The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2115 Are you dead?

Chapter 2115 Are you dead?


The Purple Lightning Hammer of Tongtian Cult Master has withdrawn some power.

Otherwise, if the hammer goes down, the snake dragon king will definitely be violent.

But even with a little strength, Zi Lei hammered on the snake dragon king, and the snake dragon king was still in great pain.

This hammer is not only the power of the hammer falling, but also the power of lightning carried by the purple thunder hammer itself.

The power of thunder and lightning spread throughout the body of the snake dragon king, and the whole body of the snake dragon king was completely paralyzed by the thunder and lightning.

The whole body is torn apart, and there is no good skin left.

Ji Yang's eyes hurt when he saw the bursts of thunder light emitting from his body.


The thunder and lightning had completely wrapped the snake dragon king's body, and with an unwilling cry of pain, the snake dragon king's body fell from the air into the sea.


The body fell into the sea, and the splash was tens of meters high.

Red blood gushes out from under the water to the water surface, and the entire sea surface feels red with blood.

"Master, as I said just now, don't destroy the body of the snake dragon king, why are you still... hey..."

"You hammered just now, wouldn't his body explode completely? It's hard to find another one with such a strong body."

With one hammer, the snake dragon king was smashed into the sea, and the body of Tongtian leader had returned to normal.

Ji Yang came to the side of Master Tongtian, and when he spoke with a little reproach, he looked at the calm sea.

Although the sea surface is calm, the red water is still there.

The sea water seemed to be telling Ji Yang that everything that happened just now was true.

It was the first time for Master Tongtian to be accused by his apprentice.

But just now, he really forgot what Ji Yang said before.

He only thought about solving the snake dragon king, but didn't think about anything else.

"Such a powerful body is really hard to find."

"Whether the hammer just now will destroy him physically and mentally, I can't say now, let's take a look first."

Accusations are unpleasant, but the leader of Tongtian did not get angry with Ji Yang.

Anyway, Ji Yang said it in advance, but he forgot.

Moreover, Ji Yang seemed to be in a hurry, and the leader of Tongtian realized that he might have ruined some important event of Ji Yang.

This made it difficult for Master Tongtian to reprimand Ji Yang.

Although Master Tongtian has a bad temper and is very ruthless, don't think that Master Tongtian is unreasonable.

As one of the Sanqing, in terms of conduct, they are actually very good.

Master Tongtian is also a very reasonable person.

"Hey...Ji Yang, let me dive into the sea and have a look."

I haven't seen the snake dragon king come up, and I don't know if he is seriously injured or if he is really dead.

When Ji Yang was anxious, the little dragon girl flew out from the world in the pot.

She planned to go down to the sea to find out.

"I don't worry if you go down alone, I will go with you."

The snake dragon king also fell into the sea last time. That time, he was attacked by everyone and was finally kicked into the sea by Mutu.

At that time Xiaolongnv also asked to go down, but Ji Yang did not agree.

But this time is different, just now with the hammer of Master Tongtian, even if the snake dragon king is not dead, he must be crippled.

If you want to find out, the only way to go down to the sea is the best choice.

So Ji Yang did not veto Xiao Longnu's suggestion this time.

But for the sake of safety, Ji Yang couldn't let Xiao Longnv go down alone.

"Master, I will go down with Xiao Longnv to find out, if you find anything unusual, I will help you."

"Okay, then be careful."

Master Tongtian was not as surprised as others when he saw Xiaolongnv appear.

It's just a dragon, he has seen too much.

I have seen too many gods accompanied by dragons.

He has killed dragons, not to mention how many.

Even the golden dragon scissors in Sanxiao's hands were made by Tongtian Cult Master beheading the ancient Yin-Yang dragon.

So seeing Xiaolongnv, there is really nothing to be surprised about.

Ji Yang spoke to him, Master Tongtian nodded, and then saw Ji Yang riding on the body of Xiaolongnv, flying towards the sea.


Xiao Longnv took Ji Yang into the sea, and the calm sea rippled.

Master Tongtian stared at the sea surface, feeling every movement of the sea water.

When Xiao Longnu and Ji Yang entered the sea, the visibility was very low because the sea was stained red with blood.

It's really hard to tell what the surrounding situation is like.

But Ji Yang felt that the blood was coming up from below, that is to say, the snake dragon king should be at the bottom of the sea.

"I can still feel his breath. Although the breath is very weak, he is definitely not dead yet."

"Isn't it dead? That means the body should still be there, but I don't know if it's still usable after being struck by lightning just now."

The death of the snake dragon king is a good thing for Ji Yang, and saves a lot of trouble.

But it doesn't matter if the Snake Dragon King is dead, the body must be kept, it is really suitable for Chi You to give such a good body.

But now, although the snake dragon king is alive, his physical condition is unknown.

"Whether it works or not, just go down and find out. You sit still, and I'll take you down."

When a dragon enters the sea, it is as smooth as a fish in water.

Controlling her body, Xiao Longnu said something to Ji Yang, and then led Ji Yang to swim into the deep sea.

"Little Dragon Girl, withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

But just as Xiaolongnv went downstream for 40 meters, Ji Yang felt a strong force coming from the depths of the sea.

This power is not like that of the snake dragon king, but it is far stronger than the snake dragon king.

This force made Ji Yang uneasy, he quickly reminded Xiao Longnv to retreat.

Although Xiao Longnu was somewhat unwilling, she also felt the danger.

Turning his body in the sea, he quickly swam towards the sea surface.

Ji Yang sat on Xiaolongnv's body, lowered his head and looked into the sea.

He saw that the sea water below seemed to be squeezed by some force, and it was rushing upwards.

If it wasn't for Xiao Longnu's speed in the sea, they would definitely be swept in by the sea water.

"No, they are in danger."

At this time, the leader of Tongtian, who was above the sea, also felt a powerful force appearing in the sea.

When this force appeared, the body of the leader of Tongtian trembled. Even he felt the terror of this force.

Immortal energy surged in his body, and the Master Tongtian planned to go directly to the sea to find Ji Yang.

But before he reached the surface of the sea, he saw Xiao Longnv rushing out of the sea with Ji Yang.

"Are you all right? What's going on down there?"

"I don't know, I just felt a strong impact!"


"Back off!"

Seeing that Xiaolongnv and Ji Yang returned safely, the leader of Tongting felt relieved.

When Ji Yang answered the question of the leader of Tongtongtian, the sea water splashed a powerful water column like a fountain.

Master Tongtian asked Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv to back away, and released his immortal energy to block the water column.

Blocked by the water column, a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the sea, and vaguely, one could see a strong energy wrapping the body and splitting the flesh of the snake dragon king slowly emerging from the vortex.

"Hahaha, what a surprise, I will still be the Sea Dragon King standing at the end today!"

The figure slowly appeared, followed by the arrogant voice of the snake dragon king.

What kind of unexpected harvest makes the snake dragon king who is almost dead so confident...

(End of this chapter)

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