The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2063 Like hell on earth

Chapter 2063 Like hell on earth
"What is that? Such a dazzling light."

"You ask me, who do I ask? It must have been created by the ancestors of Cain and Mutu. Only they can have such a strong power, but this power is not dark power."

"What a powerful force, I feel that this force seems to tear the sky apart..."

The Dark Fort is the headquarters of the Night Alliance, and there are many members of the Night Alliance here.

Seeing the light that suddenly appeared, everyone was attracted, and they were also guessing what the light was.

"Boom boom boom..."

The appearance of light, at the beginning, is only more attractive, and the surrounding environment has no major impact.

But as the light became brighter and brighter, something went wrong around the entire dark castle.

The first thing I saw was the gathering of black clouds, followed by thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning descended from the sky.

Thunder and lightning have a strong restraint effect on dark creatures.

It can be said that all the people in the Dark Night Alliance, including Cain and Mutu, don't like thunder and lightning.

To be precise, it is the fear of thunder and lightning.

Seeing the thunder and lightning landed, and there were still a lot of lightning and lightning, the people of the Dark Night Alliance began to run away, trying to find cover as much as possible to cover themselves and protect themselves from being struck by lightning.

It's just that they still underestimated the power of these lightnings. These lightnings showed that they were not as simple as ordinary lightnings.



"Not good, the power of the lightning is too great, the walls and the roof have been pierced by lightning."

"Hurry up and dodge, hurry up!"

"Boom... ah..."

Thunder and lightning fell one after another. Although there was no clear target, the entire dark castle was below, and there were quite a few members of the Dark Night Alliance in the dark castle.

So some people who couldn't dodge in time were struck by lightning.

Those who are luckier and stronger, their bodies are simply paralyzed.

Those who are unlucky and weak are directly killed by lightning, or even have no bones left.


However, the thunder and lightning in the sky was just the beginning. At this time, the entire bunker was shaking violently.

The frequency and amplitude of the shaking were much greater than when Ji Yang and others collapsed the ground.

Huge cracks appeared one after another, and some buildings were directly divided into two halves, or collapsed directly.


The sudden gust of wind rolled up the gravel and soil on the ground, and the entire bunker was swept away by the wind carrying some sand.

The wind alone is not terrible, but with the sand and gravel in the wind, the damage will be great.

Even a werewolf with rough skin and thick flesh would scream in pain when he was hit, and others who were not strong enough and physically not strong enough would even be pierced by the gravel in the wind.

The sky is full of wind and sand, lightning and thunder, and the ground is cracked. Such a scene, no matter how you look at it, feels like hell on earth.

"Cain's ancestor, what's going on, is this made by heaven? How should we deal with it?"

"Mutu's ancestor, the dark fort was seriously damaged, and the casualties were huge. What should we do?"

"It can't go on like this, the two ancestors quickly think of a way."

"Ah... help, help..."

In the dark fort like a hell on earth, some people who were close to Cain and Mutu began to ask them how to solve the immediate danger.

While they were talking, they could still hear miserable cries.

But Cain and Mutu didn't speak directly to their inquiry, they were all staring at the closed banquet hall.

Others don't know what's going on in front of them, but they do.

These situations in the dark fort seem to be natural disasters. Of course, some powerful people can also forcibly change the color of the world.

But what happened in the dark castle was not caused by Heaven, but by Ji Yang in the banquet hall.

"Cain, you must stop him. If this continues, the secret castle will be destroyed."

"No, you can't stop him. If you stop him now, the Yellow Emperor won't be able to come to the world."

"I don't care about the Yellow Emperor or the Yellow Emperor. All I know is that the dark castle is the headquarters of the Dark Night Alliance. There are tens of thousands of members of the Dark Night Alliance here. Do you really want to destroy the Dark Night Alliance and kill these members because of a Yellow Emperor?"

Mutu was the only one who dared to quarrel with Cain in the entire Dark Night Alliance.

Mutu didn't know who the Yellow Emperor was, but he could see that Cain really wanted to see the Yellow Emperor, so when the first thunder and lightning appeared, he didn't try to stop him.

But the current situation is really too bad. As one of the founders of the Dark Night Alliance, Mutu can't continue to ignore it.

When Mutu spoke, his momentum had already begun to rise. It seemed that Mutu was not joking, but really planned to stop Ji Yang.

Seeing Mutu like this, Cain Mutu's eyes turned cold, red gas floated from his body, and his eyes glared at Mutu.

"Mutu, I told you, you can't disturb Ji Yang."

"Cain, are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of this going on? I have to stop him."

"If I say no, I won't. I will bear the consequences, but you must not bother Ji Yang now!"

Mutu saw Cain's anger, but he didn't intend to change his mind, and he still played resolutely to prevent Ji Yang from continuing.

With a movement of his body, Cain stood between Mutu and the gate, expressing his determination.

Cain didn't let Mutu disturb Ji Yang, not because he didn't know the serious consequences that would happen if everything continued, but because he had to stop Mutu.

For such a big commotion, Ji Yang must have used a Chinese artifact, although he still doesn't know what he used.

But with such a great power released by the artifact, Ji Yang himself must be under a lot of pressure.

Stopping Ji Yang now will not only prevent the Yellow Emperor from coming to the world, but Ji Yang will definitely suffer backlash, which will be very dangerous.

If tens of thousands of members of the Dark Night Alliance were put in danger just because he was worried about Ji Yang, would Cain care so much about Ji Yang's safety?

Of course not, he actually has another purpose, which is to use this opportunity to assess and eliminate members of the Dark Night Alliance.

The current Dark Night Alliance is far worse than when he and Mutu were still alive.

Dracula was controlled by Ji Yang, Cain still remembered this, Dracula is the leader of the Dark Night Alliance, don't be controlled by others.

Fortunately, Ji Yang didn't use Dracula to endanger the Dark Night Alliance, otherwise the current Dark Night Alliance would not know what it would be like.

And this matter comes down to one thing, that is, the strength is not enough.

Cain wanted to take advantage of this hell-like harsh environment to assess the members of the Dark Night Alliance in the dark castle.

If it survives, it means that the assessment has passed.

Those who died, it was only because they were too weak, and Cain would not feel heartache after death.

But Cain didn't tell these reasons, and Mutu couldn't think of it. He only thought that Cain was selfish.

"If you don't want to be resurrected and die again without even seeing the moon tonight, just wait for me!"

However, just when Mutu, who didn't know the situation, wanted to get mad at Cain again, the general's cold voice rang in his ears.

At the same time, he saw Jiangchen and Peng Caixuan walking towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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