great force, the strength of Ji Yang's fist is very terrifying.

But even so, after a collision, he was shaken back.

Both Mutu and Cain are strong, especially Mutu's fist strength, which feels stronger than Cain.

After all, Mutu is the ancestor of werewolves. Werewolves are stronger than vampires in terms of physical strength, and they also have an advantage over vampires in terms of strength.

Ji Yang's main body is facing Mutu, and the avatar is facing Cain.

Although Mutu forced Ji Yang back with one punch, the force on Ji Yang's fist was also great, and this blow also made him feel pain.

Under the pain, Mutu looked quite angry.

Compared with vampires, werewolves are not only physically stronger, but also have a relatively hot temper.

Both Cain and Mutu tried Ji Yang's fist and both felt it, but Cain seemed to be in a relatively stable mood, but Mutu was very angry.


With an angry roar, Mutu's three-meter-high body rushed towards Ji Yang again like a hill.

The sharp nails were like curved blades, and they swung towards Ji Yang's head and chest.

Mutu is going to grab Ji Yang's head and disembowel Ji Yang.


Compared with Mutu, Cain's mood is relatively stable, but it doesn't mean he is not angry at all.

When Mutu moved at this time, Cain snorted coldly, and a red bloody aura floated from his body, rushing towards Ji Yang's clone at a faster speed than Mutu.

"Heimang Sword, Earth Fire Art!"

Ji Yang has already tried pure power attack just now, both Cain and Mutu are stronger than him.

So Ji Yang will no longer fight foolishly with the opponent, but took out the black light sword.

The main body and the avatar each hold a black sword. Fortunately, the 72 transformation can not only make the avatar avatar, but also weapons, otherwise the avatar would have to change things now.

With the black sword in his hand, Ji Yang didn't dare to waste time.

Because the distance between the two sides is close, if you delay one breathing time, you will be hit by the opponent.


Ji Yang retreated quickly with the black sword in his hand, and at the same time cast the earth fire art, and the purple flame instantly ignited from the ground.

The purple flame burned fiercely, and the height of the flame was higher than Mutu's height.

Flame itself has a certain suppressive effect on evil creatures.

The purple fire is even stronger than ordinary flames, and it appears quite suddenly.

So when they saw the purple fire, both Cain and Mutu stopped their bodies at the same time.


The body stopped, Mutu's neck stretched, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a wolf howl.

Then he lowered his head, a black light flashed in his eyes, the hair on his body seemed to stiffen instantly, and he punched Zihuo with a punch.


Mutu's fist hit Zihuo, and Zihuo was instantly weakened by the bombardment.

Then Mutu jumped over from Zihuo.

Although some of the purple fire still burned Mutu's hair, these hairs were not damaged at all.

The body stepped over the flame, and Mutu's fist grabbed towards his abdomen.

And Cain also followed behind Mutu, with a slightly dry hand with sharp nails, he poked Gulai towards Ji Yang's face.

Zihuo was completely useless, which shocked Ji Yang.

Mutu and Cain were very fast again. Ji Yang gritted his teeth, looked at each other with the avatar, and rushed towards Mutu and Cain.



After Mutu and Cain were resurrected, they started too fast.

When they saw them just now, everyone was a little dazed before they could react.

At this time, Ji Yang and the avatar were fighting with Mutu and Cain, and everyone just reacted.

Ji Yang is very strong, everyone present knows it.

But now Ji Yang and his avatar have been suppressed all the time, because Mutu and Cain are stronger than him.

If the fight continues like this, Ji Yang will definitely lose.

Seeing Ji Yang's situation, Peng Caixuan, Mu Hang, Rui En and Ruisi rushed to help.

Even Ji Yang couldn't beat Mutu and Cain, and they certainly couldn't beat them either.

But they don't think so much now, they just want to go up and help.

But as soon as they moved, a shout of anger rang in their ears.

"Are you going up to seek death? Get the hell out of here. I'll help him, hurry up!"

This voice came from the general, and when the voice of the general rang in their ears, he had already rushed away from them.

The general just now was also stunned, so he wasted time.

Now that he came back to his senses, he moved his hand.

But he couldn't let Peng Caixuan and others go there, otherwise they would not only be unable to help, but also distract Ji Yang.

The general understands Ji Yang's character, it is impossible for him to see that his brother and subordinates are in danger and ignore it...

(End of this chapter)

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