The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2110 From today on you are my apprentice

Chapter 2110 From today on you are my apprentice

Ji Yang's feeling is not wrong, it is indeed the Lord Tongtian who has arrived.

Through the heaven-defying formation and through the cracks in the laws of the Three Realms, the Master Tongtian came to the mortal world.

Before the Lord Tongtian appeared, a golden light fell from the sky first. The golden light passed through the dark clouds in the sky, and the dark clouds dispersed. The gloomy Devil Delta area ushered in the sunshine that hadn't appeared for a long time.

A breath so powerful that it made people tremble appeared, whether it was Ji Yang's party or the snake dragon king, their bodies trembled.

"Heavenly Court has sent a powerful person down this time, with such a powerful aura, could it be that the Supreme Lord has come?"

He didn't see him, but through his breath, Ji Yang first thought of Taishang Laojun.

Because this is not the first time Ji Yang has come into contact with immortals, but among the immortals he has seen, only Taishang Laojun can have such a strong aura fluctuation.

Even Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen are worse than this breath.

"What a strong breath, this breath is stronger than me in my heyday, not weaker."

"Ji Yang, it seems that the people who came down from above this time are very powerful."

"With such a powerful aura, the higher ups really take care of you. It seems that they also know that the Wannian monster snake dragon king is not easy to deal with..."

When Ji Yang guessed who it was, Chi You and the others also said softly.

Through this breath, everyone is very satisfied with the visitor.

They felt that with the helper this time, it would be no problem to defeat the snake dragon king.

"Who, who is!"

Sensing the aura of Master Tongtian, the snake dragon king was obviously panicked.

This breath made him feel a sense of crisis.

He didn't feel this sense of crisis, even if Ji Yang and others joined forces.

But the aura that caused the surrounding dark clouds to disperse is really too strong.

Such a strong breath, it can be said that the snake dragon king has never encountered it for thousands of years.

He felt that even the Archangel, who had been in contact with him before, seemed so weak in front of this breath.

"Are you Xiaobai?"

When everyone was startled by the breath of Master Tongtian, Master Tongtian finally arrived.

The golden light disappeared, and the leader of Tongtian appeared in front of Ji Yang and others.

The black immortal energy on Master Tongtian's body was put away, his eyes turned to Ji Yang, and he asked in a calm voice.

"Uh... I am, may I ask which great immortal you are?"

Seeing the appearance of the leader of Tongtian, Ji Yang found that the other party was not Taishang Laojun.

But the aura on the opponent's body is the same as the aura emanating from the Taishang Laojun.

However, compared with Taishang Laojun's, the opponent's breath is slightly gloomy.

The attitude of the other party also made Ji Yang's heart tremble.

Why does Ji Yang feel that the other party's appearance is not very friendly?

"Da Xian? Hmph!"

"I am the Master of Tongtian."


This word was heard in the ears of the leader of Tongtian, which made the leader of Tongtian feel very disdainful.

Because many of the immortals regarded as great immortals by mortals are disciples and grandchildren of Master Tongtian.

"What, you are the leader of the Tongtian sect."

"Master Tongtian, you are Master Tongtian..."

When the leader of Tongtian reported his name, Ji Yang and the others were completely blown up.

Although speaking, Chi You, General Chen and Ying Gou appeared in China earlier than the time when the leader of Tongtian appeared in China.

Because they existed in the same period as Nuwa and Hongjun. (Hongjun and Nuwa are brothers and sisters)

But they have also heard about the name of the Master of Tongtian.

Sometimes, strength is something that cannot be judged sooner or later.

However, most of what Chi You and the generals knew about the leader of the Tongtian Church belonged to the prehistoric period.

But Ji Yang knew more about him, the master of cutting religion, the master of most of the gods and ghosts in the heaven and the underworld.

It's just that the Master Tongtian disappeared in the Three Realms for too long, but now he appeared in front of him, and Ji Yang's heartbeat accelerated.

"Why, are you doubting my identity?"

The personality of the Quintessence leader is obviously not as kind as the Taishang Laojun.

His appearance makes people feel colder.

There was a feeling of refusal from others, Ji Yang and others asked, making Master Tongtian frowned, and the aura on his body suddenly became stronger.

A black immortal energy appeared, surrounding the Master Tongtian.

"No, we're just a little surprised."

"The master of the sect, one of the Sanqing, I didn't expect that the heaven would let you come down to the earth to help. It's really a surprise."

Ji Yang has never seen the appearance of the leader of Tongtian, but the strength of the immortal energy on the other party cannot be faked.

Ji Yang believes that since he came from the sky, it is impossible to register his number randomly.

Especially the name of Master Tongtian.

If you talk nonsense that you are the leader of the Tongtian sect, after he returns to the heavenly court, those gods who originally belonged to the Jiejiao will not let him go.

"I was just speaking quickly, so I said that I would go down to help."

"But since I said it, I will definitely come to help. Is this the big guy who robbed the Eastern Emperor Bell?"

When Ji Yang spoke, the expression on his face was quite respectful.

With this appearance, Master Tongtian is very satisfied.

Instead of embarrassing Ji Yang, he turned his head to look at the snake dragon king.

Since the Lord Tongtian appeared, the snake dragon king has not attacked again.

The Snake Dragon King didn't move, not only because of the breath of Master Tongtian, but also because he was observing Master Tongtian, and wanted to find some flaws and weaknesses from Master Tongtian.

The Snake Dragon King already knew that Master Tongtian was here to help Ji Yang, and he would have a big fight with him next.

Although the Master Tongtian felt very strong, the snake dragon king would not directly admit it.

"Yes, he was the one who robbed the Eastern Emperor Bell."

"Then back off and let me catch him."

After confirming that it was undoubtedly the snake dragon king, Master Tongtian narrowed his eyes and looked at the snake dragon king with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

As for Chi You, General Chen and others beside Ji Yang, they were simply ignored by him.

Although the Master Tongtian is very powerful, Chi You and others are not vegetarians.

Chi You and the others were actually very annoyed that he was ignored.

But Ji Yang's eyes signaled them not to get angry, now is not the time for infighting.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for my physical body being destroyed, I certainly wouldn't count it like this today."

"Come on, let's go to the world in a pot to drink."

The current self can't even defeat the Snake Dragon King, let alone the Master Tongtian. Chi You knows this, so he chose to endure today.

After shouting to the generals and the others, he flew into the world in the pot first.

After the generals and others glanced at the leader of Tongtian, they also entered the world in the pot one after another.

At this moment, Ji Yang was the only one standing beside Tongtian Cult Master.

"Xuanyuan Sword, Demon Refining Pot, Shennong Cauldron, and I can get three Chinese artifacts. It looks like you have a good chance."

"Do you have a master?"

"Ah... master?"

"Yes, I asked if you have a master?"

"No, I don't have a master."

"Then you will be my apprentice from today, hurry up and learn from me."

When Master Tongtian heard that Ji Yang didn't have a master, he didn't even ask Ji Yang if he agreed, and directly asked Ji Yang to be his apprentice.

Ji Yang was dumbfounded, and stood there in a daze.

The Master Tongtian came down to earth, it should be to help him deal with the snake dragon king, why should he recognize himself as an apprentice now, things are going a little bit wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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